{ text: '.', children: [ { text: 'The ABCs of AMDA', id: 'ABC', leaf:true },{ text:'WorkSpace Explorer', children:[{ text:'Resources', id: 'resourceTree', leaf:true },{ text:'Resources: Parameters', id: 'parametersTree', leaf:true },{ text:'Resources: Filtering (TBU)', id: 'filters', leaf:true },{ text:'Resources: Time Tables', id: 'timetables', leaf:true },{ text:'Resources: Catalogs', id: 'catalogs', leaf:true }, { text:'Operations', id: 'operationsHelp', leaf:true },{ text:'Jobs', id: 'jobsHelp', leaf:true }] },{ text:'Creating Parameters and Aliases', children:[{ text:'Derived Parameters', id: 'parameterHelp', leaf:true },{ text:'MyData Parameters', id: 'mydataparameter', leaf:true },{ text:'Aliases (TBU)', id: 'aliases', leaf:true }] },{ text:'Plotting', children:[{ text:'Getting Started', id: 'plotStart', leaf:true },{ text:'Global Settings', id: 'plotSettings', leaf:true },{ text:'Plot Briefly', id: 'plotSimplifiedView', leaf:true }, { text:'Plot In Details', children:[{ text:'Plot Objects', id: 'plotObjects', leaf:true },{ text:'Plot Objects : Page', id: 'plotPage', leaf:true },{ text:'Plot Objects : Layout (TBD)', id: 'plotLayout', leaf:true },{ text:'Plot Objects : Panel (TBD)', id: 'plotPanel', leaf:true },{ text:'Plot Objects : Axis (TBD)', id: 'plotAxis', leaf:true },{ text:'Plot Objects : Additional Objects (TBD)', id: 'plotAdditional', leaf:true },{ text:'Plot Objects : Parameter (TBD)', id: 'plotParameter', leaf:true }] },{ text:'Interactive Plot Session', id: 'interSession', leaf:true },{ text:'MultiPlot Mode (TBD) ', id: 'multiPlot', leaf:true },{ text:'Access to Hubble Images (TBD)', id: 'hubbleImages', leaf:true }] },{ text:'Data Mining', children:[{ text:'Searching In Data', id: 'dataminingHelp', leaf:true },{ text:'Using Functions (TBD)', id: 'functionsHelp', leaf:true }] },{ text:'Data Downloading', children:[{ text:'Data', id: 'downloadDataHelp', leaf:true },{ text:'TimeTables / Catalogs', id: 'downloadTTHelp', leaf:true }] },{ text:'Data Uploading', children:[{ text:'Data (TBU)', id: 'uploadDataHelp', leaf:true },{ text:'TimeTables (TBU)', id: 'uploadTTHelp', leaf:true },{ text:'Catalogs (TBD)', id: 'uploadCatHelp', leaf:true }] },{ text:'Catalogs', children:[{ text:'Generating Catalogs in AMDA (TBD)', id: 'statisticsHelp', leaf:true },{ text:'Managing Catalogs (TBD)', id: 'catalogHelp', leaf:true },{ text:'Visualizing Catalogs (TBD)', id: 'visuHelp', leaf:true }] },{ text:'Time Tables', children:[{ text:'Managing Time Tables', id: 'timetableHelp', leaf:true },{ text:'Operations on Time Tables', id: 'ttOperationsHelp', leaf:true },{ text:'Shared Time Tables (TBU)', id: 'ttShared', leaf:true }] }, { text:'Working with SAMP', children:[ { text:'What is SAMP', id: 'SampMain', leaf:true }, { text:'Connecting to SAMP Hub (TBU)', id: 'SampHelp', leaf:true }] },{ text:'Remote Data : Observations', children:[{ text:'Remote Data Centers', id: 'remoteIntro', leaf:true },{ text:'Remote Centers: Adding Data', id: 'RemoteDataHelp', leaf:true }] },{ text:'Remote Data : Simulations (IMPEX)(TBD)', children:[{ text:'Remote Data Centers', id: 'IMPEX', leaf:true }] } ,{ text:'EPN-TAP (TBD)', id: 'EPNTAP', leaf:true } ] }