Daily ASCII files of SKR flux densities and integrated powers in Left-Hand and Right-Hand Circular polarizations
SKR data are available from LESIA/OBSPM
Data have been produced by L. Lamy, B. Cecconi & P. Zarka, from the Observatoire
de Paris/LESIA Cassini-RPWS team.
Use of these data should comply with
Cassini-MAPS 'rules of the road'. Using these data for publications should imply
co-authorship of L. Lamy and/or B. Cecconi and/or P. Zarka in that order of
priority. Preferred collaboration is participation to analysis well ahead of
Any other question or request (e.g. integrated powers over frequency bands other than 100-400 and 10-1000 kHz) should be addressed to Laurent Lamy, Baptiste Cecconi, or Philippe Zarka