<h2><img src="js/resources/images/16x16/plot.png" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;"/>Plot Manager : Getting Started</h2> <p> All the Parameters from the WorkspaceExplorer Parameters subtree shown as a circle are "plotable". Drag the desired parameter[s] and drop onto left panel at the <b><i>PlotManager</i></b> form. Note that parameter names appeared in the Plot form could slightly differ from those of the Workspace Explorer tree.</p> <br/> <img class="centered" src="help/images/abc_1.png"/> <br/> <p> Select Time interval you are interested in and click <i>Plot</i> button. Note that you may always find out valid parameter time range as well as sampling time: just consult tooltip displayed when your mouse is over the corresponding dataset node of the WorkspaceExplorer tree.</p> <hr><p> Plot form proposes two choices for time selection either by one time interval (<b><i>Interval mode</i></b>) or by a number of intervals (<b><i>TimeTable or Catalog mode</i></b>). In the latter case click <b><i>Time Table or Catalog</i></b> tab of <b><i>TimeSelection</i></b> panel and drag-drop time table[s] or catalog[s] from the WorkspaceExplorer onto time selection area. </p> <br/><br/> <img class="centered" src="help/images/plotnew_2.png"/> <br/><br/>