resDOM = new DOMDocument("1.0"); $this->resDOM->formatOutput = TRUE; $this->resDOM->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE; if (!file_exists(wsResultsXml)) { $this->rootEl = $this->resDOM->createElement('wsresults'); $this->resDOM->appendChild($this->rootEl); $this->resDOM->save(wsResultsXml); } $this->resDOM->load(wsResultsXml); $this->resXP = new DOMXPath($this->resDOM); $this->rootEl = $this->resDOM->documentElement; } public function addResult($function_name,$vars,$user,$IP,$output) { $nodes = $this->rootEl->getElementsByTagName($function_name); if($nodes->length < 1){ $funcNode = $this->resDOM->createElement($function_name); $this->rootEl->appendChild($funcNode); } else $funcNode = $nodes->item(0); $oldOutput = $this->resXP->query('//'.$function_name.'/result[@output="'.$output.'"]'); if ($oldOutput->length > 0) $funcNode->removeChild($oldOutput->item(0)); $resNode = $this->resDOM->createElement('result'); $resNode->setAttribute('date',time()); $resNode->setAttribute('user',$user); // $resNode->setAttribute('IP',$IP); $resNode->setAttribute('input',json_encode($vars)); $resNode->setAttribute('output',$output); $funcNode->appendChild($resNode); $this->resDOM->save(wsResultsXml); return $resNode; } public function getResOutputName($function_name,$user,$suffixe,$extension) { $outputFile = WSRESULT.$function_name."_".$user; if (isset($suffixe)) $outputFile .= ("_".$suffixe); if (isset($extension)) $outputFile .= (".".$extension); else $outputFile .= ".xml"; return $outputFile; } } class WebServer { private $isSoap = false; private $userID, $userPWD, $sessionID; private $wsUserMgr; private $resultMgr, $myParamsInfoMgr; private $dataFileName; private $timeToBatchMode = 300; // secs function __construct() { $this->userID = 'impex'; $this->userPWD = 'impexfp7'; $this->sessionID = $this->userID; // $this->myParamsInfoMgr = new ParamsInfoMgr(); $this->resultMgr = new WebResultMgr(); } // [startTime] => 2016-01-14T00:00:00 // [stopTime] => 2017-02-15T00:00:00 // [parameterID] => imf // [userID] => budnik // [password] => Sacre-Cour // [outputFormat] => ASCII // [timeFormat] => ISO8601 // [gzip] => 0 protected function init($data, $serverAccess = false) { if(is_object($data)){ $vars = get_object_vars($data); $this->isSoap = true; } else { $vars = $data; } if (isset($vars['userID'])){ $this->userID = $vars['userID']; } else { $this->userID = 'impex'; } $this->sessionID = $this->userID; if (isset($vars['password'])) $this->userPWD = $vars['password']; else $this->userPWD = 'impexfp7'; // set special timeToBatchMode interval if ($serverAccess) { KernelConfigClass::setTimeToBatchMode($this->timeToBatchMode); } return array('success' => true, 'vars' => $vars); } private function throwError($errorType, $msg) { if ($this->isSoap) throw new SoapFault($errorType, $msg); else return array("error" => $msg); } private function setID() { $nb_min = 10000; $nb_max = 99999; $this->IP = $this->getIPclient(); return "PP".mt_rand($nb_min,$nb_max); } /** * Function getIPclient return the IP client sent a request for needs DD scripts (DDHtmlLogin, DDCheckUser, DD_Search) * * @param void * @return string */ private function getIPclient() { if (getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')) { $realIP = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); } else { //get local IP $command="hostname -i"; $realIP = exec($command); } return $realIP; } private function timeInterval2Days($TimeInterval) { $divDays = 60*60*24; $nbDays = floor($TimeInterval / $divDays); $divHours = 60*60; $nbHours = floor(($TimeInterval - $divDays*$nbDays)/$divHours); $nbMin = floor(($TimeInterval - $divDays*$nbDays - $divHours*$nbHours)/60); $nbSec = $TimeInterval - $divDays*$nbDays - $divHours*$nbHours - $nbMin*60; $DD = sprintf("%03d", $nbDays); // format ex. 005 not 5 $HH = sprintf("%02d", $nbHours); // format ex. 25 $MM = sprintf("%02d", $nbMin); // format ex. 03 not 3 $SS = sprintf("%02d", $nbSec); // format ex. 02 not 2 return $DD.':'.$HH.':'.$MM.':'.$SS; } /* Start Time into AMDA format YYYY:DOY-1:HH:MM:SS */ private function startTime2Days($startTime) { $ddStart = getdate($startTime); $date_start = sprintf("%04d",$ddStart["year"]).":".sprintf("%03d", $ddStart["yday"]).":" .sprintf("%02d",$ddStart["hours"]).":".sprintf("%02d",$ddStart["minutes"]).":" .sprintf("%02d",$ddStart["seconds"]); return $date_start; } private function rrmdir($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { $objects = scandir($dir); foreach ($objects as $object) { // Recursively delete a directory that is not empty and directorys in directory if ($object != "." && $object != "..") { // If object isn't a directory recall recursively this function if (filetype($dir."/".$object) == "dir") $this->rrmdir($dir."/".$object); else unlink($dir."/".$object); } } reset($objects); rmdir($dir); } } protected function initUserMgr() { if (isset($this->wsUserMgr)) return array('success' => true); $this->wsUserMgr = new WSUserMgr(); $this->wsUserMgr->init($this->userID, $this->userPWD, $this->sessionID, $this->isSoap); return array('success' => true); } public function getTimeTablesList($data) { // if(is_object($data)) // { // $vars = get_object_vars($data); // $this->isSoap = true; // } // else // $vars = $data; // // if (isset($vars['userID']) && $vars['userID'] == 'impex'){ // $this->throwError('requestError', "Request Error: no time tables for anonymous"); // } $res = $this->init($data); $vars = $res['vars']; $ttListWSresult = $this->resultMgr->getResOutputName(__FUNCTION__,$this->userID); $dom = new DOMDocument("1.0"); if ($this->userID == 'impex') { $sharedObjMgr = new SharedObjectsMgr(); if (!@$dom->load($sharedObjMgr->getTreeFilePath())) $this->throwError("workspaceError", "Workspace Error : Cannot load Shared Time Table list"); } else { if (!@$dom->load(USERPATH.$this->userID.'/WS/Tt.xml')) $this->throwError("workspaceError", "Workspace Error : Cannot load Shared Time Table list for ".$this->userID); } $timetabNode = $dom->getElementsByTagName('timetabList'); if ($timetabNode->length < 1){ $this->throwError("workspaceWarning", "Workspace Warning : No Time Tables"); } $outDOM = new DOMDocument("1.0"); $outDOM->formatOutput = TRUE; $outDOM->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE; $newNode = $outDOM->importNode($timetabNode->item(0),TRUE); $outDOM->appendChild($newNode); // $outXP = new domxpath($outDOM); // $ttNodes = $outXP->query('//timetab'); $outDOM->save($ttListWSresult); $wsres = $this->resultMgr->addResult(__FUNCTION__,$vars,$this->userID,$ttListWSresult); $ttListResult = 'http://'.str_replace(BASE_PATH,$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].APACHE_ALIAS,$ttListWSresult); $timeTablesList = array('success' => true, 'TimeTablesList' => $ttListResult); return $timeTablesList; } public function getTimeTable($data) { $res = $this->init($data); $vars = $res['vars']; $ttID = $vars['ttID']; if ($this->userID == 'impex') { $sharedObjMgr = new SharedObjectsMgr(); $ttSrc = $sharedObjMgr->getDataFilePath('timeTable', $ttID); } else $ttSrc = USERPATH.$this->userID.'/TT/'.$ttID.'.xml'; if (!file_exists($ttSrc)) { $this->throwError("workspaceError", "No such table ".$ttID.".xml"); } $ttWSresult = $this->resultMgr->getResOutputName(__FUNCTION__,$this->userID,$ttID); if (!copy($ttSrc,$ttWSresult)){ $this->throwError("workspaceError", "Cannot copy ".$ttID.".xml"); } $wsres = $this->resultMgr->addResult(__FUNCTION__,$vars,$this->userID, $ttWSresult); $myTimeTableMgr = new TimeTableMgr($this->userID); $ttWSresultVot = $myTimeTableMgr->xsl2vot($ttWSresult); if(file_exists($ttWSresultVot)){ copy($ttWSresultVot, $ttWSresult); unlink( $ttWSresultVot ) ; } return array('success' => true, 'ttFileURL' => 'http://'.str_replace(BASE_PATH,$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].APACHE_ALIAS,$ttWSresult)); } public function isAlive() { $res = $this->init($data); return true; } public function getObsDataTree() { $res = $this->init(); $resMgr = $this->initUserMgr(); $vars = $res['vars']; $locParamSrc = USERPATH.$this->userID.'/WS/LocalParams.xml'; $wsParamSrc = USERPATH.$this->userID.'/WS/WsParams.xml'; $locParamResult = $this->resultMgr->getResOutputName(__FUNCTION__,$this->userID.'_'.'LocalParams'); $wsParamResult = $this->resultMgr->getResOutputName(__FUNCTION__,$this->userID.'_'.'WsParams'); if (!copy($locParamSrc,$locParamResult)) $locParamResult = ''; if (!copy($wsParamSrc,$wsParamResult)) $wsParamResult = ''; if ($locParamResult !='') $locParamResult = 'http://'.str_replace(BASE_PATH,$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].APACHE_ALIAS,$locParamResult); if ($wsParamResult !='') $wsParamResult = 'http://'.str_replace(BASE_PATH,$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].APACHE_ALIAS,$wsParamResult); if (($locParamResult =='') && ($wsParamResult =='')) { $this->throwError("workspaceError", "No parameter description file"); } $wsres = $this->resultMgr->addResult(__FUNCTION__,$vars,$this->userID,$wsParamResult.";".$locParamResult); return array('success' => true,'WorkSpace' => array("LocalDataBaseParameters"=>$locParamResult)); } public function getPlot($data) { $res = $this->init($data); $resMgr = $this->initUserMgr(); $vars = $res['vars']; $mission = $vars["missionID"]; $ID = $this->setID(); // unique JobID $resDirName = WSRESULT.$ID; // Define a temporary directory for results if (is_dir($resDirName)) $this->rrmdir($resDirName); mkdir($resDirName); chmod($resDirName,0775); $dom = new DomDocument("1.0"); $dom->load(plotsXml); $missionTag = $dom->getElementById($mission); $params = $missionTag->getElementsByTagName('param'); $paramsList = array(); foreach ($params as $param) $paramsList[] = $param->getAttribute('name'); $requestObject = (Object) array( "nodeType" => "request", "file-format" => "PNG", "file-output" => "WS", "ws-result-file" => $resDirName."/request.list.png", "last-plotted-tab" => 1, "timesrc" => "Interval", "startDate" => $vars["startTime"], "stopDate" => $vars["stopTime"], "tabs" => array() ); $pageObject = (Object) array( "id" => 1, "multi-plot-linked" => true, "page-margins-activated" => true, "page-margin-x" => 5, "page-margin-y" => 5, "page-orientation" => "portrait", "page-dimension" => "ISO A4", "page-layout-type" => "vertical", "page-layout-object" => (Object) array( "layout-panel-height" => 0.25, "layout-panel-spacing" => 0, "layout-expand" => false ), "panels" => array() ); foreach ($paramsList as $paramToPlot) { $panelObject = (Object) array( "panel-plot-type" => "timePlot", "axes" => array(), "params" => array() ); $timeAxisObject = (Object) array( "id" => "time", "axis-type" => "time", "axis-range-extend" => true ); $panelObject->{"axes"}[] = $timeAxisObject; $yAxisObject = (Object) array( "id" => "y-left", "axis-type" => "y-left", "axis-range-extend" => true ); $panelObject->{"axes"}[] = $yAxisObject; $paramObject = (Object) array( "id" => 1, "param-id" => $paramToPlot, "param-drawing-type" => "serie", "param-drawing-object" => (Object) array( "serie-yaxis" => "y-left", "serie-lines-activated" => true ) ); $panelObject->{"params"}[] = $paramObject; $pageObject->{"panels"}[] = $panelObject; } $requestObject->{"tabs"}[] = $pageObject; if (!isset($this->requestManager)) $this->requestManager = new RequestManagerClass(); try { $plotResult = $this->requestManager->runIHMRequest($this->userID, $this->getIPclient(), FunctionTypeEnumClass::PARAMS, $requestObject); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->throwError("plotError", "Exeption detected : ".$e->getMessage()); } return array('success' => true, 'plotDirectoryURL' => $ID); } public function getResultPlot($data) { $res = $this->init($data); $vars = $res['vars']; $ID = $vars["plotDirectoryURL"]; $filename = WSRESULT.$ID."/request.list.png"; if (file_exists($filename)) { $plotWSresult=WSRESULT.$ID."/request.list.png"; return array('success' => true, 'plotFileURL' => 'http://'.str_replace(BASE_PATH,$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].APACHE_ALIAS,$plotWSresult)); } else return array('success' => false); } public function getStatus($id) { $processManager = new ProcessManagerClass(IHMConfigClass::getProcessManagerFilePath()); try { $res = $processManager->getProcessInfo($id, true); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->throwError("serverError","Exception detected : ".$e->getMessage()); } // [success] => 1 // [result] => Array // ( // [id] => process_ADBCw1_1519836455_19505 // [cmd] => /home/budnik/AMDA/AMDA_Kernel/build/Debug/bin/amdaXMLRequestorTool /home/budnik/AMDA/AMDA_IHM/data/budnik/RES/DDnT8PLR_/request_0.xml // [outputfile] => cmd_output // [exitcodefile] => cmd_exitcode // [processfile] => cmd_process // [exitcode] => 0 // [PID] => 19505 // [runningpath] => /home/budnik/AMDA/AMDA_IHM/data/budnik/RES/DDnT8PLR_/ // [runningstart] => 1519836455 // [isrunning] => // [iskilled] => // [lastupdate] => 1519837450 // ) if (!$res['success']) { $this->throwError("processError","Cannot retrieve process $id info"); } $result = $res['result']; if ($result['isrunning']) { return array('success' => true, 'status' => 'in_progress'); } if ($result['iskilled']) { $this->throwError("processError","Process $id was killed"); } if ($result['exitcode'] !== 0) { $this->throwError("processError","Process $id error code: ".$result['exitcode']); } $vars = $this->getVarsFromRunningPath($result['runningpath']); if (!$vars['success']) { $this->throwError("processError","Process $id : cannot generate file name for result : ".$vars['message']); } $resultFile = glob($result['runningpath']."result_*"); $tempFilePath = $result['runningpath'].$resultFile.$vars['kernelExtension']; $outputFilePath = WSRESULT.$vars['dataFileName'].$vars['wsExtension']; return $this->finishDownloadRequest($id, $tempFilePath, $outputFilePath); } public function getParameterList($data) { $res = $this->init($data); $resMgr = $this->initUserMgr(); $vars = $res['vars']; $locParamSrc = USERWSDIR.'/LocalParams.xml'; $wsParamSrc = USERWSDIR.'/WsParams.xml'; $locParamResult = $this->resultMgr->getResOutputName(__FUNCTION__,$this->userID.'_'.'LocalParams'); $wsParamResult = $this->resultMgr->getResOutputName(__FUNCTION__,$this->userID.'_'.'WsParams'); if (!copy($locParamSrc,$locParamResult)) $locParamResult = ''; if (!copy($wsParamSrc,$wsParamResult)) $wsParamResult = ''; if ($locParamResult !='') $locParamResult = 'http://'.str_replace(BASE_PATH,$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].APACHE_ALIAS,$locParamResult); if ($wsParamResult !='') $wsParamResult = 'http://'.str_replace(BASE_PATH,$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].APACHE_ALIAS,$wsParamResult); if (($locParamResult =='') && ($wsParamResult =='')){ $this->throwError("workspaceError", "No params descriptions for ".$this->userID); } $wsres = $this->resultMgr->addResult(__FUNCTION__,$vars,$this->userID,$wsParamResult.";".$locParamResult.";".$remoteParamResult); return array('success' => true,'ParameterList' => array("UserDefinedParameters"=>$wsParamResult, "LocalDataBaseParameters"=>$locParamResult, "RemoteDataBaseParameters"=>$remoteParamResult)); } public function getNewToken() { $timeStamp = (new DateTime())->getTimestamp(); // generate token from timeStamp and some salt $newToken = md5(1321 * (int)($timeStamp / timeLimitQuery)); return array('success' => true, 'token' => $newToken); } /* * getParameter */ public function getParameter($data) { $res = $this->init($data, true); $resMgr = $this->initUserMgr(); if (!$res['success']){ $this->throwError("requestError", "Cannot parse request"); } $vars = $res['vars']; if (strtotime($vars["stopTime"]) <= strtotime($vars["startTime"])){ $this->throwError("requestError", "Requested time interval should be greater than 0"); } $dataFileName = $this->getDataFileName($vars); if ($dataFileName['success']) { $this->dataFileName = $dataFileName['fileName']; } else { $this->throwError("requestError", $dataFileName['message']); } $paramId = array(); array_push($paramId, $vars["parameterID"]); if (!$vars["timeFormat"]) $timeFormat = "ISO8601"; else $timeFormat = $vars["timeFormat"]; if (!$vars["gzip"]) $gzip = 0; else $gzip = $vars["gzip"]; /* if (!$vars["stream"]) $stream = 0; else $stream = $vars["stream"];*/ $res = $this->doDownloadRequest( array("startTime" => $vars["startTime"], "stopTime" => $vars["stopTime"], "sampling" => $vars["sampling"]), array("params" => $paramId), array("userName" => $this->userID, "userPwd" => $this->userPWD, "sessionID" => $this->sessionID), array("format" => $vars["outputFormat"], "timeFormat"=> $timeFormat, "gzip"=>$gzip, "stream"=>$stream), $dataFileName); if ($res['success']) return $res; $this->throwError("serverError", $res['message']); } /* * get Orbites */ public function getOrbites($data) { $res = $this->init($data); $resMgr = $this->initUserMgr(); if (!$resMgr['success']){ $this->throwError("serverError", "Cannot init user manager"); } $vars = $res['vars']; if (strtotime($vars["stopTime"]) <= strtotime($vars["startTime"])){ $this->throwError("requestError", "Requested time interval should be greater than 0"); } $spacecraft = $vars["spacecraft"]; $coordinateSystem = $vars["coordinateSystem"]; if ($spacecraft == "GALILEO") $spacecraft = ucfirst(strtolower($spacecraft)); if (!$vars["units"]) $units = "km"; else $units = $vars["units"]; $orbitRequest = array("startTime" => $vars["startTime"], "stopTime" => $vars["stopTime"], "spacecraft" => $spacecraft, "coordinateSystem" => $coordinateSystem, "units" => $units ); $orbitesParam = $this->getOrbitesParameter($orbitRequest); if ($orbitesParam['success']) { $orbParam = $orbitesParam['parameterID']; } else { //$orbParam = 'successEstfalse'; $this->throwError("requestError", $orbitesParam['message']); } $dataFileName = $this->getDataFileName($orbitesParam); if ($dataFileName['success']) { $this->dataFileName = $dataFileName['fileName']; } else { $this->throwError("requestError", $dataFileName['message']); } $paramId = array(); array_push($paramId, $orbParam); if (!$vars["timeFormat"]) $timeFormat = "ISO8601"; else $timeFormat = $vars["timeFormat"]; if (!$vars["gzip"]) $gzip = 0; else $gzip = $vars["gzip"]; $res = $this->doDownloadRequest( array("startTime" => $vars["startTime"], "stopTime" => $vars["stopTime"], "sampling" => $vars["sampling"]), array("params" => $paramId), array("userName" => $this->userID, "userPwd" => $this->userPWD, "sessionID" => $this->sessionID), array("format" => $vars["outputFormat"], "timeFormat"=> $timeFormat, "gzip"=>$gzip, "stream"=>$stream), $dataFileName); if ($res['success']) return $res; $this->throwError("serverError",$res['message']); } /* * get Dataset */ public function getDataset($data) { $res = $this->init($data); $resMgr = $this->initUserMgr(); $vars = $res['vars']; if (strtotime($vars["stopTime"]) <= strtotime($vars["startTime"])){ $this->throwError("requestError", "Requested time interval should be greater than 0"); } $dataFileName = $this->getDataFileName($vars, true); if ($dataFileName['success']) { $this->dataFileName = $dataFileName['fileName']; } else { $this->throeError("requestError",$dataFileName['message']); } $paramId = array(); $localData = simplexml_load_file(USERPATH.$this->userID.'/WS/LocalParams.xml'); if (!$vars["sampling"]) { $xpath = "//dataset[@xml:id='".$vars['datasetID']."']/@sampling"; $tmp = $localData->xpath($xpath); $vars["sampling"] = (string)$tmp[0]; $matches=array(); preg_match("/([a-z])$/", $vars["sampling"], $matches); $dataFileName = $this->getDataFileName($vars, true); if ($dataFileName['success']) { $this->dataFileName = $dataFileName['fileName']; } else { $this->throwError("requestError",$dataFileName['message']); } $vars["sampling"] = strtr($vars["sampling"], array($matches[1] => "")); switch ($matches[1]) { case 's': $sampling = floatval($vars["sampling"]); break; case 'm': $sampling = floatval($vars["sampling"])*60; break; case 'h': $sampling = floatval($vars["sampling"])*60*60; break; default: } } $xpath = "//dataset[@xml:id='".$vars['datasetID']."']/parameter/@*[namespace-uri()='' and local-name()='id']"; $pars = $localData->xpath($xpath); foreach ($pars as $p) $paramId[] = (string)$p[0]; if (!$vars["timeFormat"]) $timeFormat = "ISO8601"; else $timeFormat = $vars["timeFormat"]; if (!$vars["gzip"]) $gzip = 0; else $gzip = $vars["gzip"]; $res = $this->doDownloadRequest( array("startTime" => $vars["startTime"], "stopTime" => $vars["stopTime"], "sampling" => $sampling), array("params" => $paramId), array("userName" => $this->userID, "userPwd" => $this->userPWD, "sessionID" => $this->sessionID), array("format" => $vars["outputFormat"], "timeFormat"=> $timeFormat, "gzip"=>$gzip, "stream"=>$stream), $dataFileName); if ($res['success']) return $res; $this->throwError("serverError", $res['message']); } protected function getOrbitesParameter($orbitRequest) { $orbitesXml = new DomDocument(); if (file_exists(orbitesXml)) { $orbitesXml->load(orbitesXml); $xpath = new DOMXpath($orbitesXml); $path = '//orbites[@mission="'.$orbitRequest['spacecraft'].'" and @coordinate_system="'.$orbitRequest['coordinateSystem'].'" and @units="'.$orbitRequest['units'].'" ] '; $orbites = $xpath->query($path); foreach ($orbites as $orbite){ $paramInfo = $this->myParamsInfoMgr->GetDDInfoFromParameterID($orbite->getAttribute('xml:id')); $paramStart = $paramInfo['dataset']['starttime']; $paramStop = $paramInfo['dataset']['stoptime']; if((strtotime($paramStart) <= strtotime($orbitRequest['startTime']) && (strtotime($orbitRequest['stopTime'])) <= strtotime($paramStop))) { return array('success' => true, 'parameterID' => $orbite->getAttribute('xml:id'), 'startTime' => $orbitRequest['startTime'], 'stopTime' => $orbitRequest['stopTime'] ); } } return array('success' => false, 'message' => "Cannot find orbites for ".$orbitRequest['spacecraft']." between ".$orbitRequest['startTime']." in ".$orbitRequest['units']." ".$orbitRequest['coordinateSystem']." and ".$orbitRequest['stopTime']." ($paramStart - $paramStop) "); } else { return array('success' => false, 'message' => "Orbits file doesn't exist"); } } private function getFormatInfo($fileFormat, $timeFormat, $gzip) { switch ($fileFormat) { case 'netCDF' : $this->throwError("serverError", "netCDF format not implemented"); break; case 'VOTable' : $fileFormat = "vot"; $kernelExtension = ".vot"; $wsExtension = ".xml"; break; case 'ASCII' : default : $fileFormat = "ASCII"; $kernelExtension = ".txt"; $wsExtension = ".txt"; } switch ($timeFormat) { case 'unixtime' : $timeFormat = 'Timestamp'; break; default : $timeFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss'; } if ($gzip == 1) { $compression = "gzip"; $kernelExtension .= ".gz"; $wsExtension .= ".gz"; } else $compression = ""; return ['success' => true, 'kernelExtension' => $kernelExtension, 'wsExtension' => $wsExtension, 'fileFormat' => $fileFormat, 'timeFormat' => $timeFormat, 'compression' => $compression]; } protected function doDownloadRequest($interval,$paramList,$user,$formatInfo,$dataFileName) { if ($interval['sampling']) $structure = 0;// sampling else $structure = 2; // not sampling $fileInfo = $this->getFormatInfo($formatInfo['format'], $formatInfo['timeFormat'], $formatInfo['gzip']); IHMConfigClass::setUserName($this->userID); if (!isset($this->paramLoader)) $this->paramLoader = new IHMUserParamLoaderClass(); //Build parameter list $params = array(); //TODO template arguments to implement ? foreach ($paramList['params'] as $paramId) { $param = new stdClass; if (preg_match("#^ws_#",$paramId)) { $res = $this->paramLoader->getDerivedParameterNameFromId($paramId); if (!$res["success"]) { $this->throwError("serverError", "Not available derived parameter $paramId"); } $param->paramid = "ws_".$res['name']; } else if (preg_match("#^wsd_#",$paramId)) { $res = $this->paramLoader->getUploadedParameterNameFromId($paramId); if (!$res["success"]){ $this->throwError("serverError", "Not available parameter $paramId"); } $param->paramid = "wsd_".$res['name']; } else{ $param->paramid = $paramId; } $params[] = $param; } $obj = (object)array( "nodeType" => "download", "downloadSrc" => "0", "structure" => $structure, "refparamSampling" => false, "sampling" => $interval['sampling'], "timesrc" => "Interval", "startDate" => $interval['startTime'], "stopDate" => $interval['stopTime'], "list" => $params, "fileformat" => $fileInfo['fileFormat'], "timeformat" => $fileInfo['timeFormat'], "compression" => $fileInfo['compression'], "extension" => $fileInfo['wsExtension'], "disablebatch" => false, "dataFileName" => $this->dataFileName ); if (!isset($this->requestManager)) $this->requestManager = new RequestManagerClass(); try { $downloadResult = $this->requestManager->runIHMRequest($this->userID, $this->getIPclient(), FunctionTypeEnumClass::PARAMS, $obj); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->throwError("serverError", "Exception detected : ".$e->getMessage()); } if (!$downloadResult['success']) { $this->throwError("serverError", $downloadResult['message']); } if($downloadResult['status'] == 'in_progress') { return ['success' => true, 'status' => 'in_progress', 'id' => $downloadResult['id']]; } elseif ($downloadResult['status'] == 'done') { $resTempFilePath = USERWORKINGDIR.'/'.$downloadResult['folder'].'/'.$downloadResult['result'].$fileInfo['kernelExtension']; $resOutputFilePath = WSRESULT.$this->dataFileName.$fileInfo['wsExtension']; return $this->finishDownloadRequest($downloadResult['id'], $resTempFilePath, $resOutputFilePath); } else { return ['success' => false, 'message' => 'Unknown status ' . $downloadResult['status']]; } } private function finishDownloadRequest($id, $resTempFilePath, $resOutputFilePath) { if (!file_exists($resTempFilePath)) { $this->throwError("serverError", "Cannot retrieve result file $resTempFilePath"); } rename($resTempFilePath, $resOutputFilePath); chmod($resOutputFilePath, 0664); $outputURL = 'http://' . str_replace(BASE_PATH, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . APACHE_ALIAS, $resOutputFilePath); $obj = (object)array( 'id' => $id ); if (!isset($this->requestManager)) $this->requestManager = new RequestManagerClass(); try { $downloadResult = $this->requestManager->runIHMRequest($this->userID, $this->getIPclient(), FunctionTypeEnumClass::PROCESSDELETE, $obj); } catch (Exception $e) { error_log("Can not delete file $resOutputFilePath: $e"); } return array('success' => true, 'status' => 'done', 'dataFileURLs' => $outputURL); } // protected function timeIntervalToDuration($startTime,$stopTime) // { // $duration = strtotime($stopTime) - strtotime($startTime); // $durationDay = intval($duration/(86400)); // $duration = $duration - $durationDay*86400; // $durationHour = intval($duration/(3600)); // $duration = $duration - $durationHour*3600; // $durationMin = intval($duration/(60)); // $durationSec = $duration - $durationMin*60; // // return array("success" => true, "days" => sprintf("%04s", strval($durationDay)), // "hours" => sprintf("%02s", strval($durationHour)), // "mins" => sprintf("%02s", strval($durationMin)), // "secs" => sprintf("%02s", strval($durationSec)) // ); // } protected function getDataFileName($vars, $multiParam = false) { if ($vars['startTime'] && $vars['stopTime'] && $vars['parameterID'] && !$multiParam){ $fileName = $vars['parameterID']."-".strtotime($vars['startTime'])."-".strtotime($vars['stopTime']); if (isset($vars['sampling']) && $vars['sampling'] != "" && $vars['sampling'] != 0) $fileName .= "-".$vars['sampling']; return array('success' => true, 'fileName' => $fileName); } else if ($vars['startTime'] && $vars['stopTime'] && $vars['datasetID'] && $multiParam){ $datasetName = strtr($vars["datasetID"], array(":" => "_")); $fileName = $datasetName."-".strtotime($vars['startTime'])."-".strtotime($vars['stopTime']); if (isset($vars['sampling']) && $vars['sampling'] != "" && $vars['sampling'] != 0) $fileName .= "-".$vars['sampling']; return array('success' => true, 'fileName' => $fileName); } else { if (!$vars['startTime']) $message="Start time not specified"; if (!$vars['stopTime']) $message="Stop time not specified"; if (!$vars['parameterID'] && !$multiParam) $message="Parameter not specified"; if (!$vars['datasetID'] && $multiParam) $message="DataSet not specified"; return array('success' => false, 'message' => $message); } } private function getVarsFromRunningPath($runningPath) { $filePath = $runningPath . "request_0.xml"; if (!file_exists($filePath)) { return ['success' => false, 'message' => 'Failed to open request file']; } $requestXml = new DOMDocument(); $requestXml->load($filePath); $fileFormat = $requestXml->getElementsByTagName('fileFormat')->item(0)->nodeValue; $timeFormat = $requestXml->getElementsByTagName('timeFormat')->item(0)->nodeValue; $gzip = 0; // todo $requestXml->getElementsByTagName('gzip')->item(0)->nodeValue; // get kernelExtension, wsExtension, fileFormat, timeFormat, compression: $vars = $this->getFormatInfo($fileFormat, $timeFormat, $gzip); $cc = new CommonClass(); $vars['parameterID'] = $requestXml->getElementsByTagName('param')->item(0)->getAttribute('id'); $ddStart = $requestXml->getElementsByTagName('startTime')->item(0)->nodeValue; $ddInterval = $requestXml->getElementsByTagName('timeInterval')->item(0)->nodeValue; $vars['startTime'] = $cc->DDTimeToIso($ddStart); $vars['stopTime'] = $cc->DDStartIntervalToStopIso($ddStart, $ddInterval); $sampling = $requestXml->getElementsByTagName('sampling')->item(0); if (!is_null($sampling)) $vars['sampling'] = $sampling->nodeValue; if (in_array(null, $vars, true)) { return ['success' => false, 'message' => 'Can not create data file name - a value is missing in the request file']; } $dataFileName = $this->getDataFileName($vars, false); if (!$dataFileName['success']) { return $dataFileName; } $vars['dataFileName'] = $dataFileName['fileName']; $vars['success'] = true; return $vars; } // private function compress($srcName, $dstName) // { // $fp = fopen($srcName, "r"); // $data = fread($fp, filesize($srcName)); // fclose($fp); // // $zp = gzopen($dstName, "w9"); // gzwrite($zp, $data); // gzclose($zp); // } } ?>