Working with epn-tap module

The epn-tap module aims to access remote databases compatibles with the epntap standard, such as APIS, BASECOM and many many other services.

Opening epn-tap window

There are two ways to open the epn-tap window.

A. From the Interop module

Open the Interop module by clicking to its icon:

Then select the epn-tap tab:

B. From the AMDA tree

On the AMDA tree, right-click on a mission, then select "Display EPN-TAP services":

This will open the epntap tab of the interop module, with some fields automatically filled according to the item selected in the AMDA tree.

The filter panel

The top part of the epntap window is the services filter. It aims to display all services proposing some specific data.

On this on you can specify:

When finished, clic on the "Get services" button to display all services proposing data corresponding to the filter

The services panel

The left panel displays all services proposing data corresponding to the filter.

You can see the number of results for each services and several other usefull informations about the serices on the tooltip.

Clic on a service to display the results.

The granules panel

The granules corresponding to the filter and the selected service ar displayed in the main panel:

By default, you may have:

You can also display many other informations, by cliking on the little arrow of a column header (1), then selecting "Column" (2), and choosing one in the list (3):

For more information about available epntap parameters, you can checkout the dedicated VO-Paris Confluence page.

To finish, you can sort granules by a column of you choice, by cliking on the same arrow (1), then "Sort Ascending" or "Sort Descending" (2):