#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <netcdf.h> #include <DD.h> #define THIS_OK 1 #define UNKNOWN_TIME_FORMAT -100 /************************** Function prototypes **************************/ void handle_netcdf_error (int); double ISO2Double(char *); main(int argc, char **argv) { int ncID, timeID, newTimeID, ndims, dimids[NC_MAX_DIMS]; nc_type type; size_t len, nrecs; double *time_double; char varname[NC_MAX_NAME]; int i, ii, j, status, nvars; dd_time_t Time; char IsoTime[24]; static size_t TimeStart[2] = {0L,0L}; static size_t TimeCount[2] = {1L,17L}; char SpecialSymbol[9] = {' ', '#', '%', '@', '+', '.', '>', '<', '-'}; if (argc <= 1) { printf("Incorrect number of arguments\n"); exit(0); } /* open nc file to write */ if((status = nc_open(argv[1],NC_WRITE|NC_SHARE,&ncID)) != NC_NOERR){ printf("%d",status); exit(0); } if ((status = nc_inq_varid(ncID, "Time", &timeID)) != NC_NOERR) { timeID = 0; } if ((status = nc_inq_vartype(ncID, timeID, &type)) != NC_NOERR) { printf("%d",status); exit(0); } if (type == NC_DOUBLE) { printf("%d", THIS_OK); exit(0); } if (type != NC_CHAR) { printf("%d", UNKNOWN_TIME_FORMAT); exit(0); } if ((status = nc_inq_varndims(ncID, timeID, &ndims)) != NC_NOERR) { printf("%d", status); exit(0); } if ((status = nc_inq_vardimid(ncID, timeID, dimids)) != NC_NOERR){ printf("%d", status); exit(0); } if ((status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncID,dimids[1], &len)) != NC_NOERR){ printf("%d", status); exit(0); } if ((status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncID,dimids[0], &nrecs)) != NC_NOERR){ printf("%d", status); exit(0); } //TODO all possible char formats if (len != 17 && len != 23 && len != 24) { printf("%d", UNKNOWN_TIME_FORMAT); exit(0); } time_double = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*nrecs); if (len == 17) { for (i = 0; i < nrecs; i++) { if ((status = nc_get_vara_text(ncID, timeID, TimeStart, TimeCount, Time)) != NC_NOERR){ printf("%d", status); exit(0); } TimeStart[0]++; time_double[i] = DD_Time2Double(Time); } } else { TimeCount[1] = len; for (i = 0; i < nrecs; i++) { if ((status = nc_get_vara_text(ncID, timeID, TimeStart, TimeCount, IsoTime)) != NC_NOERR){ printf("%d", status); exit(0); } TimeStart[0]++; time_double[i] = ISO2Double(IsoTime); } } /* get info on number of variables */ status = nc_inq_nvars(ncID, &nvars); status = nc_redef(ncID); for (j = 0; j < nvars; j++) { /* get the name of variable by its ID */ status = nc_inq_varname(ncID, j, varname); /* Replace special symbols with underscore(s) */ for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) for (i = 0; i < strlen(varname); i++) { if (varname[i] == SpecialSymbol[ii]) varname[i] = '_'; } /* Rename the variable */ status = nc_rename_var(ncID, j, varname); nc_sync(ncID); } status = nc_rename_var(ncID, timeID, "TimeString"); status = nc_def_var(ncID, "Time", NC_DOUBLE, 1, &dimids[0], &newTimeID); status = nc_enddef(ncID); status = nc_put_var_double(ncID,newTimeID,time_double); nc_sync(ncID); printf("%d", THIS_OK); status = nc_close(ncID); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Handles a netCDF error. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void handle_netcdf_error(int status) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", nc_strerror(status)); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ISO time to DD Double (UNIX) * 2007-07-12T13:08:02.000 *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ double ISO2Double(char *IsoTime) { dd_tmstr_t *Time; int UT[7]; sscanf(IsoTime, "%d-%d-%dT%d:%d:%d.%d", &UT[0],&UT[1],&UT[2],&UT[3],&UT[4],&UT[5],&UT[6]); Time = (dd_tmstr_t *)UT2double(UT); return Time->times; }