 * Project  : AMDA-NG4
 * Name     : ParameterModule.js
 * @class   amdaDesktop.ParameterModule
 * @extends amdaDesktop.InteractiveModule
 * @brief   Parameter Module controller definition
 * @author  CDA
 * @version $Id: ParameterModule.js 1308 2013-03-01 08:15:09Z myriam $
 * @todo helpTitle
 *    FT Id     :   Date   : Name - Description
 *  :           :08/06/2011: CDA - Migration extjs4
 *  :           :09/06/2011: elena - all generic methods are now of InteractiveModule class

Ext.define('amdaDesktop.ParameterModule', {
	extend: 'amdaDesktop.InteractiveModule',
	requires: [
	contentId : 'paramUI',
     * @cfg {String} data model
     * @required
	nodeDataModel : 'amdaModel.DerivedParamNode',
 	uiType : 'panelParam',
	helpTitle : 'Help on Parameter Module',		
	helpFile : 'parameterHelp',
	 * override the non applicable receiption method
	addTT : function(ttname,ttid) {
	  //this module has nothing to do with a TT sent from WsExplorer