contentRootId = 'catalog-treeRootNode'; $this->contentRootTag = 'catalogList'; $this->attributes = array('name' => '', 'intervals' => ''); // + 'parameters' $this->optionalAttributes = array(); $this->objTagName = 'catalog'; $this->id_prefix = 'cat_'; // 'tt_' ? if (!$sharedObject && !file_exists($this->xmlName)) { $this->createDom(); $this->xp = new domxpath($this->contentDom); } } public function getTmpObject($folderId, $name, $onlyDescription = false) { $result = parent::getTmpObject($folderId, $name, $onlyDescription); if (!isset($result['success']) || !$result['success']) { return $result; } return $result + array('parameters' => $this->getCatalogParamDescription(array('folder' => $folderId, 'name' => $name))); } public function loadIntervalsFromObject($id, $type = '', $start = NULL, $limit = NULL) { $result = parent::loadIntervalsFromObject($id, $type, $start, $limit); if (!isset($result['success']) || !$result['success']) { return $result; } return $result + array('parameters' => $this->getCatalogParamDescription(array('id' => $id, 'type' => $type))); } /* * catalog header */ protected function setParamDescription($params) { $paramsElement = $this->objectDom->createElement('parameters'); foreach ($params as $param) { $paramElement = $this->objectDom->createElement('parameter'); $attrArray = (array)$param; foreach ($attrArray as $key => $value) $paramElement->setAttribute($key, $value); $paramsElement->appendChild($paramElement); } return $paramsElement; } protected function createIntervalElement($interval, $options = array()) { $newInterval = $this->objectDom->createElement('intervals'); $newInterval->appendChild($this->objectDom->createElement('start',$interval['start'])); $newInterval->appendChild($this->objectDom->createElement('stop',$interval['stop'])); if (!empty($options['parameters'])) { foreach ($options['parameters'] as $parameter) { $newInterval->appendChild($this->objectDom->createElement('param', $interval[$parameter['id']])); } } return $newInterval; } public function createObject($p, $folder) { if ($p -> leaf) { $result = $this->createParameter($p, $folder); if ($result['error']) return $result; $cacheMgr = new CatalogCacheMgr(); if (isset($p->cacheToken) && ($p->cacheToken != '')) { $resultSaveInt = $cacheMgr->saveInObject($result['id'], "update", $p->cacheToken); if (!$resultSaveInt['success']) { if ($resultSaveInt['message']) return array('error' => $resultSaveInt['message']); else return array('error' => 'Unknown error during intervals save'); } $result['minStart'] = TimeUtils::stamp2iso($resultSaveInt['minStart']); $result['maxStop'] = TimeUtils::stamp2iso($resultSaveInt['maxStop']); } return $result; } // else return $this->createFolder($p); //TODO check if this is possible? else return array('error' => 'createFolder should be called from RENAME'); } public function getCatalogParamDescription($options) { if (!empty($options['id'])) { if (isset($options['type']) && ($options['type'] == 'sharedcatalog')) { $sharedObjMgr = new SharedObjectsMgr(); $path = $sharedObjMgr->getDataFilePath('catalog', $options['id']); } else { $path = USERTTDIR.$options['id'].'.xml'; } } else { $path = $options['folder'].'/'.$options['name'].'.xml'; } //load intervals from Catalog id if (!file_exists($path)) return array('success' => false, 'message' => "Cannot find Catalog file"); if (!$this->objectDom->load($path)) return array('success' => false, 'message' => "Cannot load Catalog file"); $xpath = new DOMXPath($this->objectDom); // params header $paramsNodes = $xpath->query('//parameters/parameter'); $paramsArray = array(); if ($paramsNodes->length > 0) { foreach ($paramsNodes as $paramNode) { $oneParam = array(); foreach ($paramNode->attributes as $attr) $oneParam[$attr->nodeName] = $attr->nodeValue; $paramsArray[] = $oneParam; } } return array( 'parameters' => $paramsArray, 'success' => true ); } public function getUploadedObject($name, $format, $onlyDescription = false) { $result = parent::getUploadedObject($name, $format, $onlyDescription); if (!isset($result['success']) || !$result['success']) { return array('success' => FALSE, 'error' => 'Error to retrieve catalog info'); } return $result + array('parameters' => $this->getCatalogParamDescription(array('folder' => USERTEMPDIR, 'name' => $name))); } /** * Load interval from DOMElement * @param DOMElement * @return interval */ protected function loadIntervalElement($intervalNode) { $interval = parent::loadIntervalElement($intervalNode); if ($interval === FALSE) { return FALSE; } $paramNodes = $intervalNode->getElementsByTagName('param'); $interval['paramTable'] = array(); if ($paramNodes->length > 0) foreach ( $paramNodes as $paramNode ) $interval['paramTable'][] = $paramNode->nodeValue; return $interval; } // public function modifyObject($p) { // $folder = $this->getObjectFolder($p->id); // // //Copy TT in a tempory file // $ttFilePath = USERTTDIR.$p->id.'.xml'; // $tmpFileExist = FALSE; // if (file_exists($ttFilePath)) // $tmpFileExist = copy($ttFilePath,$ttFilePath.".tmp"); // // //Delete TT // $this->deleteObject($p); // // //Save modifications // try { // $result = $this->createObject($p, $folder); // if ($result['error']) // throw new Exception($result['error']); // if ($tmpFileExist) // unlink($ttFilePath.".tmp"); // return array('id' => $p->id, 'info' => $result['nbIntervals'].' intervals' ); // } // catch (Exception $e) { // //Restore TT file // if ($tmpFileExist) // { // copy($ttFilePath.".tmp", $ttFilePath); // unlink($ttFilePath.".tmp"); // } // return array ('error' => $e->getMessage()); // } // } } ?>