oldWs = new DomDocument("1.0");
$this->newWs = new DomDocument("1.0");
$this->ws_deleted = array();
$this->wsd_deleted = array();
private function getObsolete() {
$deletedXML = new DomDocument("1.0");
$deletedNodes = $deletedXML->getElementsByTagName('deleted');
$deleted = array();
foreach ($deletedNodes as $node)
$deleted[] = $node->getAttribute('xml:id');
return $deleted;
private function getNotreadyFunctions() {
$deletedXML = new DomDocument("1.0");
$deletedNodes = $deletedXML->getElementsByTagName('deleted');
$notready = array();
foreach ($deletedNodes as $node)
$notready[] = $node->getAttribute('xml:id');
return $notready;
private function getNotready() {
$deletedXML = new DomDocument("1.0");
$deletedNodes = $deletedXML->getElementsByTagName('deleted');
$notready = array();
foreach ($deletedNodes as $node)
$notready[] = $node->getAttribute('xml:id');
return $notready;
private function deleteParam($exp, $deleted)
$toDelete = false;
if (count($deleted) > 0)
foreach ($deleted as $item) {
if (strpos($exp, $item) !== false) {
$toDelete = true;
return $toDelete;
private function getWs($exp)
$ws = array();
if (strpos($exp, 'ws_') !== false) {
$arr = $this->delimitIt($exp);
foreach ($arr as $item) {
if (strpos($item, 'ws_') !== false)
$ws[] = substr($item,3);
return $ws;
return false;
private function delimitIt($chain) {
$delimiter = '[]+,/*()^<>&|=[-]+';
$array = split($delimiter,$chain);
if (trim(end($array)) == "") array_pop($array);
return $array;
private function getModified()
$convertXML = new DomDocument("1.0");
$modifiedFile = CONVERSIONDIR.'Modified.xml';
if (!$convertXML->load($modifiedFile))
error_log('ERROR loading '.$modifiedFile,1,email);
$convertedNodes = $convertXML->getElementsByTagName('param_convert');
foreach ($convertedNodes as $item) {
$pairs[$item->getAttribute('oldid')] = $item->getAttribute('xml:id');
krsort($pairs, SORT_NATURAL);
$this->pairs = $pairs;
private function getReprocessed()
$convertXML = new DomDocument("1.0");
$modifiedFile = CONVERSIONDIR.'PostProcess.xml';
if (!$convertXML->load($modifiedFile))
error_log('ERROR loading '.$modifiedFile,1,email);
$convertedNodes = $convertXML->getElementsByTagName('param_convert');
foreach ($convertedNodes as $item) {
$pairs[$item->getAttribute('oldid')] = $item->getAttribute('xml:id');
krsort($pairs, SORT_NATURAL);
$this->postPairs = $pairs;
private function getSpectra()
$convertXML = new DomDocument("1.0");
$modifiedFile = CONVERSIONDIR.'SpectraModifs.xml';
if (!$convertXML->load($modifiedFile))
error_log('ERROR loading '.$modifiedFile,1,email);
$convertedNodes = $convertXML->getElementsByTagName('deleted');
foreach ($convertedNodes as $item) {
$this->specParams[] = $item->getAttribute('xml:id');
private function updateParams($expression)
$newExp = strtr($expression, $this->pairs);
if (!empty($this->postPairs))
$expFinal = strtr($newExp, $this->postPairs);
return $expFinal;
protected function createDom()
$types = array('param' => 'derived', 'mydata' => 'myData');
$rootElement = $this->newWs->createElement('ws');
foreach ($types as $key => $value)
$contentId = $value.'Param-treeRootNode';
$contentTag = $key.'List';
$typeElement = $this->newWs->createElement($contentTag);
$typeElement->setAttribute('xml:id', $contentId);
public function urlExists($url)
$handle = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
$response = curl_exec($handle);
$httpCode = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if($httpCode >= 200 && $httpCode <= 400 || $httpCode == 403) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function checkWS()
// old ws
if (!$this->urlExists(OLDUSERPATH.TRANSFERUSER)) {
error_log('no '.TRANSFERUSER.' at old AMDA',1,email);
return array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Sorry, it seems you have no account at old AMDA');
if (!$this->urlExists($this->oldWsDir)) {
error_log('no ws.xml for '.TRANSFERUSER,1,email);
return array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Sorry, we failed to find your workspace at old AMDA');
return array('success' => true);
public function transferDerived()
$msg = '
Derived Params:
$msg .= 'Note : Parameters made from Remote Base parameters are not copied
if (!$this->oldWs->load($this->oldWsDir.'WsParams.xml')) {
error_log('cannot load WsParams.xml for '.TRANSFERUSER,1,email);
return array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Sorry, we failed to get your Derived Params from old AMDA');
if (!file_exists($this->newWsDir.'WsParams.xml'))
$deleted = $this->getObsolete();
$notready = $this->getNotready();
$notreadyFunctions = $this->getNotreadyFunctions();
$wsParamNode = $this->newWs->getElementsByTagName('paramList')->item(0);
$wsParamsOld = $this->oldWs->getElementsByTagName('param');
if ($wsParamsOld->length == 0) {
return array('success' => true, 'msg' => 'No parameters');
$paramXml = new DomDocument("1.0");
$msg .= 'Some expressions could have problems while being processed by new kernel
- Please send us feedback in this case.
Not copied derived parameters :
foreach ($wsParamsOld as $param) {
$id = $param->getAttribute('xml:id');
$name = $param->getAttribute('name');
$expression = $param->getAttribute('buildchain');
if ($this->deleteParam($expression,$deleted)) {
$msg .= ''.$name.' : uses obsolete param
// error_log( 'For INFO : DELETED '.$expression,1,email);
$this->ws_deleted[] = $name;
if ($this->deleteParam($expression,$notready)) {
$msg .= ''.$name.' : uses param not ready yet
// error_log( 'For INFO : DELETED '.$expression,1,email);
$this->ws_deleted[] = $name;
if ($this->deleteParam($expression,$notreadyFunctions)) {
$msg .= ''.$name.' : uses function not ready yet
// error_log( 'For INFO : DELETED '.$expression,1,email);
$this->ws_deleted[] = $name;
if (!empty($this->wsd_deleted))
if ($this->deleteParam($expression,$this->wsd_deleted)) {
$msg .= ''.$name.' : uses obsolete myData param
// error_log( 'For INFO : DELETED '.$expression,1,email);
$this->ws_deleted[] = $name;
if ($this->deleteParam($expression,array("CDAWEB","MAPSKP","VEXGRAZ","IMPEX"))) {
$msg .= ''.$name.' : uses remote params
$this->ws_deleted[] = $name;
if ($this->deleteParam($expression,$this->specParams)) {
$msg .= ''.$name.' : too much difference
$this->ws_deleted[] = $name;
$expressionUpdated = $this->updateParams($expression);
$expressionNode = $paramXml->getElementsByTagName('buildchain')->item(0);
$expressionNode->nodeValue = $expressionUpdated;
$nodeInWS = $this->newWs->getElementById($id);
if ($nodeInWS) {
$buildchain = $nodeInWS->getAttribute('buildchain');
$buildchainUpdated = $this->updateParams($buildchain);
// check of 'ws bricks' were deleted
$newParams = $this->newWs->getElementsByTagName('param');
$xp = new domxpath($this->newWs);
$paramsToRemove = array();
foreach ($newParams as $param) {
$id = $param->getAttribute('xml:id');
$name = $param->getAttribute('name');
$expression = $param->getAttribute('buildchain');
if ($wsParams = $this->getWs($expression)) {
foreach ($wsParams as $wsParam) {
$res = $xp->query("//param[@name='".trim($wsParam)."']");
if ($res->length == 0) {
if (file_exists($this->newWsDir.$id.'.xml')) { // Delete only once
$paramsToRemove[] = $param;
$this->ws_deleted[] = $name;
$msg .= ''.$name.' : uses obsolete / not ready ws param :
if (count($paramsToRemove) > 0)
foreach ($paramsToRemove as $paramToRemove) {
$copied = $newParams->length - count($paramsToRemove);
$msg .= '
Copied : '.$copied.' derived parameters
return array('success' => true, 'msg' => $msg);
public function transferTimeTables()
$msg = 'Time Tables:
// get old time tab list
$timeTabs = $this->newWs->getElementsByTagName('timetab');
if ($timeTabs->length == 0) {
$msg .= 'No time tables';
return array('success' => true, 'msg' => $msg);
foreach ($timeTabs as $tab) {
$id = $tab->getAttribute('xml:id');
copy($oldTtDir.$id.'.xml', $newTtDir.$id.'.xml');
$msg .= 'Copied : '.$timeTabs->length.' time tables
return array('success' => true, 'msg' => $msg);
public function transferConditions()
$msg = 'Requests
$msg .= 'Note : Plot requests are not copied : too much difference between new and old AMDA versions
$oldRequestXml = new DomDocument("1.0");
$newRequestXml = new DomDocument("1.0");
if (!@$oldRequestXml->load($this->oldWsDir.'Request.xml')){
$msg .= ' No Requests File
return array('success' => true, 'msg' => $msg);
$condNodes = $oldRequestXml->getElementsByTagName('condition');
if ($condNodes->length == 0) {
$msg .= ' no DataMining requests to copy
return array('success' => true, 'msg' => $msg);
if (!file_exists($this->newWsDir.'Request.xml')) {
$types = array('request', 'condition');
$rootElement = $newRequestXml->createElement('ws');
foreach ($types as $type)
$contentId = $type.'-treeRootNode';
$contentTag = $type.'List';
$typeElement = $newRequestXml->createElement($contentTag);
$typeElement->setAttribute('xml:id', $contentId);
$conditionRoot = $newRequestXml->getElementsByTagName('conditionList')->item(0);
$deleted = $this->getObsolete();
$notready = $this->getNotready();
$msg .= 'Some expressions could have problems while being processed by new kernel
- Please send us feedback in this case.
Not copied DataMining requests :
foreach ($condNodes as $condNode) {
$id = $condNode->getAttribute('xml:id');
$name = $condNode->getAttribute('name');
$cond = file($condDir.$id, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
$condObj = json_decode($cond[0]);
$expression = $condObj->expression;
if ($this->deleteParam($expression, $deleted)) {
$msg .= ''.$name.' : uses obsolete parameters
$cond_deleted[] = $name;
if ($this->deleteParam($expression,$notready)) {
$msg .= ''.$name.' : uses param not ready yet
// error_log( 'For INFO : DELETED '.$expression,1,email);
$cond_deleted[] = $name;
if (!empty($this->wsd_deleted))
if ($this->deleteParam($expression,$this->wsd_deleted)) {
$msg .= ''.$name.' : uses obsolete myData parameters
// error_log( 'For INFO : DELETED '.$expression,1,email);
$cond_deleted[] = $name;
if (!empty($this->ws_deleted))
if ($this->deleteParam($expression,$this->ws_deleted)) {
$msg .= ''.$name.' : uses obsolete derived parameters
// error_log( 'For INFO : DELETED '.$expression,1,email);
$cond_deleted[] = $name;
if ($this->deleteParam($expression,array("CDAWEB","MAPSKP","VEXGRAZ","IMPEX"))) {
$msg .= ''.$name.' : uses remote params
$cond_deleted[] = $name;
if ($this->deleteParam($expression,$this->specParams)) {
$msg .= ''.$name.' : too much difference
$cond_deleted[] = $name;
$expressionUpdated = $this->updateParams($expression);
$condObj->expression = $expressionUpdated;
file_put_contents(NEWUSERPATH.TRANSFERUSER."/REQ/".$id, json_encode($condObj));
return array('success' => true, 'msg' => $msg);
public function transferMyData()
$msg = '
MyData Parameters / My Files:
$msg.= 'Note : CEF format is not implemented
if (!$this->oldWs->load($this->oldWsDir.'WsParams.xml')) {
error_log('cannot load WsParams.xml for '.TRANSFERUSER,1,email);
return array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Sorry, we failed to get your MyData Params from old AMDA');
if (!file_exists($this->newWsDir.'WsParams.xml'))
$BaseXml = new DomDocument("1.0");
$FilesXml = new DomDocument("1.0");
// get old params
$wsdParamsOld = $this->oldWs->getElementsByTagName('mydata');
if ($wsdParamsOld->length == 0) {
return array('success' => true, 'msg' => 'You have no MyData parameters');
if (!$BaseXml->load(OLDUSERPATH.TRANSFERUSER.'/DATA/base.xml')) {
return array('success' => false, 'msg' => 'base description corrupted');
if (!$FilesXml->load($this->oldWsDir.'Files.xml')) {
return array('success' => false, 'msg' => 'files description corrupted');
$paramDom = new DomDocument("1.0");
$msg.= ' Not copied parameters :
foreach ($wsdParamsOld as $wsdParamOld) {
$format = $wsdParamOld->getAttribute('format');
$name = $wsdParamOld->getAttribute('name');
$id = $wsdParamOld->getAttribute('xml:id');
$mask = $wsdParamOld->getAttribute('mask');
if ($format == 'cef') {
$deletedVi[] = $mask;
$msg .= ''.$name.'
$this->wsd_deleted[] = 'wsd_'.$name;
else {
$desc = $wsdParamOld->getAttribute('desc');
$start = substr($desc,0,16).':00';
$stop = substr($desc,17).':00';
$wsdParamOld->setAttribute('desc', $start.'-'.$stop);
$descNode = $paramDom->getElementsByTagName('desc')->item(0);
$descNode->nodeValue = $start.'-'.$stop;
$fileFormat[$mask] = $format === 'txt' ? 'ASCII' : strtoupper($format);
// First delete CEF files
$xpBase = new domxpath($BaseXml);
if (count($deletedVi) > 0)
foreach ($deletedVi as $vi) {
$maskNode = $xpBase->query("//mask[.='".$vi."']");
if ( $maskNode->length == 0 )
error_log('No '.$vi.' in '.TRANSFERUSER.'/DATA/base.xml',1,email);
else {
$viNode = $maskNode->item(0)->parentNode;
// Then modify base.xml : xml:id => id
$viNodes = $BaseXml->getElementsByTagName('vi');
foreach ($viNodes as $viNode) {
$id = $viNode->getAttribute('xml:id');
$mask = $viNode->getElementsByTagName('mask')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$viNode->setAttribute('format', $fileFormat[$mask]);
$msg .= 'Not copied files :
$filesNodes = $FilesXml->getElementsByTagName('file');
foreach ($filesNodes as $file) {
$fileName = $file->getAttribute('name');
$format = $file->getAttribute('format');
if ($format == 'cef') {
$deletedFiles[] = $file->getAttribute('xml:id');
else {
$msg .= $fileName.'
if (count($deletedVi) > 0)
foreach ($deletedVi as $vi) {
$node = $BaseXml->getElementById($vi);
if ($node) {
if (count($deletedFiles) > 0)
foreach ($deletedFiles as $vi) {
$node = $FilesXml->getElementById($vi);
if ($node) {
$msg .= ''.$vi.'
return array('success' => true, 'msg' => $msg);
public function transferFilters()
$msg = '
if (!curl_init($this->oldWsDir.'Filters.xml')) {
return array('success' => true, 'msg' => 'No filters at old AMDA');
$filterXml = new DomDocument("1.0");
if (!$filterXml->load($this->oldWsDir.'Filters.xml')) {
return array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Cannot load filters from old AMDA');
$msg .= 'Filters have been copied';
return array('success' => true, 'msg' => $msg);
function sendMail($email, $msg)
$subject = 'Your workspace has been copied to new AMDA';
$headers = "From: amda@irap.omp.eu " . "\r\n".
"Reply-To: amda@irap.omp.eu " . "\r\n".
"Content-type: text/html\r\n";
$msg = "Your Workspace has been copied to new AMDA
mail($email, $subject, $msg, $headers);