Panel : Epoch Plot
'Epoch'-type panel defines time axe in 'relative' time units using Center Time defined in the input catalog.
An example of Catalog suitable as input for EpochPlot :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<timetable xml:id="cat_0">
<description>test catalog</description>
<parameter id="center" name="CenterTime" size="1" .../>
If you use as input catalog the catalog above you should set Epoch Center Time Id = center (parameter id="center")
and get the following plot (of course if you have selected Epoch Superposed Mode at Page Level):
To scale time intervals select the Normalized option at Axes/EpochAxis level:
CU: As for the moment catalog uploading is not implemented (as well as 'dateTime' parameter type
in Catalog Editor) we supply CU with special 'Epoch Plot test' catalog (above) with the name epoch_test.
You will find this catalog in the Catalogs/My Catalogs section of your WorkSpace Explorer