<?php /** * @class WsrParamMgr * @version $Id: $ * */ class WsrParamMgr { protected $startTime, $stopTime; protected $productor; protected $parameterID; protected $dataProducteur; function __construct() { ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0"); } public function setParams($data){ $this->parameterID = $data['paramID']; $this->startTime = $data['startDate']; $this->stopTime = $data['stopDate']; $this->dataProducteur = $this->getDataProducteur(); } public function updateInterval($start, $stop){ $this->startTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $start); $this->stopTime = gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $stop); } protected function getDataProducteur(){ // TODO tests if (isset($this->parameterID)){ $tmp = explode( '_', $this->parameterID); return $tmp[0]; } else return false; } protected function makeRequest(){ // genaration webservice request $tree = tree_CLWEB; $xml = RemoteData.$tree; $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); if($dom->load($xml)){ $paramByID = $dom->getElementById($this->parameterID); if ($paramByID != NULL) $param = $paramByID->getAttribute('cl_id'); if ($param != ''){ $params = array('parameterID' => $param, 'startTime' => $this->startTime, 'stopTime' => $this->stopTime, 'outputFormat' => 'netCDF' ); return $params; } else return false; } else return false; } protected function getDataProducteurWSDL(){ if ($this->dataProducteur){ $wsdl = wsdl_CLWEB; return $wsdl; } else return false; } protected function addFile($fileName){ $myBaseManager = new BaseManager(); $start = strtotime($this->startTime); $stop = strtotime($this->stopTime); $mask = $myBaseManager->addWsFile($fileName, $start, $stop); if ($mask != null) { $startstop = $myBaseManager->getStartStop($myBaseManager->getVi($mask)); } $file = getenv('USER_DATA_PATH').$fileName; $status = $this->reformatNcTime($file); if ($status <= 0) { unlink($this->fileName); return array('success' => false, 'error' => 'error '.$timeFormat.PHP_EOL.'Time Format problem'); } return array( 'success' => true, 'file' => $fileName); } protected function reformatNcTime($file) { exec('nctimestring2double '.$file, $results); return $results[0]; } public function getFileName(){ // file name generation with parameter ID(frome [DataProducteur]/base.xml), start & stop time in unix format if ($this->parameterID && $this->parameterID != ''){ $fileName = $this->parameterID.'_'.strtotime($this->startTime).'_'.strtotime($this->stopTime).'.nc'; return $fileName; } else return false; } public function getMask(){ if ($this->parameterID && $this->parameterID != ''){ $mask = $this->parameterID.'_*.nc'; return $mask; } else return false; } public function getData(){ $fileName = $this->getFileName(); $newfile = getenv('USER_DATA_PATH').$fileName; if ($fileName){ try { $client = new SoapClient(wsdl_CLWEB, array( 'wsdl_cache' => 0, 'trace' => 1, // 'exceptions' => 0, 'soap_version'=>SOAP_1_2 )); } catch (SoapFault $exception) {// error_log("Problem with WSDL".PHP_EOL.$exception->getMessage().PHP_EOL.$exception->getTraceAsString().PHP_EOL."File = ".$exception->getFile(),1,email); return false; } $params = $this->makeRequest($this->parameterID); // call WS try { $file = $client->getParameter($params); } catch (SoapFault $exception) { error_log("Problem with query".PHP_EOL.$exception->getMessage().PHP_EOL.$exception->getTraceAsString().PHP_EOL."File = ".$exception->getFile(),1,email); return false; } // copy result file to user DATA directory if (!copy($file->dataFileURLs, $newfile)) { error_log('Can\'t copy '.$file,1,email); return false; } else { chmod($fileName, 0775); $this->addFile($fileName); $wsrFilenames[$this->parameterID] = $fileName; } return $wsrFilenames; } //end if ($fileName) else return false; } } ?>