Ext.define('amdaPlotComp.intervalSelection.ZoomIntervalSelection', { extend: 'amdaPlotComp.intervalSelection.IntervalSelection', // This class extends from amdaPlotComp.intervalSelection.IntervalSelection buttonApply: "Apply Zoom", type: null, /** * Initializes the component. * Adds an 'Undo Zoom' button to the bottom toolbar of the form. */ initComponent: function () { const self = this; this.callParent(arguments); this.form.getDockedItems('toolbar[dock="bottom"]')[0].add({ xtype: 'button', width: width, text: 'Undo Zoom', handler: function () { self._undoZoom(); } }); }, /** * Applies the zoom based on the values of the fields. * If the values are not valid, it shows a warning message. * Otherwise, it calls the interactive plot with the zoom action and resets the host component selection. */ _apply: function () { if (this._notValidValues()) { myDesktopApp.warningMsg('The Input Values are not defined'); } else { this.hostCmp.callInteractivePlot({ 'action': 'zoom', 'interactiveId': this.interactiveId, 'panelId': this.panelId, 'axeId': this.type, 'min': this.getField1Value(), 'max': this.getField2Value() }); this._resetHostCmpSelection(); } }, /** * Undoes the zoom. * It calls the interactive plot with the undozoom action and resets the host component selection. */ _undoZoom: function () { this.hostCmp.callInteractivePlot({ 'action': 'undozoom', 'interactiveId': this.interactiveId, 'panelId': this.panelId, 'axeId': this.type }); this._resetHostCmpSelection(); } });