/*! * Ext JS Library 4.0 * Copyright(c) 2006-2011 Sencha Inc. * licensing@sencha.com * http://www.sencha.com/license */ Ext.define('MyDesktop.TabWindow', { extend: 'Ext.ux.desktop.Module', requires: [ 'Ext.tab.Panel' ], id:'tab-win', init : function(){ this.launcher = { text: 'Tab Window', iconCls:'tabs', handler : this.createWindow, scope: this } }, createWindow : function(){ var desktop = this.app.getDesktop(); var win = desktop.getWindow('tab-win'); if(!win){ win = desktop.createWindow({ id: 'tab-win', title:'Tab Window', width:740, height:480, iconCls: 'tabs', animCollapse:false, border:false, constrainHeader:true, layout: 'fit', items: [ { xtype: 'tabpanel', activeTab:0, bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px;', items: [{ title: 'Tab Text 1', header:false, html : '
Something useful would be in here.
', border:false },{ title: 'Tab Text 2', header:false, html : 'Something useful would be in here.
', border:false },{ title: 'Tab Text 3', header:false, html : 'Something useful would be in here.
', border:false },{ title: 'Tab Text 4', header:false, html : 'Something useful would be in here.
', border:false }] } ] }); } win.show(); return win; } });