objectMgr = new TimeTableMgr(); } protected function getCacheFileName() { return "cacheTT"; } protected function getCacheDirectory() { return USERTTDIR; } protected function resetCache($options = array()) { $this->cache = new TimeTableCacheObject(); return array(); } protected function loadAdditionalDescription($options) { return array(); } public function initObjectCache($options = array()) { //Create new cache $info = $this->resetCache($options); //Save cache file return array('success' => $this->saveToFile(), 'token' => $this->cache->getToken(), 'status' => $this->cache->getStatus()) + $info; } public function initFromObject($id, $type) { $options = $this->loadAdditionalDescription(array('id' => $id, 'type' => $type)); //Create new cache $info = $this->resetCache($options); //Load intervals from object file and add to cache $intervals_res = $this->objectMgr->loadIntervalsFromObject($id,$type); if (!$intervals_res['success']) return $intervals_res; foreach ($intervals_res['intervals'] as $interval) { //Add interval $this->cache->addInterval($interval); } unset($intervals_res); //Update cache $this->cache->updateIndexes(); //Save cache file return array('success' => $this->saveToFile(), 'token' => $this->cache->getToken(), 'status' => $this->cache->getStatus()) + $info; } public function initFromCatalog($id, $type) { //Create new cache $this->resetCache(); //Load intervals from object file and add to cache $catMgr = new CatalogMgr(); $intervals_res = $catMgr->loadIntervalsFromObject($id,$type); if (!$intervals_res['success']) return $intervals_res; foreach ($intervals_res['intervals'] as $interval) { //Add interval $this->cache->addInterval($interval); } unset($intervals_res); //Update cache $this->cache->updateIndexes(); //Save cache file return array('success' => $this->saveToFile(), 'token' => $this->cache->getToken(), 'status' => $this->cache->getStatus()); } public function initFromTmpObject($folderId, $name) { $options = $this->loadAdditionalDescription(array('folder' => USERWORKINGDIR.$folderId, 'name' => $name)); //Create new cache $info = $this->resetCache($options); //Load intervals from TmpObject file (DD_Search output) $intervals_res = $this->objectMgr->getTmpObject($folderId, $name); if (!isset($intervals_res)) return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Cannot get Tmp Object'); if (array_key_exists('intervals', $intervals_res)) { foreach ($intervals_res['intervals'] as $interval) { //Add interval $this->cache->addInterval($interval); } } $this->cache->setIsModified(true); unset($intervals_res); //Update cache $this->cache->updateIndexes(); //Save cache file return array('success' => $this->saveToFile(), 'token' => $this->cache->getToken(), 'status' => $this->cache->getStatus()) + $info; } public function initFromUploadedFile($name, $format) { $options = $this->loadAdditionalDescription(array('folder' => USERTEMPDIR, 'name' => $name)); //Create new cache $info = $this->resetCache($options); //Load intervals from uploaded file $intervals_res = $this->objectMgr->getUploadedObject($name, $format); if (!isset($intervals_res)) return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Cannot get Tmp Object'); if (array_key_exists('intervals', $intervals_res)) { foreach ($intervals_res['intervals'] as $interval) { //Add interval $this->cache->addInterval($interval); } } $this->cache->setIsModified(true); unset($intervals_res); //Update cache $this->cache->updateIndexes(); //Save cache file return array('success' => $this->saveToFile(), 'token' => $this->cache->getToken(), 'status' => $this->cache->getStatus()) + $info; } public function saveInObject($id, $action, $token) { if (!$this->loadFromFile()) return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Cannot load cache file'); if ($token != $this->cache->getToken()) return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Cache token check error'); $this->cache->updateIndexes(); $this->saveToFile(); $intervals = $this->cache->getIntervalsArray(NULL,NULL,true); $this->cache->reset(); $options = $this->loadAdditionalDescription(array('id' => $id)); return $this->objectMgr->saveIntervals($id, $intervals, $action, $options); } public function getIntervals($start,$limit,$sort_obj,$filter_json) { if (!$this->loadFromFile()) return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Cannot load cache file'); $needToUpdate = false; if (isset($filter_json)) { if (!$this->cache->getFilter()->isSameFromJSON($filter_json)) { $needToUpdate = true; $this->cache->getFilter()->loadFromJSON($filter_json); } } else { if (!$this->cache->getFilter()->isEmpty()) { $needToUpdate = true; $this->cache->getFilter()->reset(); } } if (isset($sort_obj)) { if (!$this->cache->getSort()->isSameFromObject($sort_obj)) { $needToUpdate = true; $this->cache->getSort()->loadFromObject($sort_obj); } } else { if (!$this->cache->getSort()->isEmpty()) { $needToUpdate = true; $this->cache->getSort()->reset(); } } if ($needToUpdate) { $this->cache->updateIndexes(); $this->saveToFile(); } return array( 'token' => $this->cache->getToken(), 'totalCount' => $this->cache->getLength(), 'intervals' => $this->cache->getIntervalsArray($start, $limit), 'start' => isset($start) ? $start : 0, 'limit' => isset($limit) ? $limit : 0, 'status' => $this->cache->getStatus(), 'success' => true ); } public function getIntervalsForChart() { return $this->getIntervals(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } public function addInterval($index, $start, $stop) { if (!$this->loadFromFile()) return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Cannot load cache file'); if (!isset($index)) $index = 0; if (!isset($start)) $start = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s'); if (!isset($stop)) $stop = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s'); $this->cache->addInterval(array('start' => $start, 'stop' => $stop), true, $index); //$this->cache->updateIndexes(); $this->saveToFile(); return array('success' => true, 'index' => $index, 'status' => $this->cache->getStatus()); } public function removeIntervalFromId($id) { if (!$this->loadFromFile()) return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Cannot load cache file'); $this->cache->removeIntervalFromId($id); $this->cache->updateIndexes(); $this->saveToFile(); return array('success' => true, 'status' => $this->cache->getStatus()); } public function modifyIntervalFromId($cacheId, $data) { if (!$this->loadFromFile()) return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Cannot load cache file'); $this->cache->modifyIntervalFromId($cacheId, $data); $this->saveToFile(); return array('success' => true, 'status' => $this->cache->getStatus()); } public function operationIntervals($extendTime, $shiftTime) { if (!$this->loadFromFile()) return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Cannot load cache file'); $this->cache->operationIntervals($extendTime, $shiftTime); $this->saveToFile(); return array('success' => true, 'status' => $this->cache->getStatus()); } public function mergeIntervals() { if (!$this->loadFromFile()) return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Cannot load cache file'); $this->cache->mergeIntervals(); $this->saveToFile(); return array('success' => true, 'status' => $this->cache->getStatus()); } public function getStatistics() { if (!$this->loadFromFile()) return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Cannot load cache file'); return array('success' => true, "result" => $this->cache->getStatistics(), 'status' => $this->cache->getStatus()); } public function dump() { if (!$this->loadFromFile()) { echo "ERROR to load cache file : ".$this->getCacheFilePath().PHP_EOL; return; } $this->cache->dump(); } protected function getCacheFilePath() { return $this->getCacheDirectory().'/'.$this->getCacheFileName(); } protected function saveToFile() { if (!isset($this->cache)) return false; $handle = fopen($this->getCacheFilePath(), 'wb'); $result = false; if (flock($handle, LOCK_EX)) { $this->cache->writeBin($handle); flock( $handle, LOCK_UN ); $result = true; } fclose($handle); return $result; } protected function loadFromFile() { if (!file_exists($this->getCacheFilePath())) return false; $this->resetCache(); $handle = fopen($this->getCacheFilePath(), 'rb'); $result = false; if (flock($handle, LOCK_SH)) { $this->cache->loadBin($handle); flock( $handle, LOCK_UN ); $result = true; } fclose($handle); return $result; } } ?>