* Project : AMDA-NG
* Name : DownloadUI.js
* @class amdaUI.DownloadUI
* @extends Ext.container.Container
* @brief Download Module UI definition (View)
* @author Myriam
* @version $Id: DownloadUI.js 2622 2014-11-07 14:50:09Z elena $
Ext.define('amdaUI.DownloadUI', {
extend: 'Ext.container.Container',
alias: 'widget.panelDownload',
requires: [
//Old kernel time formats
//timeformatData : [['Y-m-dTH:i:s', 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss'], ['Y m d H i s', 'YYYY MM DD hh mm ss'], ['d m Y H i s', 'DD MM YYYY hh mm ss'], ['Y z H i s', 'YYYY DDD hh mm ss']],
//New kernel time formats
timeformatData: [['YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss', 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ms', 'ISO format with msecs'],
['DD Time', 'YYYYDOYhhmmssms', 'Day-Of-Year, 1 Jan : DOY = 0'],
['Timestamp', 'Seconds from 1970', 'Total of seconds from the Unix Epoch on January 1st, 1970 at UTC.'],
['YYYY MM DD hh mm ss', 'YYYY MM DD hh mm ss ms', 'date with spaces'],
['Timestamp-with-milliseconds', 'Seconds from 1970 with ms', 'Total of seconds from the Unix Epoch with milliseconds.']],
timeformatTTData: [['Y-m-dTH:i:s', 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss']],
fileformatData: [['ASCII', 'ASCII'], ['vot', 'VOTable'], ['cdf', 'CDF'], ['json', 'JSON']],
fileformatTTData: [['text', 'plain text'], ['vot', 'VOTable']],
filecompressData: [['zip', 'zip'], ['tar+gzip', 'tar+gzip']],
filecompressTT: [['zip', 'zip'], ['tar+gzip', 'tar+gzip'], ['none', 'none']],
filestructureData: [['0', 'All In One File'], ['1', 'One File Per Time Interval'], ['2', 'One File Per Param/Interval']],
constructor: function (config) {
// load object into view
if (this.object)
var paramArgsPlug = this.getPlugin('download-param-arguments-plugin');
if (paramArgsPlug)
paramArgsPlug.onApply = this.onApplyParameterArgs;
addTT: function (newTTName, newTTid)
var tabPanel = this.formPanel.down();
var downloadSrc = tabPanel.items.indexOf(tabPanel.getActiveTab());
if (downloadSrc === 0) {
this.timeSelector.addTT(newTTName, newTTid);
} else {
// search for an existing record in store with this unique name
var existingIndex = this.TTGrid.store.findExact('name', newTTName);
// if no corresponding TT found
if (existingIndex == -1) {
// adding the time table to the TTGrid of TT download
var r = Ext.create('amdaModel.TTobject', {id: newTTid, name: newTTName});
this.TTGrid.store.insert(this.TTGrid.store.getCount(), r);
addTTs: function (TTarray) {
// set TTTab
// Add TT in download TT module
addTTdownload: function (newTTName, newTTid) {
var tabPanel = this.formPanel.down();
this.addTT(newTTName, newTTid);
* Set Start-Stop from parameter info (Local & MyData)
setTimeFromData: function (obj) {
if (!obj.start || !obj.stop)
var dateStart = new Date(obj.start.replace(/[T|Z]/g, ' ').replace(/\-/g, '\/'));
var dateStop = new Date(obj.stop.replace(/[T|Z]/g, ' ').replace(/\-/g, '\/'));
this.down('form').getForm().setValues({startDate: dateStart, stopDate: dateStop});
addParam: function (paramId, isLeaf, needArgs, components, predefined_args)
// adding the parameter to the paramGrid
var paramObj = amdaModel.RequestParamObject.getEmptyObj();
paramObj.paramid = paramId;
if (components) {
if (components['index1']) {
paramObj['dim1-index'] = components['index1'];
if (components['index2']) {
paramObj['dim2-index'] = components['index2'];
if (predefined_args) {
paramObj.template_args = predefined_args;
var r = Ext.create('amdaModel.DownloadParam', paramObj);
var pos = this.paramGrid.store.getCount();
this.paramGrid.store.insert(pos, r);
if (needArgs)
addParams: function (arrayParams)
var arrayRec = new Array();
var index = 1;
if (arrayParams)
Ext.Array.each(arrayParams, function (item) {
if (Ext.isObject(item)) {
// handel case of derived parameters
var patt_ws = new RegExp("ws_");
var patt_wsd = new RegExp("wsd_");
if (typeof paramId !== 'undefined' && ! patt_ws.test(item.paramid) && ! patt_wsd.test(item.paramid))
// for Parameter Name in Download Module
var paramObj = amdaModel.RequestParamObject.getEmptyObj();
paramObj.paramid = paramId;
paramObj['dim1-index'] = item.get('dim1');
paramObj['dim2-index'] = item.get('dim2');
var r = Ext.create('amdaModel.DownloadParam', paramObj);
} else
//for download from get Data in Plot module
var r = Ext.create('amdaModel.DownloadParam', item);
} else {
// for Download By Request in Operations menu
//TODO BRE - Components selection
var r = Ext.create('amdaModel.DownloadParam', {paramid: item});
// parameter name -> alias
updateConstruct: function (oldval, newval) {
var index = this.paramGrid.store.findExact('name', oldval);
if (index != -1) {
this.paramGrid.getStore().getAt(index).set('name', newval);
this.paramGrid.getStore().getAt(index).set('text', newval);
setObject: function (obj) {
this.object = obj;
* update this.object from form
updateObject: function ()
// get the basic form
var tabPanel = this.formPanel.down();
var downloadSrc = tabPanel.items.indexOf(tabPanel.getActiveTab());
var basicForm = this.formPanel.getForm();
var updateStatus = true;
var values = basicForm.getValues();
// data download
if (downloadSrc === 0)
var timeformat = values.timeformat;
var timeSource = this.timeSelector.getActiveTimeSource();
var structure = values.filestructure;
var sampling = values.sampling ? values.sampling : 600;
var refparamSampling = values.refparamsampling == 'on';
var fileprefix = values.fileprefix ? values.fileprefix : '';
var fileformat = values.fileformat;
var compression = values.compression;
var fieldsWithoutName = basicForm.getFields().items;
Ext.Array.each(fieldsWithoutName, function (item, index, allItems) {
if (!item.isValid()) {
if ((timeSource === amdaModel.AmdaTimeObject.inputTimeSrc[0]) &&
((item.name == 'startDate') || (item.name == 'stopDate') || (item.name == 'duration'))) {
updateStatus = true;
} else {
// set update isn't allowed
updateStatus = false;
return false;
}, this);
if (timeSource === amdaModel.AmdaTimeObject.inputTimeSrc[0] // timeSource 'TimeTable'
&& this.timeSelector.TTGrid.getStore().count() == 0) {
myDesktopApp.warningMsg('You\'ve chosen Time Selection `by TimeTable` but no timeTable was added!'
+ '
You must add one or choose Time Selection `by Interval`');
updateStatus = false;
if (updateStatus)
/// real object update
// update TimeTable object with the content of form
this.object.set('timesrc', timeSource);
// set valid intervals into TimeTable object
if (timeSource === amdaModel.AmdaTimeObject.inputTimeSrc[0])
this.object.set('timeTables', this.timeSelector.TTGrid.getStore().data.items);
// set parameters
this.object.set('list', this.paramGrid.getStore().data.items);
this.object.set('structure', structure);
this.object.set('refparamSampling', refparamSampling);
this.object.set('sampling', sampling);
this.object.set('fileprefix', fileprefix);
this.object.set('timeformat', timeformat);
this.object.set('fileformat', fileformat);
this.object.set('compression', compression);
//TT download
var timeformat = values.timeformatTT;
var compression = values.compressionTT;
var fileformat = values.fileformatTT;
if (compression === 'none'
&& this.TTGrid.getStore().count() > 1) {
myDesktopApp.warningMsg('You are going to download several time tables - select the Compression please');
updateStatus = false;
this.object.set('timeTables', this.TTGrid.getStore().data.items);
this.object.set('timeformatTT', timeformat);
this.object.set('fileformatTT', fileformat);
this.object.set('compressionTT', compression);
this.object.set('downloadSrc', downloadSrc);
// return the update status
return updateStatus;
* load this.object into form
loadObject: function () {
if (!this.object.get('timeformat'))
this.object.set('timeformat', this.timeformatData[0][0]);
if (!this.object.get('timeformatTT'))
this.object.set('timeformatTT', this.timeformatTTData[0][0]);
if (!this.object.get('fileformat'))
this.object.set('fileformat', this.fileformatData[0][0]);
if (!this.object.get('fileformatTT'))
this.object.set('fileformatTT', this.fileformatTTData[0][0]);
if (!this.object.get('compression'))
this.object.set('compression', this.filecompressData[1][0]);
if (!this.object.get('compressionTT'))
this.object.set('compressionTT', this.filecompressData[1][0]);
// load object into form
// set object's TTs into the timeselector
// set parameters
* download method called by 'Download' button to launch the download process
doDownload: function (sendToSamp, clientId) {
var downloadModule = myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.download.id);
if (downloadModule)
downloadModule.linkedNode.execute(sendToSamp, clientId);
actionItem: function (grid, cell, cellIndex, record, row, recordIndex, e) {
var isTimeTable = record instanceof amdaModel.TTobject;
if (cellIndex == 3 || (cellIndex == 2 && isTimeTable))
else if (cellIndex == 2) {
editParameterArgs: function (record) {
var paramArgsPlug = this.getPlugin('download-param-arguments-plugin');
if (paramArgsPlug)
paramArgsPlug.show('download-param-arguments-plugin', record);
onApplyParameterArgs: function (parentUI, paramObject) {
onFileStructureChange: function (combo, newValue, oldValue) {
if (!this.formPanel)
var refParamCheck = this.formPanel.getForm().findField('refparamsampling');
var samplingField = this.formPanel.getForm().findField('sampling');
if (samplingField && newValue !== oldValue) {
refParamCheck.setDisabled(newValue == 2);
samplingField.setDisabled((newValue == 2) || refParamCheck.getValue());
onRefParamSamplingChange: function (check, newValue, oldValue) {
if (!this.formPanel)
var samplingField = this.formPanel.getForm().findField('sampling');
var structureCombo = this.formPanel.getForm().findField('filestructure');
if (samplingField && newValue !== oldValue)
samplingField.setDisabled((structureCombo.getValue() == 2) || check.getValue());
onSendVOTableToSamp: function (clientId, sendOpt) {
var me = sendOpt.scope;
if (me.updateObject()) {
me.doDownload(true, clientId);
* Check if changes were made before closing window
* @return false
fclose: function () {
return false;
init: function (config) {
var me = this;
this.timeSelector = new amdaUI.TimeSelectorUI({id: 'downloadTimeSelector', flex: 1});
this.paramGrid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
flex: 2,
store: Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {model: 'amdaModel.DownloadParam'}),
columns: [
{xtype: 'rownumberer', width: 20},
header: "Parameter Name",
dataIndex: 'name',
flex: 1,
sortable: false,
menuDisabled: true,
renderer: function (val, meta, rec) {
return rec.getParamFullName();
menuDisabled: true, width: 30, renderer: function () {