 * Project   : AMDA-NG
 * Name      : TimeSelectorUI.js
 * @class      amdaUI.TimeSelectorUI
 * @extends    Ext.form.FieldSet
 * @brief    common component to select Time in searchModule, plotModule
 * 					and downloadModule
 * @author 	 Myriam
 * @version  $Id: TimeSelectorUI.js 2135 2014-02-25 13:37:18Z elena $
 * @todo Validations 

    extend: 'Ext.form.FieldSet',
    requires : 
    setTTTab: function(arrayTT) 
        var arrayRec = new Array();
        var index = 1;
        if (arrayTT)
            index = 0;            
                // adding the time table to the TTGrid
                if (!item.$className)
                        //json case
                        var r = Ext.create('amdaModel.TTobject', { id: item.id, name: item.timeTableName });
                        //TTobject case
        this.activeTab = amdaModel.AmdaTimeObject.inputTimeSrc[index];
        // name of RadioGroup in every TimeSelector object should be UNIQUE: 
        // RadioManager is a singleton working with getByName !!!!!	
        var obj = new Object();  	 
        obj['timesrc_' + this.id] =  this.activeTab;        
        if (index === 0) this.TTGrid.getStore().loadData(arrayRec);
    addTT : function(newTTName,newTTid)
        // set the TimeTable radio checked
        var obj = new Object();  
        obj['timesrc_'+this.id] =  amdaModel.AmdaTimeObject.inputTimeSrc[0]; /*'TimeTable'*/
        // search for an existing record in store with this unique name
        var existingIndex = this.TTGrid.store.findExact( 'name', newTTName);
        // if no corresponding TT found
        if (existingIndex == -1){
            // adding the time table to the TTGrid  
            var r = Ext.create('amdaModel.TTobject', { id: newTTid, name: newTTName });
    getActiveTimeSource: function()
    	return this.timeSrc.getActiveTab().getItemId(); 
    initComponent: function() 
        this.activeField = null;
        var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', 
            model: 'amdaModel.TTobject'	

        var me = this;
        this.TTGrid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', 
            itemId: 1, 	    
            store : store,
                Ext.create('Ext.grid.RowNumberer', { width: 20 } ),
                { header: "Time Table or Catalog Name", dataIndex: 'name', flex:1, sortable : false, menuDisabled: true },
                  menuDisabled: true,  width: 30, renderer: function()
                        return'<div class="icon-remover" style="width: 15px; height: 15px;"></div>';
            listeners : {
                    render : function(o,op) {
                    var el = this.getEl();
                    var dropTarget = Ext.create('Ext.dd.DropTarget', el, {
                        ddGroup: 'explorerTree',
                        notifyOver  : function(ddSource, e, data)
                                if ((data.records[0].get('nodeType') == 'timeTable' || 
                                	 data.records[0].get('nodeType') == 'sharedtimeTable' ||
                                	 data.records[0].get('nodeType') == 'catalog' ||
                                	 data.records[0].get('nodeType') == 'sharedcatalog') && (data.records[0].get('leaf')))
                                    this.valid = true;
                                    return this.dropAllowed;
                                this.valid = false;
                                return this.dropNotAllowed;
                        notifyDrop  : function(ddSource, e, data) 
                                if (!this.valid) return false;
                                	var explorerModule = myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.explorer.id);
                                	if (!explorerModule)
                                		return false;
                                    var targetModuleId = explorerModule.getPinedModule(); 
                                    var targetModule = myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(targetModuleId);
                                    if (targetModule)
                                    	targetModule.getUiContent().addTT(data.records[0].get('text'),data.records[0].get('id'), me.getId());
                            return true;

        this.TTGrid.on('cellclick', function(view, cell, cellIndex, record, row, recordIndex, e)
        	if (cellIndex == 2)
        }, this);

        this.intervalSel = Ext.create('amdaUI.IntervalUI', 
                itemId: 2,
                listeners : 
                  render : function(o,op) 
                    var me = this;
                    var el = me.getEl(); 
                    var dropTarget = Ext.create('Ext.dd.DropTarget', el, {
                        ddGroup: 'explorerTree',
                        notifyOver  : function(ddSource, e, data) 
                            if ((data.records[0].get('nodeType') == 'myDataParam' || data.records[0].get('nodeType') == 'localParam')
                                &&  data.records[0].get('isParameter'))
                                  this.valid = true;
                                  return this.dropAllowed;
                                this.valid = false;
                                return this.dropNotAllowed;
                        notifyDrop  : function(ddSource, e, data)
                          if (!this.valid) return false;
                          var module = myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.interactive_plot.id);
                          if (module && module.multiSelector) 
                              var targetWin  = myDesktopApp.desktop.getWindow(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.interactive_plot.id);
                              targetWin.items.items[0].setTimeFromData({ start : data.records[0].get('globalStart'),
                                                                         stop  : data.records[0].get('globalStop')});      
                        	  var explorerModule = myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.explorer.id);
                        	  if (!explorerModule)
                        		  return false;
                              var targetModuleId = explorerModule.getPinedModule();                                
                              var targetModule = myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(targetModuleId);                              
                              targetModule.getUiContent().setTimeFromData({ start : data.records[0].get('globalStart'),
                                                                            stop  : data.records[0].get('globalStop')});     
                        return true;
        this.timeSrc = new Ext.tab.Panel(
            	layout: 'fit',
            	plain: true,
            	bodyStyle: 'background: none',
                	  title: 'Interval',
                	  layout: 'fit',
                	  bodyStyle: 'background: none',
                	  itemId: amdaModel.AmdaTimeObject.inputTimeSrc[1],//'Interval'
                	  items: [
                	  title: 'Time Table or Catalog',
                	  layout: 'fit',
                	  itemId: amdaModel.AmdaTimeObject.inputTimeSrc[0],//'TimeTable'
                	  items: [
        var config = 
                title: (!this.title) ? 'Time Selection' : this.title,
                layout: 'fit',
        Ext.apply(this, config);