<?php /** * @api {get} getCatalog.php getCatalog * @apiDescription Provides the contents of a Time Table (TT). * @apiName getCatalog * @apiGroup webservices * * @apiParam {String} catID Identifier of the Catalog, as defined in the file returned by the « getCatalogsList » service. * @apiParam {String} [userID] Identifier of the user in AMDA (*mandatory for user owned data*) * @apiParam {String} [password] Password of the user in AMDA (*mandatory for user owned data*) * @apiParam {String} [outputFormat] Format of the returned file (VOTable by default). Available options: `VOTable`, `ASCII` and `HPEvent`. * * @apiSuccess {String} success `true` * @apiSuccess {String} catFileURL URL of the XML file containing the Catalog (VOTable format) * * @apiSuccessExample Success-Response: * HTTP/1.1 200 OK * [success] => 1 * [ttFileURL] => http://amda.irap.omp.eu/AMDA/data/WSRESULT/catalog_userID_20180919_cat_0.xml * * @apiErrorExample Error-Response: * {"error":"No such table sharedcatalog_100 for user impex"} */ require_once '../config.php'; $amda_ws = new WebServer(); $result = $amda_ws->getCatalog($_GET); if ($result['success']){ echo $result['catFileURL']; } else { echo $result['message']; } ?>