input averaging time in secs average #sampling_classic input averaging time in secs median average #median input averaging time in secs root mean square #rms input window time in secs min() function #min input window time in secs max() function #max input window time in secs variance() function #var input window time in secs skewness() function #skew input averaging time in secs average #sliding_average input averaging time in secs root mean square #rms_sm input window time in secs min() function #min_sm input window time in secs max() function #max_sm input window time in secs variance() function #var_sm input window time in secs skewness() function #skew_sm input averaging time in secs smooths with a boxcar average #boxcar input time interval T in secs to delay by Delays array by T secs back (T < 0) and forth (T > 0)) #timeShift Cross product cross Dot product dot Magnitude magnitude Absolute value abs Arc-cosine acos Natural logarithm log Logarithm to the base 10 log10 Arc-sine asin Arc-tangent atan Arc-tangent atan_2f Closest integer greater than or equal to its argument Ceil cosine cos Hyperbolic cosine cosh deriv() function with possibly unequal point spacing #deriv Natural exponential function exp Integer Fix Closest integer less than or equal to its argument Floor Sign Sign Sine sin Hyperbolic sine sinh Tangent tan Hyperbolic tangent tanh Square root sqrt