/** * Project : AMDA-NG4 * Name : DownloadNode.js * @class amdaModel.DownloadNode * @extends Ext.data.Model * @brief Basic Model of Node corresponding to a download request * @author Myriam * @version $Id: DownloadNode.js 2949 2015-06-23 10:25:59Z elena $ */ Ext.define('amdaModel.DownloadNode', { extend: 'Ext.data.Model', singleton: true, fields:[{name : 'downloadType', type : 'string'}, {name: 'object', type: 'object'}, {name: 'realLinkedNode', type: 'amdaModel.AmdaNode'}, {name: 'moduleId', type: 'string', defaultValue:'down-win'}, {name: 'nodeType', type: 'string', defaultValue: 'download'}, {name: 'objectDataModel', type: 'string', defaultValue:'amdaModel.Download'}, {name: 'jobNode', type: 'string', defaultValue: 'amdaModel.BkgJobNode'} ], isExecutable: function(){ return true; }, getObjectCallback : function(result,remoteEvent){ var t = remoteEvent.getTransaction(); if (result) { var paramObj = Ext.create(this.get('objectDataModel'), result); // set parameter into node this.set('object', paramObj); var downObject = amdaModel.DownloadNode.decodeObject(); // Edition ; amdaModel.DownloadNode.set('object',Ext.create('amdaModel.Download',downObject)); amdaModel.DownloadNode.editInModule(); } else { myDesktopApp.errorMsg(t.action + "." + t.method + " : No parameter '" +this.get('name')+"' found!"); // EXCEPTION : parameter not found !? } }, editInModule : function () { var me = this; myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(this.get('moduleId'), true, function (module) { // If the node to edit is not already linked to this module if (module.getLinkedNode() != me) { // set relative node into parameter Module module.setLinkedNode(me); } else {// the node to edit is already edited //TODO: TBD : message to user //Sol1: msg alert: "warning this node is already edited! If you want to get the original, please press the 'reset' button"->'OK' //Sol2: msg with user choice: "warning this node is already edited! Would you confirm this action and lost your modification?"->'Confirm','Cancel' } // Opening parameter window module.createWindow(); }); }, decodeObject: function(obj) { var myValues = new Object(); myValues.list=[]; if (!obj) { var fullObject = this.get('realLinkedNode').get('object'); } else { var fullObject = obj; } var i = 0; fullObject.tabs().each(function (tab) { // only active tab if (tab.get('id') == fullObject.get('last-plotted-tab')) { tab.panels().each(function (panel) { panel.params().each(function (param) { var myParam = new Object(); myParam.paramid = param.get('paramid'); myParam.type = param.get('type'); myParam['dim1-is-range'] = param.get('dim1-is-range'), myParam['dim1-min-range'] = param.get('dim1-min-range'), myParam['dim1-max-range'] = param.get('dim1-max-range'), myParam['dim1-index'] = param.get('dim1-index'), myParam['dim2-is-range'] = param.get('dim2-is-range'), myParam['dim2-min-range'] = param.get('dim2-min-range'), myParam['dim2-max-range'] = param.get('dim2-max-range'), myParam['dim2-index'] = param.get('dim2-index'), myParam.template_args = param.get('template_args'); myValues.list[i] = myParam; ++i; }); }); if (tab.get('multi-plot-linked')) { var object = fullObject.data; } else { var object = tab.data; } myValues.timesrc = object.timesrc; // if there's at least one timeTable name into 'timeTables' collection if (myValues.timesrc == amdaModel.AmdaTimeObject.inputTimeSrc[0] && object.timeTables && object.timeTables.length ){ // get complete timeTables collection var timeTables = object.timeTables; // init an empty array for timeTables myValues.timeTables=[]; // for each interval record Ext.Array.each(timeTables, function(item, index, all){ if (!item.$className) { myValues.timeTables[index] = {timeTableName : item.timeTableName, id : item.id}; } // get Json simplified value else { myValues.timeTables[index] = item.getJsonValues(); } }); } else { myValues.startDate = object.startDate; myValues.stopDate = object.stopDate; myValues.durationDay = object.durationDay; myValues.durationHour = object.durationHour; myValues.durationMin = object.durationMin; myValues.durationSec = object.durationSec; } } }); myValues.name = fullObject.get('name'); return myValues; }, encodeObject: function() { }, loadJobTree : function(sendToSamp, clientId) { //TBD - BRE - fix code duplication with ExecutableNode if possible var rootNode = Ext.getCmp(amdaUI.ExplorerUI.JOB_TAB.TREE_ID).getRootNode(); var me = this; amdaModel.InteractiveNode.preloadNodes(rootNode, function() { amdaModel.InteractiveNode.jobTreeLoaded = true; me.realExecute(sendToSamp, clientId); }); }, execute : function(sendToSamp, clientId) { if (!amdaModel.ExecutableNode.jobTreeLoaded) this.loadJobTree(sendToSamp, clientId); else this.realExecute(sendToSamp, clientId); }, /** * Method to execute this node */ realExecute : function(sendToSamp, clientId) { var jsonObject = this.get('object').getJsonValues(); if (!jsonObject.list && !jsonObject.images) { myDesktopApp.warningMsg('Please select at least one Parameter (Get Data) or one Time Table (Get Time Table)'); return; } if (sendToSamp) { jsonObject.sendToSamp = true; } loadMask.show(); AmdaAction.execute({nodeType : this.get('nodeType')}, jsonObject, function(res,e) { loadMask.hide(); //AKKA - Rework of the result treatment for the integration with the new kernel if (!e.status) { myDesktopApp.errorMsg('Internal error during download request'); return; } if (!res.success) { myDesktopApp.errorMsg(res.message); return; } //TBD if such condition is OK ? if (!res.id && res.download) { if (res.compression) { window.location.href = res.download; } else { window.open(res.download, '_blank'); } return; } var newobj = this.createJobObject(res); var newNode = Ext.create(this.get('jobNode'), { id : res.id, info : res.info, jobType : this.get('nodeType'), processId : res.id, text : res.name, status : res.status, stop : res.stop, leaf : true, object : newobj }); // new Tab switch (res.status) { case amdaModel.BkgJobNode.STATUS_LIST.DONE : if (!res.sendToSamp) { // New tab, non-interactive session var isInteractive = false; var isNewTab = true; newNode.createJobNode(true); newNode.editNode(isNewTab, isInteractive); } else { var files = res.result.split(","); Ext.each(files, function(file) { var href = 'data/'+sessionID+'/RES/'+ res.folder + '/' + file; myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.interop.id, true, function (module) { module.sendVOTable(href, clientId ? clientId : 'hub'); }); }); } break; case amdaModel.BkgJobNode.STATUS_LIST.IN_PROGRESS : newNode.createJobNode(false); break; default: newNode.createJobNode(true); } }, this ); }, createJobObject: function(res) { var obj = this.get('object').getJsonValues(); //TODO text, name, outputName - if all is needed //new object to attach to new bkgJobNode //TODO Ext.clone() var newobj = Ext.copyTo({}, obj, this.get('object').propertiesToCopy); newobj.id = res.id; newobj.resultId = res.result; newobj.folderId = res.folder; newobj = Ext.create(this.get('object').$className, newobj); return newobj; } });