<h2><img src="js/resources/images/16x16/view_tree.png" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;"/>Resources Tree: Time Tables</h2> <p> There are two different <b><i>Time Tables</i></b> types in AMDA - common (<i>shared</i>) and private (<i>my</i>). <b><i>My Time Tables</i></b> are visible to the owner only while <b><i>Shared Time Tables</i></b> are open to the whole community.</p><br/> <p> Time Tables can be generated by <b><i>DataMining module</i></b>, or you may create them manually during Interactive Plot Session, or upload from your local machine or from URL. All your time tables are stored in your WS and <b>can be used as input times</b> for AMDA modules. </p><br/> <p>To access the TimeTable context menu <b>right click</b> the node in the TimeTable subtree. Note that menu depends on the type of the node clicked (root, folder, leaf..).<br/> <b><i>Edit TimeTable</i></b> context menu item (or <b>double click</b> the time table name) opens <b><i>Manage TimeTables</i></b> module. </p><p> <img class="centered" src="help/images/tt_1.png"/> </p>