<h2> Pioneer 10 Magnetometer data at AMDA </h2> <UL> <li> Pioneer 10 Magnetometer data are taken from: <UL> <li> the PDS (Planetary Data System) <a href="http://ppi.pds.nasa.gov/index.jsp" TARGET=_BLANK>site</a>, for Jupiter flyby datasets <li> the CDAWeb (Coordinated Data Analysis Web) <a href="http://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/" TARGET=_BLANK>site</a>, for cruise dataset </UL> <li> Available coordinates : <UL> <li> <b>RTN</b> : R (radial component, Sun to the spacecraft), T (tangential component, parallel to the Solar Equatorial plane and perpendicular to R), and N (normal component, completes right handed set) <li> <b>System III</b> : R is along the Jupiter to spacecraft line, positive away from Jupiter. Phi is parallel to the Jovigraphic equator (Omega x R). Theta completes the right-handed set </UL> <li> <TABLE BORDER CELLPADDING=5> <TR> <TH align="center"> Source </TH> <TH align="center"> Datasets </TH> <TH align="center"> Status </TH> <TH align="center"> Last Update </TH> </TR> <TR> <TD> <a href="http://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/misc/NotesP.html#PIONEER10_COHO1HR_MERGED_MAG_PLASMA" TARGET=_BLANK>PIONEER10_COHO1HR_MERGED_MAG_PLASMA</a> </TD> <TD> Cruise </TD> <TD> - </TD> <TD> 2012-01-03</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <a href="http://ppi.pds.nasa.gov/search/view/?f=yes&id=pds://PPI/PN_5001" TARGET=_BLANK>PN_5001</a> </TD> <TD> Jupiter_SYS3 - Jupiter_HR_SYS3 </TD> <TD> Uncertified </TD> <TD> 2012-01-03 </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </UL>