/** * Project  : AMDA-NG * Name : PlotContextManager.js * @class amdaPlotComp.PlotContextManager * @extends * @brief Manager to retrieve information about a panel by position on the result image * @author Benjamin Renard * @version $Id: PlotContextManager.js benjamin $ */ Ext.define('amdaPlotComp.PlotContextManager', { singleton: true, getPanel : function(context, xPos, yPos) { if (!context.success) return null; if (xPos < 0 || xPos > context.page.width) return null; if (yPos < 0 || yPos > context.page.height) return null; var resPanel = null; Ext.each(context.page.panels, function(panel) { if ((xPos >= panel.x) && (xPos <= (panel.x+panel.width)) && (yPos >= panel.y) && (yPos <= (panel.y+panel.height))) { resPanel = panel; return; } }); return resPanel; }, getPanelById : function(context, panelId) { if (!context.success) return null; var resPanel = null; Ext.each(context.page.panels, function(panel) { if (panel.id == panelId) { resPanel = panel; return; } }); return resPanel; }, getPanelAxisById : function(panelContext, axisId) { if (!panelContext || !panelContext.plotArea) return null; var resAxis = null; Ext.each(panelContext.plotArea.axes, function(axis) { if (axis.id == axisId) { resAxis = axis; return; } }); return resAxis; }, isInPlotArea : function(panelContext, xPos, yPos) { if (!panelContext.plotArea) return false; return ((xPos >= panelContext.plotArea.x) && (xPos <= (panelContext.plotArea.x+panelContext.plotArea.width)) && (yPos >= panelContext.plotArea.y) && (yPos <= (panelContext.plotArea.y+panelContext.plotArea.height))); }, toAxisValue : function(axisContext, pixelMin, pixelMax, pixelValue) { if (pixelMax == pixelMin) return NaN; return axisContext.min + (pixelValue - pixelMin)/(pixelMax - pixelMin)*(axisContext.max-axisContext.min); } });