/** * Project : AMDA-NG * Name : IntervalUI.js * @class amdaUI.IntervalUI * @extends Ext.container.Container * @brief common component to select interval * @author Benjamin * @version $Id: IntervalUI.js 2077 2014-02-11 11:33:36Z elena $ * @todo Validations */ /** config: - durationLimit: The maximum value of the duration days field (9999 by default). */ Ext.define('amdaUI.IntervalUI', { extend: 'Ext.container.Container', alias: 'widget.intervalSelector', activeField : null, constructor: function(config) { this.init(config); this.callParent(arguments); }, /** Set the start and stop date, and update the duration field. - startDate: A Extjs Date object representing the new start time. - stopDate: A Extjs Date object representing the new stop time. - return: None. */ setInterval : function(startDate,stopDate) { // get the search form var form = this.findParentByType('form').getForm(); // get start field var startField = form.findField('startDate'); // get stop field var stopField = form.findField('stopDate'); if (startField != null) startField.setValue(startDate); if (stopField != null) stopField.setValue(stopDate); this.updateDuration(); }, /** Set the limits values of both startField and stopField date fields. */ setLimits: function(minValue, maxValue) { var form = this.findParentByType('form').getForm(); var startField = form.findField('startDate'); var stopField = form.findField('stopDate'); if (startField != null) { startField.setMinValue(minValue); startField.setMaxValue(maxValue); } if (stopField != null) { stopField.setMinValue(minValue); stopField.setMaxValue(maxValue); } this.updateDuration(); }, setStartTime: function(startTime) { var form = this.findParentByType('form').getForm(); var startField = form.findField('startDate'); startField.setValue(startTime); this.updateDuration(); }, setStopTime: function(stopTime) { var form = this.findParentByType('form').getForm(); var stopField = form.findField('stopDate'); stopField.setValue(stopTime); this.updateDuration(); }, /** Get the start time field value. - return: A Extjs Date object representing the start time (null if the date is not valid). */ getStartTime : function() { // get the search form var form = this.findParentByType('form').getForm(); // get start field var startField = form.findField('startDate'); return startField.getValue(); }, /** Get the stop time field value. - return: A Extjs Date object representing the stop time (null if the date is not valid). */ getStopTime : function() { // get the search form var form = this.findParentByType('form').getForm(); // get stop field var stopField = form.findField('stopDate'); return stopField.getValue(); }, /* #### Private methods from here #### */ updateDuration: function() { // get the search form var form = this.findParentByType('form').getForm(); // get start value var start = this.getStartTime(); // get stop value var stop = this.getStopTime(); // if duration computable if (Ext.isDate(start) && Ext.isDate(stop)) { if ( stop <= start ) { form.findField('stopDate').markInvalid('Stop Time must be after Start Time'); } else { if (!form.findField('stopDate').isValid()) form.findField('stopDate').clearInvalid(); } // compute offset var zoneOffset = stop.getTimezoneOffset() - start.getTimezoneOffset(); // compute duration var diff = stop - start - zoneOffset*60000; var durationDays = Math.floor(diff/86400000); // set all duration values form.findField('durationDay').setValue(durationDays); form.findField('durationHour').setValue(Math.floor(diff/3600000 % 24)); form.findField('durationMin').setValue(Math.floor(diff/60000 % 60)); form.findField('durationSec').setValue(Math.floor(diff/1000 % 60)); form.findField('durationMs').setValue(Math.floor(diff%1000 )); if (durationDays > this.durationLimit) { form.findField('durationDay').markInvalid('Maximum interval is ' + this.durationLimit + ' days!'); } } else { form.findField('durationDay').setValue(''); form.findField('durationHour').setValue(''); form.findField('durationMin').setValue(''); form.findField('durationSec').setValue(''); form.findField('durationMs').setValue(''); } }, isValidDuration: function(){ var form = this.findParentByType('form').getForm(); return ( form.findField('durationDay').isValid() && form.findField('durationHour').isValid() && form.findField('durationMin').isValid() && form.findField('durationSec').isValid() && form.findField('durationMs').isValid() ); }, isValid: function() { var form = this.findParentByType('form').getForm(); var startField = form.findField('startDate'); var stopField = form.findField('stopDate'); if (!startField.isValid() || !stopField.isValid()) return false; var start = this.getStartTime(); var stop = this.getStopTime(); if ( stop <= start ) { form.findField('stopDate').markInvalid('Stop Time must be after Start Time'); return false; } return true; }, updateStop: function() { var form = this.findParentByType('form').getForm(); var start = form.findField('startDate').getValue(); var d = form.findField('durationDay').getValue(); var h = form.findField('durationHour').getValue(); var m = form.findField('durationMin').getValue(); var s = form.findField('durationSec').getValue(); var ms = form.findField('durationMs').getValue(); var duration = (d?d:0)*86400 + (h?h:0)*3600 + (m?m:0)*60 + (s?s:0) + (ms?ms:0)/1000; var stop = Ext.Date.add(start, Ext.Date.SECOND, duration); if (Ext.Date.isDST(stop) && !Ext.Date.isDST(start)) stop = Ext.Date.add(start, Ext.Date.SECOND, duration-3600); if (!Ext.Date.isDST(stop) && Ext.Date.isDST(start)) stop = Ext.Date.add(start, Ext.Date.SECOND, duration+3600); form.findField('stopDate').setValue(stop); }, onChangeStartField : function(field, newValue, oldValue) { if (field.isValid()) { // get the search form var form = this.findParentByType('form').getForm(); // set to the stop datefield the newValue as minValue form.findField('stopDate').setMinValue(newValue); // if it's a user modification if (this.activeField == 'start') { // launch the update of duration fields this.updateDuration(); } } }, onChangeStopField: function(field, newValue, oldValue) { if (field.isValid() && this.activeField == 'stop') { // launch the update of duration fields this.updateDuration(); } }, getDateField : function(fieldName,fieldText,fieldId,onChangeField) { return { xtype: 'datefield', // margin : '10 0 5 5', // (top, right, bottom, left). name: fieldName, width : 230, emptyText: 'YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss.uuu', tip: 'Date formatted as YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss.uuu', format: 'Y/m/d H:i:s.u', enforceMaxLength: true, maxLength: 25, fieldLabel: fieldText, labelAlign: 'left', labelWidth: 60, listeners: { change: onChangeField, focus: function(field) { this.activeField = fieldId; }, render: function(c) { Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', { target: c.getEl(), html: c.tip }); }, scope : this } }; }, getStartField : function() { return this.getDateField('startDate','Start Time','start', this.onChangeStartField); }, getStopField : function() { return this.getDateField('stopDate','Stop Time','stop', this.onChangeStopField); }, getDurationField : function() { return { layout: {type: 'hbox', align: 'middle'}, // margin: 0, defaults: { xtype: 'numberfield', minValue: 0, maxLength: 2, enforceMaxLength: true, decimalPrecision: 0, allowExponential: false, autoStripChars: true, hideTrigger: true, labelAlign: 'left', width: 32, margin : '0 0 0 5', listeners: { change: function(field, newValue, oldValue) { var form = this.findParentByType('form').getForm(); var start = form.findField('startDate').getValue(); if (this.isValidDuration() && start!=null && this.activeField == 'duration') { this.updateStop(); } }, focus: function(field) { this.activeField = 'duration'; }, render: function(c) { Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', { target: c.getEl(), html: c.tip }); }, scope : this } }, items:[ { name: 'durationDay', emptyText: 'Days', tip: 'Days', maxValue: 73000, maxLength: 5, fieldLabel: 'Duration', labelWidth: 60, width: 110}, { name: 'durationHour', emptyText: 'Hrs', tip: 'Hours', maxValue: 23}, { name: 'durationMin', emptyText: 'Mins', tip: 'Minutes', maxValue: 59}, { name: 'durationSec', emptyText: 'Secs', tip: 'Seconds', maxValue: 59}, { name: 'durationMs', emptyText: 'MS', tip: 'Milliseconds', maxLength: 3, maxValue: 999} ] }; }, init : function(config) { this.durationLimit = config.durationLimit == null ? 73000 : config.durationLimit; // Set duration limit to 200 years by default var me = this; var myConf = { border: false, plain: true, flex: 1, layout: 'anchor', defaults: { margin: '10 0 5 5', xtype : 'container'}, items: [ me.getStartField(), me.getStopField(), me.getDurationField() ] }; Ext.apply (this, Ext.apply(arguments, myConf)); } });