/** * Project : AMDA-NG * Name : ParamEditorPlugin.js * @plugin amdaUI.ParamEditorPlugin * @extends Ext.util.Observable * @ptype paramEditorPlugin * @brief * @author * @version $Id: ParamEditorPlugin.js 2259 2014-04-02 12:22:26Z elena $ ******************************************************************************** * FT Id : Date : Name - Description ******************************************************************************* * : */ Ext.define('amdaUI.ParamEditorPlugin', { extend: 'Ext.AbstractPlugin', alias: 'plugin.paramEditorPlugin', requires : [ 'amdaModel.ArgGroups' ], titles: null, y2axe: null, win: null, // calculate number of fieldsets added - to avoid rendering problem fieldsetNumber: 0, height : 150, confCombo : { width: 150, labelAlign: 'top', margin: '5 10 0 0', queryMode: 'local', editable: false, displayField: 'value' }, confField : { width: 150, labelAlign: 'top', allowDecimals : false, hideTrigger: true, margin : '5 10 0 0' }, configFS : {layout:'column'}, init: function(cmp) { this.hostCmp = cmp; this.hostCmp.on('openParamEditor', this.onOpen, this); if (!this.titles) { this.titles = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); this.titles.addAll([{ name: 'xTitle', label: 'X Title' }, { name: 'yTitle', label: 'Y Title' }]); } if (!this.y2axe) { this.y2axe = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); this.y2axe.addAll([{ xtype: 'textfield', name: 'y2Title', label: 'Y2 Title'}, { xtype: 'numberfield', name: 'y2RangeMin', label: 'Y2min'}, { xtype: 'numberfield', name: 'y2RangeMax', label: 'Y2max'}]); } }, apply: function() { var args = this.form.getForm().getValues(this.record.isLeaf()); if (this.record.isLeaf()) { //arguments for some special parameters if (this.record.get('needsArgs')) { var argsDownload = this.form.getForm().getValues(); this.record.set('downloadParamArgs',argsDownload); } this.record.set('paramArgs',args); } else { var panelArgs = ''; if(args.xTitle) { this.record.set('xTitle', args.xTitle); panelArgs += 'Xtitle'; } if(args.yTitle) { this.record.set('y1Title', args.yTitle); panelArgs += ' Ytitle'; } this.record.set('panelArgs', panelArgs); } this.win.close(); }, reset: function() { this.form.getForm().reset(); }, onOpen: function(record) { var str = record.get('paramArgs'); if ( str && str !== 'select...') { this.values = []; var arr = str.split('&'); if (arr.length > 1) { this.values = []; Ext.each(arr, function(item) { var obj = item.split('='); this.values.push({ id : obj[0], value: obj[1] }); }, this); } else { var obj = str.split('='); this.values.push({id : obj[0], value: obj[1]}); } } if ( str && str == 'select...') this.values = null; if (this.win) this.win.close(); this.record = record; // this.paramId = record.get('name'); this.getFormConfig(record.isLeaf(), function(items) { this.win = new Ext.Window({ id: 'parameditor-win-'+this.hostCmp.id, width: 550, height: this.height, x: 0, y: 0, baseCls:'x-panel', title: 'Select Arguments for ' + this.paramId, layout: 'fit', constrain: true, ghost: false, renderTo: this.hostCmp.ownerCt.getId(), items: items, listeners: { scope: this, beforeclose: function(){ Ext.PluginManager.unregister(this); }, show: function(){ if (this.values) { //TODO defer - if not - values are not set - which event to use? //Ext.Function.defer(function(){ this.form.getForm().setValues(this.values); //}, 500, this); } this.form.doLayout(); } }, getConstrainVector: function(constrainTo){ var me = this; if (me.constrain || me.constrainHeader) { constrainTo = constrainTo || (me.floatParent && me.floatParent.getTargetEl()) || me.container || me.el.getScopeParent(); return (me.constrainHeader ? me.header.el : me.el).getConstrainVector(constrainTo); } } }); if (this.fieldsetNumber > 0) { if (this.fieldsetNumber > 1) this.win.setHeight(this.height * this.fieldsetNumber); this.win.show(); Ext.PluginManager.register(this); this.fieldsetNumber = 0; } else { myDesktopApp.infoMsg("This parameter has no arguments"); this.values = null; } }); }, loadArgsStore: function(items,successfn) { var argStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store',{model: 'amdaModel.ArgGroups'}); //is sent to server to find parameter XML description argStore.getProxy().extraParams.paramID = this.paramId; argStore.getProxy().extraParams.application = 'plot'; argStore.load({ scope : this, callback: function(records, operation, success) { if (success && records[0].get('group') != 'nok') { this.simpleGroup = false; this.settingGroup = false; argStore.each(function(grp){ var args = grp.args(); var units = grp.get('units'); if (grp.get('groupE') || grp.get('groupEmulti')) { var fieldsetSpectro = new Ext.form.FieldSet({ layout:'hbox', height: 25 }); //plot type radio group var radioGroup = new Ext.form.RadioGroup({ layout : 'hbox', items: [ {boxLabel: 'Spectrogram', name: 'plot', inputValue: 'spectro', checked: true, listeners: { scope : this, change: function (cb, nv, ov) { if (nv == ov) return; var fs = Ext.getCmp('energyFieldSet'); if (nv) fs.disable(); else fs.enable(); } } }, {boxLabel: 'Time Serie', name: 'plot', inputValue: 'serie', margin : '0 0 0 20' } ]}); fieldsetSpectro.add(radioGroup); var isMulti = false; var argsN = args.count(); var argMin = args.first(); var argMax = args.getAt(argsN-1); var title = grp.get('groupE') || grp.get('groupEmulti'); if (grp.get('groupEmulti')) isMulti = true; var fieldset = new Ext.form.FieldSet({layout:'hbox', height: 70, id : 'energyFieldSet'}); var suffix = 'Min'; var argValue = argMin; for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var label = title + suffix; var fieldlabel = label + ' ' +units; if (isMulti){ var config = {name: label, fieldLabel: fieldlabel, minValue: argValue, maxValue: argMax, value: argValue.get('value')}; Ext.applyIf(config, this.confField); var combo = new Ext.form.field.Number(config); } else { var config = {name: label, fieldLabel: fieldlabel, store: args, value: argValue}; this.confCombo.valueField = 'value'; Ext.applyIf(config, this.confCombo); var combo = new Ext.form.field.ComboBox(config); } fieldset.add(combo); var suffix = 'Max'; argValue = argMax; } fieldset.disable(); this.form.add(fieldsetSpectro); this.fieldsetNumber++; this.form.add(fieldset); } else { var title = grp.get('group') || grp.get('groupS'); if (title) { if (units) label = title + ' ' + units; else label = title; var argsN = args.count(); var argMin = args.first(); if (argsN > 1) { //combo var config = { name : title, fieldLabel : label, displayField : 'value', valueField : 'arg', store : args, value : args.first().get('arg') }; Ext.applyIf(config, this.confCombo); var newField = new Ext.form.field.ComboBox(config); } else if (argMin && argMin.get('value')) { var config = {name: title, fieldLabel: label, value: argMin.get('value')}; Ext.applyIf(config, this.confField); //text if (isNaN(parseInt(argMin.get('value')))) { var newField = new Ext.form.field.Text(config); newField.setReadOnly(true); } //number else var newField = new Ext.form.field.Number(config); } else return; if (grp.get('group')) { if (!this.simpleGroup) this.fieldsetSimple = new Ext.form.FieldSet(this.configFS); this.simpleGroup = true; this.fieldsetSimple.add(newField); } else { if (!this.settingGroup) this.fieldsetSetting = new Ext.form.FieldSet(this.configFS); this.settingGroup = true; this.fieldsetSetting.add(newField); } } } }, this); this.fieldsetNumber++; if (this.simpleGroup) this.form.add(this.fieldsetSimple); if (this.settingGroup) this.form.add(this.fieldsetSetting); if (successfn) successfn.call(this,items); } else { myDesktopApp.errorMsg("Cannot load parameter arguments!"); } } }); }, getFormConfig: function(isParam,successfn){ this.form = new Ext.form.Panel( { frame: true, buttonAlign: 'left', autoScroll: true, layout: { type: 'vbox', align : 'stretch', autoSize: true}, fbar: [ { text: 'Apply', scope : this, handler: this.apply }, { text: 'Reset', scope : this, handler: this.reset } ] }); // Get parameter arguments from Server if (isParam) this.loadArgsStore(this.form,successfn); // Additional Panel arguments else { var fieldset = new Ext.form.FieldSet(this.configFS); var isDisabled, value; var plotType = this.record.get('plotType'); this.titles.each(function(item){ isDisabled = (plotType == 'TIME' && item['label'] == 'X Title'); value = isDisabled ? 'Time' : this.record.get(item['name']); var textField = new Ext.form.field.Text({ width: 150, labelAlign: 'top', margin: '5 10 0 0', name: item['name'], value: value, disabled: isDisabled, fieldLabel: item['label'] }); fieldset.add(textField); }, this); this.fieldsetNumber++; this.form.add(fieldset); var y2disable = this.record.childNodes.length == 1; var fieldsetY = new Ext.form.FieldSet(this.configFS); this.y2axe.each(function(item){ var textField = new Ext.form.field.Text({ width: 100, labelAlign: 'top', margin: '5 10 0 0', name: item['name'], fieldLabel: item['label'], disabled: y2disable }); fieldsetY.add(textField); }, this); this.fieldsetNumber++; this.form.add(fieldsetY); if (successfn) successfn.call(this,this.form); } return this.form; } });