<h2><img src="js/resources/images/16x16/search.png" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;"/>Data Mining Module</h2> <p> DataMining module is searching data for time intervals when a condition on parameters (defined by yourself) is valid.<br/><hr> <b>1. </b>To construct a condition <b><i>drag</i></b> the parameter[s] from the Parameter Tree and <b><i>drop</i></b> it onto the <b><i>Data Mining Condition</i></b> area.<br/> <img class="centered" src="help/images/mining1.png"/><br/> </p><hr> <p> <b>2. </b>While constructing you may use <b><i>Tools For Condition Construction</i></b> - for example - <b><i>Functions</i></b>:<br/><br/> <img class="centered" src="help/images/derived2.png"><br/> </p><hr> <p> <b>3. </b>To combine and compare different AMDA parameters which possibly have different sampling times you have to specify <b><i>Sampling Time Step</i></b>.<br/> </p><p> <img align="left" src="help/images/mining2.png" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;"/> Depending on their original sampling, AMDA parameters will be averaged or interpolated to obtain a condition evaluated at a <b><i>Sampling Time Step</i></b> resolution. Before evaluate the expression all the parameters are resampled and after that the expression is calculated. </p> <p> You may also put <b><i>Data Gap</i></b> value. It is expressed in the parameter 'sampling times' and defines gaps threshold. If data is absent for time interval greater than this threshold the interval is treated as 'gap', otherwise the interval is filled with the interpolated data. </p> <p> Parameter <i>Sampling Time</i> as well as <i>Global Start - Stop Time Interval</i> are displayed in popup window shown when the mouse is over the corresponding dataset of the WorkSpace Explorer Parameters subtree. </p><hr> <p> <img align="left" src="help/images/mining3.png" style="margin: 10px 10px 0px 0px;"/> <b>4. </b>Data Mining could be done either for a single time interval (<b><i>Start Time</i></b> and <b><i>Time Interval</i></b> should be defined) or for a set of time intervals from one or several <b><i>Time Tables or Catalogs</i></b>. </p><br/><hr> <p> <b>5. </b>Condition may be saved in your Workspace for next use. Just give the name to a condition (<b><i>Request Name</i></b>) and click the <b><i>Save Request</i></b> button. Your condition is added to the <b><i>DataMining</i></b> subtree of the Workspace Explorer, <b><i>Operations</i></b> tab. <img class="centered" src="help/images/mining4.png"/><br/> </p><hr> <p> <img align="left" src="help/images/mining6.png" style="margin: 10px 10px 0px 0px;"/><br/> <b>6. </b>Double clicking on condition name in the <b><i>DataMining</i></b> tree (Workspace Explorer, <b><i>Operations</i></b> tab) or selecting <b><i>DataMining By Request</i></b> from the context menu opens the DataMining module filled with the condition content. </p> <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/> <hr><p> <b>7. </b> Data Mining produces two XML tables (Time Table and Gaps Time Table) accessible from the <b><i>Results</i></b> window : <img class="centered" src="help/images/mining8.png"><br/><br/> </p> <hr><p> <img align="right" src="help/images/mining9.png" style="margin: 10px 0px 0px 10px;"/> <b>8. </b> <b><i>Results</i></b> window may be always opened by selecting <b><i>Show Result</i></b> from context menu opened on the right click the corresponding node of the FinishedJobs / Results, DataMining tree of the Workspace Explorer, <b><i>Jobs</i></b> tab. </p>