/** * Project : AMDA-NG * Name : PlotStandardForm.js * @class amdaPlotComp.PlotStandardForm * @extends Ext.form.Panel * @brief Standard Form used to define some options for a plot element * @author Benjamin Renard * @version $Id: PlotStandardForm.js benjamin $ */ Ext.define('amdaPlotComp.PlotStandardForm', { extend: 'Ext.form.Panel', requires : [ 'amdaPlotObj.PlotObjectConfig', 'amdaPlotComp.EraseTrigger' ], //Object associated to this form object: null, //Link to the tree crtTree: null, desableTickNumber:true, desableTickSpacing:true, constructor: function(config) { this.init(config); this.callParent(arguments); }, setObject : function(object) { this.object = object; this.loadRecord(this.object); }, //To override to add form components getFormItems: function() { return []; }, //Function called after element creation by PlotElementPanel updateElement: function(onAfterUpdate) { if (onAfterUpdate) onAfterUpdate(); }, // addStandardText: function(name, label, onChange) { return { xtype: 'textfield', name: name, fieldLabel: label, listeners: { change: function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this.object.set(name, newValue); if (onChange != null) onChange(name, newValue, oldValue); }, scope: this } }; }, addStandardFloat: function(name, label, min, max, allowBlank, onChange) { allowBlank = (typeof allowBlank !== 'undefined') ? allowBlank : false; return { xtype: 'numberfield', name: name, fieldLabel: label, decimalPrecision : 20, minValue : min, maxValue : max, allowBlank : allowBlank, listeners: { change: function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this.object.set(name, newValue); if (onChange != null) onChange(name, newValue, oldValue); }, scope: this } }; }, addStandardInteger: function(name, label, min, max, allowBlank, hidden,onChange) { allowBlank = (typeof allowBlank !== 'undefined') ? allowBlank : false; return { id:name, xtype: 'numberfield', name: name, fieldLabel: label, hidden : (hidden)? true:false, regex:/^\d+$/, decimalPrecision : 20, minValue : min, maxValue : max, allowBlank : allowBlank, listeners: { change: function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this.object.set(name, newValue); if (onChange != null) onChange(name, newValue, oldValue); }, scope: this } }; }, addStandardFloat2: function(name, label, min, max, allowBlank, hidden, onChange) { allowBlank = (typeof allowBlank !== 'undefined') ? allowBlank : false; return { id:name, xtype: 'textfield', name: name, fieldLabel: label, regex : /[-+]?(?:\d*\.?\d+|\d+\.?\d*)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/, hidden : (hidden)? true:false, validator: function (val) { var errMsg = null; if (!allowBlank && Ext.isEmpty(val)) { errMsg = 'Blank value not allowed'; } else if ((typeof min !== 'undefined') && (parseFloat(val) < min)) { errMsg = 'Min. allowed value is ' + min; } else if ((typeof max !== 'undefined') && (parseFloat(val) > max)) { errMsg = 'Max. allowed value is ' + max; } return errMsg ? errMsg : true; }, listeners: { change: function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this.object.set(name, newValue); if (onChange != null) onChange(name, newValue, oldValue); }, scope: this } }; }, addStandardCombo: function(name, label, availableData, onChange) { var comboStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { fields: ['key', 'value'], data : availableData }); return { xtype: 'combo', name: name, fieldLabel: label, store: comboStore, queryMode: 'local', displayField: 'value', valueField: 'key', editable: false, listeners: { change: function(combo, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (onChange != null) onChange(name, newValue, oldValue); this.object.set(name, newValue); }, scope: this } }; }, addStandardCheck: function(name, label, onChange) { return { xtype: 'checkbox', name: name, boxLabel: label, listeners: { change: function(combo, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this.object.set(name, newValue); if (onChange != null) onChange(name, newValue, oldValue); }, scope: this } }; }, addStandardFieldSet: function(title, checkboxName, items, onChangeCheck) { return { xtype: 'fieldset', cls : 'child-fieldset', title: title, collapsible: true, collapsed: true, checkboxName: checkboxName, checkboxToggle: checkboxName != '', layout: { type: 'vbox', pack: 'start', align: 'stretch' }, items: items, listeners: { expand: function(fieldset, eOpts) { if (checkboxName != '') { this.object.set(checkboxName, true); if (onChangeCheck != null) onChangeCheck(checkboxName, true, false); } }, collapse: function(fieldset, eOpts) { if (checkboxName != '') { this.object.set(checkboxName, false); if (onChangeCheck != null) onChangeCheck(checkboxName, false, true); } }, scope: this } }; }, addStandardFont: function(namePrefix) { var fontItems = [ this.addStandardCombo(namePrefix+'-name', 'Name', amdaPlotObj.PlotObjectConfig.availableFontNames), { xtype : 'toolbar', bodyStyle: { background : '#dfe8f6' }, border: false, items : [ { xtype: 'numberfield', name: namePrefix+'-size', fieldLabel: 'Size', labelWidth: 60, width: 150, maxValue: 32, minValue: 6, value: 12, listeners: { change: function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this.object.set(namePrefix+'-size', newValue); }, scope: this } }, ' ', { xtype: 'checkbox', name: namePrefix+'-bold', boxLabel: '<b>B</b>', width: 30, listeners: { change: function(combo, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this.object.set(namePrefix+'-bold', newValue); }, scope: this } }, { xtype: 'checkbox', name: namePrefix+'-italic', boxLabel: '<i>I</i>', width: 30, listeners: { change: function(combo, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this.object.set(namePrefix+'-italic', newValue); }, scope: this } } ] } ]; return this.addStandardFieldSet('Font', namePrefix+'-activated', fontItems); }, addStandardColor: function(name, label, availableData, onChange) { var comboStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { fields: ['color', 'value'], data : availableData }); return { xtype: 'combo', name: name, fieldLabel: label, store: comboStore, queryMode: 'local', displayField: 'value', valueField: 'color', editable: false, tpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate', '<ul class="x-list-plain"><tpl for=".">', '<li role="option" class="x-boundlist-item" style="color: {color};">{value}</li>', '</tpl></ul>' ), // template for the content inside text field displayTpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate', '<tpl for=".">', '{value}', '</tpl>' ), listeners: { change: function(combo, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this.object.set(name, newValue); if (onChange != null) onChange(name, newValue, oldValue); }, scope: this } }; }, addStandardParamDropTarget: function(name, label, onChange) { return { xtype: 'erasetrigger', name: name, fieldLabel: label, emptyText: 'Drop a parameter', listeners: { change: function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this.object.set(name, newValue); if (onChange != null) onChange(name, newValue, oldValue); }, afterrender: function(field, eOpts ){ var paramTarget = new Ext.dd.DropTarget(field.el.dom, { ddGroup: 'explorerTree', notifyEnter: function(ddSource, e, data) { }, notifyDrop: function(ddSource, e, data) { var selectedRecord = ddSource.dragData.records[0]; switch (selectedRecord.$className) { case 'amdaModel.LocalParamNode' : case 'amdaModel.RemoteParamNode' : case 'amdaModel.RemoteSimuParamNode' : if (!selectedRecord.get('isParameter') || selectedRecord.get('disable')) return false; if (selectedRecord.get('alias') != "" ) field.setValue("#"+selectedRecord.get('alias')); else field.setValue(selectedRecord.get('id')); return true; case 'amdaModel.AliasNode' : if (!selectedRecord.isLeaf()) return false; field.setValue("#"+selectedRecord.get('text')); return true; case 'amdaModel.DerivedParamNode' : if (!selectedRecord.isLeaf()) return false; field.setValue("ws_"+selectedRecord.get('text')); return true; case 'amdaModel.MyDataParamNode' : if (!selectedRecord.isLeaf()) return false; field.setValue("wsd_"+selectedRecord.get('text')); return true; default : return false; } return true; } } ); }, scope: this } }; }, addStandardDate: function(name, label, onChange) { return { xtype: 'datefield', name: name, format: 'Y/m/d H:i:s', enforceMaxLength : true, maxLength: 19, fieldLabel: label, listeners: { change: function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { this.object.set(name, newValue); if (onChange != null) onChange(name, newValue, oldValue); }, scope : this } }; }, addStandardLineItems: function(namePrefix) { return [ this.addStandardCombo(namePrefix+'-style', 'Style', amdaPlotObj.PlotObjectConfig.availableLinesStyles), this.addStandardFloat(namePrefix+'-width', 'Width', 1, 10), this.addStandardColor(namePrefix+'-color', 'Color', amdaPlotObj.PlotObjectConfig.availableColors) ]; }, addStandardSymbolsItems: function(namePrefix) { return [ this.addStandardCombo(namePrefix+'-type', 'Type', amdaPlotObj.PlotObjectConfig.availableSymbolsTypes), this.addStandardFloat(namePrefix+'-size', 'Size', 1, 10), this.addStandardColor(namePrefix+'-color', 'Color', amdaPlotObj.PlotObjectConfig.availableColors) ]; }, init : function(config) { var me = this; var myConf = { bodyPadding: 5, bodyStyle: { background : '#dfe8f6' }, border: false, layout: { type: 'vbox', pack: 'start', align: 'stretch' }, items: this.getFormItems() }; Ext.apply (this , Ext.apply (arguments, myConf)); } });