/** * Project  : AMDA-NG * Name : PlotRequestObject.js * @class amdaPlotObj.PlotRequestObject * @extends amdaModel.AmdaTimeObject * @brief Plot Request Business Object Definition * @author Benjamin Renard * @version $Id: PlotRequestObject.js benjamin $ ****************************************************************************** * FT Id : Date : Name - Description ****************************************************************************** * : :21/07/2015: BRE - file creation */ Ext.define('amdaPlotObj.PlotRequestObject', { extend: 'amdaModel.AmdaTimeObject', idProperty: 'id', requires: [ 'amdaPlotObj.PlotObjectConfig', 'amdaPlotObj.PlotTabObject' ], fields : [ {name: 'id', type:'string'}, {name: 'file-format', type: 'string'}, {name: 'file-output', type: 'string'}, {name: 'file-prefix', type: 'string'}, {name: 'one-file-per-interval', type: 'boolean'}, {name: 'last-plotted-tab', type: 'int', defaultValue: 0}, {name: 'last-tab-id', type: 'int', defaultValue: 0}, {name: 'active-tab-id', type: 'int', defaultValue: 1} ], hasMany: { model : 'amdaPlotObj.PlotTabObject', name : 'tabs', associationKey:'tabs' }, constructor: function(){ var me = this; me.callParent(arguments); if ((arguments.length > 0) && arguments[0] && arguments[0].tabs) { if (arguments[0].tabs) me.loadTabs(arguments[0].tabs); } else { //new object, set default fields values me.setDefaultValues(); //New object, force the creation of the first tab me.createNewTab(); } }, loadTabs: function(tabs) { this.tabs().loadData(tabs); }, setDefaultValues: function() { this.set('file-format', amdaPlotObj.PlotObjectConfig.defaultValues.file.format); this.set('file-output', amdaPlotObj.PlotObjectConfig.defaultValues.file.output); this.set('file-prefix', ''); this.set('one-file-per-interval', amdaPlotObj.PlotObjectConfig.defaultValues.file.oneFilePerInterval); this.set('last-plotted-tab', 0); this.set('name', ''); }, createNewTab: function() { this.set('last-tab-id', this.get('last-tab-id') + 1); var data = {id: this.get('last-tab-id')}; var applyDefault = true; if ((arguments.length > 0) && arguments[0]) { data = arguments[0]; data['id'] = this.get('last-tab-id'); applyDefault = false; } var recs = this.tabs().add(data); if (applyDefault) { recs[0].setDefaultValues(); } this.dirty = true; return recs[0]; }, removeTabById: function(tabId) { //Retrieve tab record var tabRecord = this.tabs().getById(tabId); if (tabRecord == null) return false; this.tabs().remove(tabRecord); this.dirty = true; return true; }, isDirty : function() { if (this.get('id') == '') return false; if (this.dirty) return true; var d = false; this.tabs().each(function (tab, index) { if (tab.isDirty()) d = true; }); return d; }, getJsonValues : function(hasId) { var requestValues = new Object(); requestValues['nodeType'] = 'request'; if (hasId) { requestValues['id'] = this.get('id'); } requestValues['leaf'] = true; requestValues['file-format'] = this.get('file-format'); requestValues['file-output'] = this.get('file-output'); requestValues['file-prefix'] = this.get('file-prefix'); requestValues['one-file-per-interval'] = this.get('one-file-per-interval'); requestValues['last-plotted-tab'] = this.get('last-plotted-tab'); requestValues['name'] = this.get('name'); requestValues['timesrc'] = this.get('timesrc'); // if there's at least one timeTable name into 'timeTables' collection if (this.get('timesrc') == amdaModel.AmdaTimeObject.inputTimeSrc[0] && this.get('timeTables') && this.get('timeTables').length){ // get complete timeTables collection var timeTables = this.get('timeTables'); // init an empty array for timeTables requestValues['timeTables'] = []; // for each interval record Ext.Array.each(timeTables, function(item, index, all){ if (!item.$className) { requestValues['timeTables'][index] = {timeTableName : item.timeTableName, id : item.id}; } // get Json simplified value else { requestValues['timeTables'][index] = item.getJsonValues(); } }); } else { requestValues['startDate'] = this.get('startDate'); requestValues['stopDate'] = this.get('stopDate'); requestValues['durationDay'] = this.get('durationDay'); requestValues['durationHour'] = this.get('durationHour'); requestValues['durationMin'] = this.get('durationMin'); requestValues['durationSec'] = this.get('durationSec'); } requestValues['tabs'] = []; this.tabs().each(function (tab, index) { requestValues['tabs'][index] = tab.getJsonValues(); }); requestValues['active-tab-id'] = this.get('active-tab-id'); requestValues['last-tab-id'] = this.get('last-tab-id'); return requestValues; } });