<?php /** * @class ParamsInfoMgr * @version $Id: ParamsInfoMgr.php 2780 2015-02-26 12:02:37Z elena $ * */ class ParamsInfoMgr { protected $derivedParamMgr, $mydataParamMgr, $mySimuParamMgr; protected $missionDom, $localDom, $internalDom; protected $ddLocalMissionXPath; function __construct() { $this->ddLocalMissionXPath = array(); } /* * Get all info for a given REMOTE THEMIS parameter */ public function getRemoteThemisParamInfo($param) { $info = array(); if (sscanf($param,"%[^'('](%d:%d)",$par,$cstart,$cstop) == 3) { $comp_start = $cstart; $comp_stop = $cstop; } else if (sscanf($param,"%[^'('](%d)",$par,$cstart) == 2) { $comp_start = $cstart; $comp_stop = $cstart; } else $par = $param; $paramXML = new DomDocument("1.0"); if (!$paramXML->load(RemoteData."THEMIS/base.xml")) return null; $paramID = $paramXML->getElementById($par); if($paramID == null ) return null; $parent = $paramID ->parentNode; $vi = $parent->getAttribute('xml:id'); $info['base'] = ''; $info['vi'] = $vi; return $info; } /* * Get all info for a given REMOTE parameter */ public function getRemoteParamInfo($param) { if (substr($param,0,2) == 'th') return $this->getRemoteThemisParamInfo($param); $info = array(); $ParamFile = RemoteData.'PARAMS/'.$param.'.xml'; if (!file_exists($ParamFile)) return null; $paramXML = new DomDocument("1.0"); if (!$paramXML->load($ParamFile)) return null; $fieldname = $paramXML->getElementsByTagName('paramID'); if($fieldname->length == 0 ) return null; $base = $paramXML->getElementsByTagName('baseID'); $vi = $paramXML->getElementsByTagName('viID'); $info['base'] = $base->length == 0 ? 'undefined' : $base->item(0)->nodeValue; $info['vi'] = $vi->length == 0 ? 'undefined' : $vi->item(0)->nodeValue; $info['title'] = $fieldname->item(0)->nodeValue; return $info; } /* * Get all info for a given parameter */ public function GetParamInfo($param) { // to correct 'restricted' parameters if (strpos($param, restricted) !== false) { $param = str_replace(restricted,"",$param); } //get components if (sscanf($param,"%[^'('](%d:%d)",$par,$cstart,$cstop) == 3) { $comp_start = $cstart; $comp_stop = $cstop; } else if (sscanf($param,"%[^'('](%d)",$par,$cstart) == 2) { $comp_start = $cstart; $comp_stop = $cstart; } else $par = $param; if (strncmp(strtolower($par), 'ws_', 3) == 0) return $this->GetDerivedParamInfo(substr($par,3),$comp_start,$comp_stop); else if (strncmp(strtolower($par), 'wsd_', 4) == 0) return $this->GetMyDataParamInfo(substr($par,4),$comp_start,$comp_stop); else if (strncmp(strtolower($par), 'spase_', 6) == 0) return $this->GetSimuDataParamInfo($par,$comp_start,$comp_stop); return $this->GetLocalParamInfo($par,$comp_start,$comp_stop); } /* * Get a full list of available missions (only missions with the status 'required') that come from Mission.xml file */ public function GetMissionsList() { if (!$this->missionDom) { $this->missionDom = new DomDocument("1.0"); if (!$this->missionDom->load(missionXml)) return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Cannot load missions file'); } $missions = $this->missionDom->getElementsByTagName('MissionID'); $missions_array = array('success' => true); foreach ($missions as $mission) { // if ($mission->getAttribute('status') != 'required') // continue; $id = $mission->nodeValue; $group = $mission->getAttribute('group'); $missions_array[$id] = array("group" => $group); } return $missions_array; } /* * Extract sub mission info from a node (DD_*.xml file) */ private function ExtractDDSubMissionInfoFromNode($node) { $name = $node->getAttribute('name'); $desc = $node->getAttribute('desc'); $help = $node->getAttribute('attention'); $class = $node->getAttribute('class'); if ($node->hasAttribute('xml:id')) { $id = $node->getAttribute('xml:id'); } else { $tmp = explode("@",$name); $id = $tmp[0]; } return array( "name" => $name, "desc" => $desc, "help" => $help, "class" => $class, "id" => $id ); } /* * Extract instrument info from a node (DD_*.xml file) */ private function ExtractDDInstrumentInfoFromNode($node) { $name = $node->getAttribute('name'); $desc = $node->getAttribute('desc'); $help = $node->getAttribute('attention'); $id = $node->getAttribute('xml:id'); $refURL = $node->getAttribute('refURL'); $alternatenode = $node->getElementsByTagName('alternateName'); $alt = array(); foreach ($alternatenode as $a) array_push($alt,$a->nodeValue); $classnode = $node->getElementsByTagName('class'); $class = array(); foreach ($classnode as $c) array_push($class,$c->nodeValue); $pinode = $node->getElementsByTagName('pi'); $pi = ($pinode->length > 0) ? $pinode->item(0)->nodeValue : ''; return array( "name" => $name, "desc" => $desc, "help" => $help, "pi" => $pi, "id" => $id, "refURL" => $refURL, "alternamename" => $alt, "class" => $class ); } /* * Extract parameter info from a node (DD_*.xml file) */ private function ExtractDDDatasetInfoFromNode($node) { $id = $node->getAttribute('xml:id'); $name = $node->getAttribute('name'); $help = $node->getAttribute('attention'); $sampnode = $node->getElementsByTagName('sampling'); $min_samp = ($sampnode->length > 0) ? $sampnode->item(0)->nodeValue : '0'; $sampnode = $node->getElementsByTagName('maxSampling'); $max_samp = ($sampnode->length > 0) ? $sampnode->item(0)->nodeValue : $min_samp; $startnode = $node->getElementsByTagName('dataStart'); $start = ($startnode->length > 0) ? $startnode->item(0)->nodeValue : '1970/01/01'; $stopnode = $node->getElementsByTagName('dataStop'); $stop = ($stopnode->length > 0) ? $stopnode->item(0)->nodeValue : '1970/01/01'; $sourcenode = $node->getElementsByTagName('dataSource'); $source = ($sourcenode->length > 0) ? $sourcenode->item(0)->nodeValue : ''; $infonode = $node->getElementsByTagName('info'); $infonode = ($infonode->length > 0) ? $infonode->item(0) : NULL; $title = ''; $des = ''; $creator = ''; $calibration = ''; $subject = array(); $contributor = array(); $target = array(); if (isset($infonode)) { $titlenode = $infonode->getElementsByTagName('title'); $title = ($titlenode->length > 0) ? $titlenode->item(0)->nodeValue : ''; $desnode = $infonode->getElementsByTagName('description'); $des = ($desnode->length > 0) ? $desnode->item(0)->nodeValue : ''; $creatornode = $infonode->getElementsByTagName('creator'); $creator = ($creatornode->length > 0) ? $creatornode->item(0)->nodeValue : ''; $calibrationnode = $infonode->getElementsByTagName('calibration'); $calibration = ($calibrationnode->length > 0) ? $calibrationnode->item(0)->nodeValue : ''; $subjectnode = $infonode->getElementsByTagName('subject'); foreach ($subjectnode as $s) array_push($subject,$s->nodeValue); $contributornode = $infonode->getElementsByTagName('contributor'); foreach ($contributornode as $c) array_push($contributor,$c->nodeValue); $targetnode = $infonode->getElementsByTagName('target'); foreach ($targetnode as $t) array_push($target,$t->nodeValue); } return array( "id" => $id, "name" => $name, "help" => $help, "minsampling" => $min_samp, "maxsampling" => $max_samp, "starttime" => $start, "stoptime" => $stop, "source" => $source, "title" => $title, "description" => $des, "creator" => $creator, "calibration" => $calibration, "subject" => $subject, "contributor" => $contributor, "target" => $target ); } /* * Extract parameter info from a node (DD_*.xml file) */ private function ExtractDDParameterInfoFromNode($node, $comp_start = NULL, $comp_stop = NULL) { $units = $node->getAttribute('units'); $display_type = $node->getAttribute('display_type'); $components = $node->getElementsByTagName('component'); //additionals info $infonode = $node->getElementsByTagName('info'); $infonode = ($infonode->length > 0) ? $infonode->item(0) : NULL; $des = ""; $ucd = ""; $type = ""; if (isset($infonode)) { $desnode = $infonode->getElementsByTagName('description'); $des = ($desnode->length > 0) ? $desnode->item(0)->nodeValue : ''; $ucdnode = $infonode->getElementsByTagName('ucd'); $ucd = ($ucdnode->length > 0) ? $ucdnode->item(0)->nodeValue : ''; $typenode = $infonode->getElementsByTagName('type'); $type = ($typenode->length > 0) ? $typenode->item(0)->nodeValue : ''; } //size of the full parameter if ($node->getAttribute('size') != '') $fullsize = intval($node->getAttribute('size')); else { if ($components->length > 0) $fullsize = $components->length; else $fullsize = 1; } //get all components labels $comps_all_labels = array(); if ($fullsize > 1) { if (($fullsize != $components->length)&& ($name !='')) { for ($i = 0; $i < $fullsize; $i++) $comps_all_labels[] = $name.'_'.$i; } else { $i = 0; foreach ($components as $comp) { $comps_all_labels[] = $comp->getAttribute('name'); $i++; } } } //real size if (isset($comp_start)) { if (isset($comp_stop) && ($comp_start != $comp_stop)) $size = $comp_stop - $comp_start; else { $size = 1; $comp_stop = $comp_start; } } else { $comp_start = 0; $comp_stop = $fullsize-1; $size = $fullsize; } if ($size != $fullsize) { if ($size == 1) { $id = $node->getAttribute('xml:id')."_".$comp_start; $name = $comps_all_labels[$comp_start]; } else { $id = $node->getAttribute('xml:id')."_".$comp_start."_".$comp_stop; $name = $node->getAttribute('name')."_".$comp_start."_".$comp_stop; $comps_label = ""; for ($i = $comp_start; $i <= $comp_stop; $i++) { if ($i != $comp_start) $comps_label .= " "; $comps_label .= $comps_all_labels[$i]; } } } else { $name = $node->getAttribute('name'); $id = $node->getAttribute('xml:id'); $comps_label = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { if ($i != 0) $comps_label .= " "; $comps_label .= $comps_all_labels[$i]; } } return array( "id" => $id, "name" => $name, "units" => $units, "size" => $size, "display_type" => $display_type, "comps_label" => $comps_label, "description" => $des, "ucd" => $ucd, "type" => $type ); } /* * Get the DD_*.xml XPath from a mission id */ public function GetDDMissionXPath($mission_id) { if ($this->ddLocalMissionXPath[$mission_id]) return $this->ddLocalMissionXPath[$mission_id]; $mission_file = LocalData.'DD_'.$mission_id.'.xml'; if (!file_exists($mission_file)) return null; $ddDom = new DomDocument("1.0"); $ddDom->load($mission_file); $this->ddLocalMissionXPath[$mission_id] = new DOMXPath($ddDom); return $this->ddLocalMissionXPath[$mission_id]; } /* * Get sub-missions info available in the DD_*.xml file from mission id * (a DD_*.xml file can contain more than one mission, for example THEMIS-A, THEMIS-B, etc..., this is what we called "sub-mission") */ public function GetDDMissionInfo($mission_id) { $ddPath = $this->GetDDMissionXPath($mission_id); if (!$ddPath) return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Error to parse DD mission file '.$mission_id); $subMiss = $ddPath->query("//mission"); $sub_array = array(); foreach($subMiss as $sub) { $infos = $this->ExtractDDSubMissionInfoFromNode($sub); $inst = $this->GetDDInstrumentsInfo($mission_id, $infos['name']); $sub_array[$infos['name']] = array( "desc" => $infos['desc'], "help" => $infos['help'], "class" => $infos['class'], "instruments" => $inst); } return $sub_array; } /* * Get instruments info available in the DD_*.xml file from mission id and sub mission name */ public function GetDDInstrumentsInfo($mission_id, $sub_name) { $ddPath = $this->GetDDMissionXPath($mission_id); if (!$ddPath) return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Error to parse DD mission file '.$mission_id); $instruments = $ddPath->query("//mission[@name='".$sub_name."']/instrument"); $inst_array = array(); foreach($instruments as $inst) { $infos = $this->ExtractDDInstrumentInfoFromNode($inst); $datasets = $this->GetDDDatasetsInfo($mission_id, $sub_name, $infos["name"]); $inst_array[$infos['name']] = array( "desc" => $infos['desc'], "help" => $infos['help'], "pi" => $infos['pi'], "id" => $infos['id'], "refURL" => $infos['refURL'], "alternamename" => $infos['alternamename'], "class" => $infos['class'], "datasets" => $datasets); } return $inst_array; } /* * Get datasets info available in the DD_*.xml file from mission id, sub mission name and instrument name */ private function GetDDDatasetsInfo($mission_id, $sub_name, $inst_name) { $ddPath = $this->GetDDMissionXPath($mission_id); if (!$ddPath) return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Error to parse DD mission file '.$mission_id); $datasets = $ddPath->query("//mission[@name='".$sub_name."']//instrument[@name='".$inst_name."']//dataset"); $datas_array = array(); foreach ($datasets as $data) { $infos = $this->ExtractDDDatasetInfoFromNode($data); $params = $this->GetDDParametersInfo($mission_id, $sub_name, $inst_name, $infos['id']); $datas_array[$infos['id']] = array( "name" => $infos['name'], "help" => $infos['help'], "minsampling" => $infos['minsampling'], "maxsampling" => $infos['maxsampling'], "starttime" => $infos['starttime'], "stoptime" => $infos['stoptime'], "source" => $infos['source'], "title" => $infos['title'], "description" => $infos['description'], "creator" => $infos['creator'], "calibration" => $infos['calibration'], "subject" => $infos['subject'], "contributor" => $infos['contributor'], "target" => $infos['target'], "parameters" => $params ); } return $datas_array; } /* * Get parameters info available in the DD_*.xml file from mission id, sub mission name, instrument name and dataset id */ public function GetDDParametersInfo($mission_id, $sub_name, $inst_name, $data_id) { $ddPath = $this->GetDDMissionXPath($mission_id); if (!$ddPath) return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Error to parse DD mission file '.$mission_id); $parameters = $ddPath->query("//mission[@name='".$sub_name."']//instrument[@name='".$inst_name."']//dataset[@xml:id='".$data_id."']/parameter"); $params_array = array(); foreach ($parameters as $param) { $infos = $this->ExtractDDParameterInfoFromNode($param); $params_array[$infos['id']] = array( "name" => $infos["name"], "units" => $infos["units"], "size" => $infos["size"], "display_type" => $infos["display_type"], "comps_label" => $infos["comps_label"], "description" => $infos["description"], "ucd" => $infos["ucd"], "type" => $infos["type"] ); } return $params_array; } /* * Get all DD_*.xml info from parameter id */ public function GetDDInfoFromParameterID($param_id, $comp_start = NULL, $comp_stop = NULL) { $missions = $this->GetMissionsList(); foreach ($missions as $mission_id => $mission_val) { $ddPath = $this->GetDDMissionXPath($mission_id); if (!$ddPath) continue; $parameters = $ddPath->query("//instrument//dataset/parameter[@xml:id='".$param_id."']"); if ($parameters->length < 1) continue; $parameter_node = $parameters->item(0); //parameter info $param_infos = $this->ExtractDDParameterInfoFromNode($parameter_node, $comp_start, $comp_stop); //dataset info $dataset_node = $parameter_node->parentNode; $dataset_infos = $this->ExtractDDDatasetInfoFromNode($dataset_node); //instrument info $instrument_node = $dataset_node->parentNode->nodeName == 'instrument' ? $dataset_node->parentNode : $dataset_node->parentNode->parentNode; $instrument_infos = $this->ExtractDDInstrumentInfoFromNode($instrument_node); //sub mission info $tmp = $instrument_node->parentNode; if ($tmp->nodeName == "group" ) $submission_node = $tmp->parentNode; else $submission_node = $tmp; $submission_infos = $this->ExtractDDSubMissionInfoFromNode($submission_node); return array( 'success' => true, 'parameter' => $param_infos, 'dataset' => $dataset_infos, 'instrument' => $instrument_infos, 'submission' => $submission_infos, 'mission_id' => $mission_id ); } return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'No such param '.$param_id); } /* * Get dataset info */ public function GetDDInfoFromDatasetID($datasetId) { $missions = $this->GetMissionsList(); foreach ($missions as $mission_id => $mission_val) { $ddPath = $this->GetDDMissionXPath($mission_id); if (!$ddPath) continue; $datasets = $ddPath->query("//instrument/dataset[@xml:id='".$datasetId."']"); if ($datasets->length < 1) continue; $dataset_node = $datasets->item(0); $dataset_infos = $this->ExtractDDDatasetInfoFromNode($dataset_node); //instrument info $instrument_node = $dataset_node->parentNode; $instrument_infos = $this->ExtractDDInstrumentInfoFromNode($instrument_node); //sub mission info $submission_node = $instrument_node->parentNode; $submission_infos = $this->ExtractDDSubMissionInfoFromNode($submission_node); //parameters info $param_infos = $this->GetDDParametersInfo($mission_id, $submission_infos['name'], $instrument_infos['name'], $datasetId); return array( 'success' => true, 'parameter' => $param_infos, 'dataset' => $dataset_infos, 'instrument' => $instrument_infos, 'submission' => $submission_infos, 'mission_id' => $mission_id ); } return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'No such dataset '.$datasetId); } public function ExtractLocalParamsInfoFromNode($theParam) { $name = $theParam->getAttribute("name"); $vi = $theParam->getAttribute("vi"); $size = $theParam->getElementsByTagName("SIZES")->item(0)->nodeValue; $tensor = $theParam->getElementsByTagName("TENSOR_ORDER_VALUE")->item(0)->nodeValue; $value_type = $theParam->getElementsByTagName("VALUE_TYPE")->item(0)->nodeValue; $fillNodes = $theParam->getElementsByTagName("FILLVAL"); if ($fillNodes->length > 0) $fill_value = $fillNodes->item(0)->nodeValue; else $fill_value = "NaN"; //if ($fill_value == "NaN") $fill_value = "!Values.F_NAN"; $units = $theParam->getElementsByTagName("UNITS")->item(0)->nodeValue; $sampling = $theParam->getElementsByTagName("TIME_RESOLUTION")->item(0)->nodeValue; $maxSamplingNode = $theParam->getElementsByTagName("MAX_TIME_RESOLUTION"); if ($maxSamplingNode->length > 0) $maxSampling = $maxSamplingNode->item(0)->nodeValue; else $maxSampling = $sampling; $frame = $theParam->getElementsByTagName("COORDINATE_SYSTEM")->item(0)->nodeValue; $legend = $theParam->getElementsByTagName("LABEL_I")->item(0)->nodeValue; $title = $theParam->getElementsByTagName("YTITLE")->item(0)->nodeValue; $plottype = $theParam->getElementsByTagName("DISPLAY_TYPE")->item(0)->nodeValue; // if ($plottype == "TICK_MARKS") //BRE - why put mission name in DISPLAY_TYPE tag? (for the moment, keep for compatibility) // $mission = $theParam->getElementsByTagName("DISPLAY_TYPE")->item(0)->getAttribute("name"); // else // $mission = "n/a"; $energychannel = $theParam->getAttribute("energy"); if ($energychannel == '') $energychannel = 'Energy'; $validMinNode = $theParam->getElementsByTagName("VALID_MIN"); if ($validMinNode->length > 0) $validmin = $validMinNode->item(0)->nodeValue; else $validmin = 'unknown'; $conversionNode = $theParam->getElementsByTagName("UNITS_CONVERSION"); if ($conversionNode->length > 0) { $infoProvider = new InfoProvider(); $conversion = $infoProvider->getConversion($conversionNode->item(0)->nodeValue); } else $conversion = '-1'; $processNode = $theParam->getElementsByTagName("PROCESS"); if ($processNode->length > 0) $process = $processNode->item(0)->nodeValue; else $process = ''; //$ytitle = $units != NULL ? $title.",!C".$units : $title; return array( 'name' => $name, 'vi' => $vi, 'size' => $size, 'tensor' => $tensor, 'valuetype' => $value_type, 'fillvalue' => $fill_value, 'units' => $units, 'minsampling' => $sampling, 'maxsampling' => $maxSampling, 'frame' => $frame, 'legend' => $legend, 'title' => $title, 'plottype' => $plottype, // 'mission' => $mission, //BRE - why put mission name in DISPLAY_TYPE tag? (for the moment, keep for compatibility) 'conversion' => $conversion, 'validmin' => $validmin, 'process' => $process, 'energychannel' => $energychannel ); } public function GetLocalParamInfo($param, $comp_start = NULL, $comp_stop = NULL) { if (!$this->localDom) { $this->localDom = new DomDocument("1.0"); if (!$this->localDom->load(paramXml)) return array('success' => false, 'id' => $param, 'message' => 'Cannot load local param file'); } $theParam = $this->localDom->getElementById($param); $comp_array = array(); if (isset($comp_start) && isset($comp_stop) && ($comp_start != $comp_stop)) $par_id = $param."(".$comp_start.":".$comp_stop.")"; else if (isset($comp_start)) $par_id = $param."(".$comp_start.")"; else $par_id = $param; if (!$theParam) $ddinfos = $this->GetDDInfoFromParameterID($par_id); else { $ddinfos = $this->GetDDInfoFromParameterID($param, $comp_start, $comp_stop); $isInternal = $theParam->hasAttribute('internal'); } if (!$ddinfos['success'] && !$isInternal) return array('success' => false, 'id' => $param, 'message' => $ddinfos['message']); if (!$theParam) return array('success' => true, 'id' => $par_id, 'type' => 'local', 'withcode' => true, 'ddinfos' => $ddinfos); $codeinfos = $this->ExtractLocalParamsInfoFromNode($theParam); return array('success' => true, 'id' => $par_id, 'type' => 'local', 'withcode' => false, 'ddinfos' => $ddinfos, 'codeinfos' => $codeinfos); } protected function GetDerivedParamInfo($param, $comp_start = NULL, $comp_stop = NULL) { if (!$this->derivedParamMgr) $this->derivedParamMgr = new DerivedParamMgr('derivedParam'); $obj = $this->derivedParamMgr->getObjectByName($param); if ($obj['error']) return array('success' => false, 'id' => $param, 'message' => $obj['error']); return array( 'success' => true, 'id' => $param, 'type' => 'derived', 'infos' => $obj ); } protected function GetMyDataParamInfo($param, $comp_start = NULL, $comp_stop = NULL) { if (!$this->mydataParamMgr) $this->mydataParamMgr = new DerivedParamMgr(); $obj = $this->mydataParamMgr->getObjectByName($param); if ($obj['error']) return array('success' => false, 'id' => $param, 'message' => $obj['error']); return array( 'success' => true, 'id' => $param, 'type' => 'mydata', 'infos' => $obj ); } protected function GetSimuDataParamInfo($param, $comp_start = NULL, $comp_stop = NULL) { if (!$this->mySimuParamMgr) $this->mySimuParamMgr = new DerivedParamMgr('mySimuParam'); $obj = $this->mySimuParamMgr->getObjectByName($param); if ($obj['error']) return array('success' => false, 'id' => $param, 'message' => $obj['error']); return array( 'success' => true, 'id' => $param, 'type' => 'mydata', 'infos' => $obj ); } public function GetInternalParamInfo($param) { if (!$this->internalDom) { $this->internalDom = new DomDocument("1.0"); if (!$this->internalDom->load(internalParams)) return array('success' => false, 'id' => $param, 'message' => 'Cannot load local internal params file'); } $theParam = $this->internalDom->getElementById($param); $parentDataset = $theParam->parentNode; $parentInstrument = $parentDataset->parentNode; $parentMission = $parentInstrument->parentNode; $missionName = isset($parentMission) ? $parentMission->getAttribute('name') : 'undefined'; return array( 'success' => true, 'id' => $param, 'mission' => $missionName, 'instrument' => array('id' =>$parentInstrument->getAttribute('xml:id'), 'name' =>$parentInstrument->getAttribute('name'), 'desc' =>$parentInstrument->getAttribute('desc')), 'dataset' => array('id' =>$parentDataset->getAttribute('xml:id'), 'name' =>$parentDataset->getAttribute('name'), 'sampling' =>$parentDataset->getElementsByTagName('sampling')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'dataStart'=>$parentDataset->getElementsByTagName('dataStart')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'dataStop' =>$parentDataset->getElementsByTagName('dataStop')->item(0)->nodeValue) ); } public function ParamInfosToString($infos) { $str = $infos['id']; if (!$infos['success']) return $str." - ".$infos['message']; switch($infos['type']) { case 'local' : $str .= (" - Type : Local Parameter @ CDPP/AMDA"); if ($infos['ddinfos']['parameter']['name'] != '') $str .= (" - Name : ".$infos['ddinfos']['parameter']['name']); else $str .= (" - Name : ".$infos['codeinfos']['title']); if ($infos['ddinfos']['parameter']['units'] != '') $str .= (" - Units : ".$infos['ddinfos']['parameter']['units']); else $str .= (" - Units : ".$infos['codeinfos']['units']); if ($infos['ddinfos']['parameter']['size'] != '') $str .= (" - Size : ".$infos['ddinfos']['parameter']['size']); else $str .= (" - Size : ".$infos['codeinfos']['size']); if (!$infos['withcode']) if ($infos['codeinfos']['frame'] != '') $str .= (" - Frame : ".$infos['codeinfos']['frame']); if ($infos['ddinfos']['submission']['name'] != '') $str .= (" - Mission : ".$infos['ddinfos']['submission']['name']); else $str .= (" - Mission : ".$infos['codeinfos']['name']); $str .= (" - Instrument : ".$infos['ddinfos']['instrument']['name']); if ($infos['ddinfos']['dataset']['name'] != '') $str .= (" - Dataset : ".$infos['ddinfos']['dataset']['name']); else $str .= (" - Dataset : ".$infos['codeinfos']['plottype']); break; case 'derived' : $str .= (" - Type : Derived Parameter @ CDPP/AMDA"); $str .= (" - Name : ".$infos['infos']['name']); $str .= (" - Units : ".$infos['infos']['units']); $str .= (" - Build chain : ".htmlentities($infos['infos']['buildchain'])); $str .= (" - Time Step : ".$infos['infos']['timestep']); break; case 'mydata' : $str .= (" - Type : My Data Parameter @ CDPP/AMDA"); $str .= (" - Name : ".$infos['infos']['name']); $str .= (" - Units : ".$infos['infos']['units']); $str .= (" - Size : ".$infos['infos']['size']); $str .= (" - From : ".$infos['infos']['file']); break; default : return $str." - Unknown parameter type (maybe not yet implemented?)"; } return $str; } function forEachAllDDParameters($callback_func) { $missions = $this->GetMissionsList(); foreach ($missions as $mis_key => $mis_val) { if ($mis_key == 'success') continue; $subs = $this->GetDDMissionInfo($mis_key); foreach ($subs as $sub_key => $sub_val) foreach($sub_val['instruments'] as $inst_key => $inst_val) foreach ($inst_val["datasets"] as $data_key => $data_val) foreach ($data_val["parameters"] as $param_key => $param_val) call_user_func($callback_func, array("mission" => array("id" => $mis_key, "infos" => $mis_val), "submission" => array("name" => $sub_key, "infos" => $sub_val), "instrument" => array("name" => $inst_key, "infos" => $inst_val), "dataset" => array("id" => $data_key, "infos" => $data_val), "parameter" => array("id" => $param_key, "infos" => $param_val))); } } function forEachAllDDDatasets($callback_func) { $missions = $this->GetMissionsList(); foreach ($missions as $mis_key => $mis_val) { if ($mis_key == 'success') continue; $subs = $this->GetDDMissionInfo($mis_key); foreach ($subs as $sub_key => $sub_val) foreach($sub_val['instruments'] as $inst_key => $inst_val) foreach ($inst_val["datasets"] as $data_key => $data_val) call_user_func($callback_func, array("mission" => array("id" => $mis_key, "infos" => $mis_val), "submission" => array("name" => $sub_key, "infos" => $sub_val), "instrument" => array("name" => $inst_key, "infos" => $inst_val), "dataset" => array("id" => $data_key, "infos" => $data_val))); } } } ?>