type = $type;
if ($type == 'derivedParam')
$this->contentRootId = 'derivedParam-treeRootNode';
$this->contentRootTag = 'paramList';
//node attributes and object XML tags
$this->attributes = array('name' => '', 'buildchain' => '', 'timestep' => '', 'dim_1' => '1', 'dim_2' => '1', 'units'=>'undefined', 'sampling_mode'=>'', 'reference_param'=>'');
// + tags in object XML
$this->optionalAttributes = array('description' => 'undefined', 'ytitle' => 'undefined');
$this->objTagName = 'param';
$this->id_prefix = 'ws_';
$this->contentRootId = 'myDataParam-treeRootNode';
$this->contentRootTag = 'myDataList';
//node attributes and object XML tags
$this->attributes = array('name' => '',
'size' => ' ',
'format' => '',
'desc' => '',
'mask' => '',
'minsampling' => '',
'plottype' => '');
$this->optionalAttributes = array('vi' => 'undefined',
'realvar' => '',
'fillvalue' => -1.e31,
'units' => 'undefined',
'ytitle' => 'undefined',
'file' => '',
'type' => '');
$this->objTagName = 'mydata';
$this->id_prefix = 'wsd_';
$this->type = 'myDataParam';
if (!file_exists($this->xmlName))
$this->xp = new domxpath($this->contentDom);
protected function param2dd($paramID)
$pairs = array(":" => "_");
return strtr($paramID, $pairs);
protected function createDom()
$types = array('param' => 'derived', 'mydata' => 'myData');
$rootElement = $this->contentDom->createElement('ws');
foreach ($types as $key => $value)
$contentId = $value.'Param-treeRootNode';
$contentTag = $key.'List';
$typeElement = $this->contentDom->createElement($contentTag);
$typeElement->setAttribute('xml:id', $contentId);
* Rename PARAM in id.xml
protected function renameInResource($name, $id)
if (!file_exists(USERWSDIR.$id.'.xml')) return false;
$this->objectDom -> load(USERWSDIR.$id.'.xml');
if (!($objToRename = $this->objectDom->getElementById($id))) return false;
$objToRename -> getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->nodeValue = $name;
$this->objectDom ->save(USERWSDIR.$id.'.xml');
return true;
* Check file id.xml if difference is name only
protected function renameOnly($p)
$oldObject = new DomDocument("1.0");
$oldObject -> load(USERWSDIR.$p->id.".xml");
foreach ($p as $key => $value)
if ($key != 'id')
if ($oldObject->getElementsByTagName($key)->length == 0) return false;
if ($key != "name" && $oldObject->getElementsByTagName($key)->item(0)->nodeValue != $value) return false;
return true;
* Create Parameter
public function createParameter($p, $folder)
// overwritten
if ($this->objectExistsByName($p->name))
$p->id = $this->getObjectIdByName($p->name);
$this->id = $this->setId();
if (!$this->id) return array('error' => ID_CREATION_ERROR);
$this->descFileName = USERWSDIR.$this->id.'.xml';
$fileExists = -1;
//if alias exists, replace alias name by parameter name
if ($this->type == 'derivedParam')
if (file_exists(USERWSDIR.'Alias.xml')) {
$p->buildchain = $this->resetAlias($p->buildchain);
$p->last_update = time();
// switch between myData and Derived
$this->addToContent($p, $folder);
$info = $p->buildchain.'
if(isset($p->units) && $p->units != "undefined")
$info .= 'Units: '.$p->units.'
if($p->sampling_mode == 'timestep'){
$info .= 'Sampling Time: '.$p->timestep;
}else if($p->sampling_mode == 'refparam'){
$info .= 'Reference Parameter: '.$p->reference_param;
return array('id' => $this->id, 'info' => $info, 'dim_1' => $p->dim_1, 'dim_2' => $p->dim_2, 'last_update' => $p->last_update);
// myData parameter
$isSpectra = $p->plottype === 'Spectra';
$this->BaseManager = new BaseManager();
$oldMask = $this->BaseManager->getOldMask($p->mask);
$myFileMgr = new FilesMgr();
// separate files without mask - check that file exists
$fileExists = $this->BaseManager->getVI($p->mask);
if ($fileExists < 0)
$p->vi = $this->BaseManager->addVI($p->mask, $p->format);
$p->desc = $this->BaseManager->getViDesc($p->vi);
if (!$oldMask)
$p->vi = $this->BaseManager->getVI($p->mask);
$p->desc = $this->BaseManager->getViDesc($p->vi);
if ($oldMask)
$this->updateMaskMydata($oldMask, $p->mask, $p->vi, $p->desc);
//Add table definition
if (isset($p->tableDef))
$tableNodes = $this->objectDom->getElementsByTagName('tableDef');
if ($tableNodes->length > 0)
$tableNode = $tableNodes->item(0);
$tableNode = $this->objectDom->createElement('tableDef');
//remove previous definition if exist
while ($tableNode->firstChild)
//add definition
$tableNode->setAttribute('tableDefType', $p->tableDef->tableDefType);
$tableNode->setAttribute('channelsDefType', $p->tableDef->channelsDefType);
$tableNode->setAttribute('tableName', $p->tableDef->tableName);
$tableNode->setAttribute('tableUnits', $p->tableDef->tableUnits);
if (isset($p->tableDef->data))
foreach ($p->tableDef->data as $key => $value)
$tablePropNode = $this->objectDom->createElement($key);
$tablePropNode->nodeValue = $value;
$tableNode -> appendChild($tablePropNode);
$this->addToContent($p, $folder);
$info = "Size: ".$p->size."
Sampling: ".$p->minsampling."
Mask: ".$p->mask;
if ($myFileMgr -> addMask($p->mask)){
return array('id' => $this->id, 'size' => $p->size, 'mask' => $p->mask, 'info' => $info, 'isSpectra' => $isSpectra, 'updateMyData' => true);
return array('id' => $this->id, 'size' => $p->size, 'mask' => $p->mask, 'info' => $info, 'isSpectra' => $isSpectra);
* Start-Stop was changed - update in in MyDataParam
public function updateMydata($mask, $desc)
$mydatas = $this->xp->query("//mydata[@mask = '".$mask."']");
if ($mydatas->length > 0)
foreach ($mydatas as $mydata)
$mydata->setAttribute("desc", $desc);
* Mask was changed - update in MyDataParam
public function updateMaskMydata($oldMask, $newMask, $viId, $description)
$mydatas = $this->xp->query("//mydata[@mask = '".$oldMask."']");
if ($mydatas->length == 0) return;
foreach ($mydatas as $mydata)
$id = $mydata->getAttribute('xml:id');
$mydata->setAttribute("mask", $newMask);
$mydata->setAttribute("desc", $description);
if (file_exists(USERWSDIR.$id.'.xml'))
$xml = new DomDocument("1.0");
$mask = $xml->getElementsByTagName('mask');
$mask->item(0)->nodeValue = $newMask;
$vi = $xml->getElementsByTagName('vi');
$vi->item(0)->nodeValue = $viId;
$desc = $xml->getElementsByTagName('desc');
$desc->item(0)->nodeValue = $description;
* Delete Description, Resource file, mark deleted parameter AS UNDEFINED in requests/ conditions/ aliases (?)
//TODO return to client number of requests touches???
public function deleteParameter($id)
//delete VI if there is no params with this mask ??????
$isDeletedMask = false;
if ($this->type == 'myDataParam')
if (file_exists(USERWSDIR.$id.'.xml'))
$xml = new DomDocument("1.0");
$mask = $xml->getElementsByTagName('mask');
if (!$mask) return;
$maskName = $mask->item(0)->nodeValue;
$params = $this->xp->query("//mydata[@mask='".$maskName."']");
if ($params->length == 1) {
$this->BaseManager = new BaseManager();
$FilesMgr = new FilesMgr();
$isDeletedMask = true;
if (file_exists(USERWSDIR.$id.'.xml')) unlink(USERWSDIR.$id.'.xml');
$requestMgr = new RequestMgr('request');
$n_requests = $requestMgr -> markAsUndefined($id);
return $isDeletedMask;
* Get Object into Edit
public function getObject($id)
if (!file_exists(USERWSDIR.$id.'.xml')) return array('error' => NO_OBJECT_FILE);
$this->objectDom -> load(USERWSDIR.$id.'.xml');
if (!($objToGet = $this->objectDom->getElementById($id))) return array('error' => NO_SUCH_ID);
$attributesToReturn['id'] = $objToGet->getAttribute('xml:id');
$attributes = $objToGet -> childNodes;
foreach($attributes as $attribute)
if ($attribute->tagName === "buildchain") $attributesToReturn[$attribute->tagName] = $this->setAlias($attribute->nodeValue);
else if ($attribute->tagName === "tableDef")
//load table definition
$tableDefType = $attribute->getAttribute('tableDefType');
$channelsDefType = $attribute->getAttribute('channelsDefType');
$tableName = $attribute->getAttribute('tableName');
$tableUnits = $attribute->getAttribute('tableUnits');
$tableData = array();
foreach ($attribute->childNodes as $tableDataNode)
if ($tableDataNode->nodeType != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
$tableData[$tableDataNode->tagName] = $tableDataNode->nodeValue;
$attributesToReturn[$attribute->tagName] = array('tableDefType' => $tableDefType, 'channelsDefType' => $channelsDefType, 'tableName' => $tableName, 'tableUnits' => $tableUnits, 'data' => $tableData);
else $attributesToReturn[$attribute->tagName] = $attribute->nodeValue;
if (empty($attributesToReturn['last_update'])) {
$attributesToReturn['last_update'] = filemtime(USERWSDIR.$id.'.xml');
return $attributesToReturn;
public function getObjectByName($name)
if (!$this->objectExistsByName($name))
return array('error' => NO_SUCH_ID);
$objId = $this->getObjectIdByName($name);
return $this->getObject($objId);
public function validNameObject($p)
// overwritten
$res = parent::validNameObject($p);
if (!$res['valid']) return $res;
//only low case
// if (strtolower($p->name) != $p->name)
// return array('valid' => false, 'error' => 'Use only low case');
return array('valid' => true);