<h2><img src="js/resources/images/32x32/fav_amda.png"/>Welcome To Rosetta Edition of AMDA</h2> <ul> <li>If it is your first visit to AMDA start witn AMDA's <b>ABCs</b> <li>Rosetta Plasma Consortium (RPC) data come from Imperial College database. <li>Use predefined layouts (plot requests) available in the <b><i>operations</i></b> tab of your workspace <br/><br/> <img class="centered" src="help/images/rosettaReq.png"><br/> <li>To access the full AMDA database (<b><i>resources</i></b> tab) reset the <b><i>rosetta</i></b> filter in the Workspace Explorer <br/><br/> <img class="centered" src="help/images/rosettaFilter.png"><br/> </ul>