 * Ext JS Library 4.0
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2011 Sencha Inc.
 * licensing@sencha.com
 * http://www.sencha.com/license

Ext.define('Ext.ux.desktop.StartMenu', {
    extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',

    requires: [

    ariaRole: 'menu',

    cls: 'x-menu ux-start-menu',

    defaultAlign: 'bl-tl',

    iconCls: 'user',

    floating: true,

    shadow: true,

    // We have to hardcode a width because the internal Menu cannot drive our width.
    // This is combined with changing the align property of the menu's layout from the
    // typical 'stretchmax' to 'stretch' which allows the the items to fill the menu
    // area.
    width: 300,

    initComponent: function() {
        var me = this, menu = me.menu;

        me.menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({
            cls: 'ux-start-menu-body',
            border: false,
            floating: false,
            items: menu
        me.menu.layout.align = 'stretch';

        me.items = [me.menu];
        me.layout = 'fit';

        // TODO - relay menu events

        me.toolbar = new Ext.toolbar.Toolbar(Ext.apply({
            dock: 'right',
            cls: 'ux-start-menu-toolbar',
            vertical: true,
            width: 100
        }, me.toolConfig));

        me.toolbar.layout.align = 'stretch';

        delete me.toolItems;

        me.on('deactivate', function () {

    addMenuItem: function() {
        var cmp = this.menu;
        cmp.add.apply(cmp, arguments);

    addToolItem: function() {
        var cmp = this.toolbar;
        cmp.add.apply(cmp, arguments);

    showBy: function(cmp, pos, off) {
        var me = this;

        if (me.floating && cmp) {
            me.layout.autoSize = true;

            // Component or Element
            cmp = cmp.el || cmp;

            // Convert absolute to floatParent-relative coordinates if necessary.
            var xy = me.el.getAlignToXY(cmp, pos || me.defaultAlign, off);
            if (me.floatParent) {
                var r = me.floatParent.getTargetEl().getViewRegion();
                xy[0] -= r.x;
                xy[1] -= r.y;
        return me;
}); // StartMenu