/** * Project  : AMDA-NG * Name : MyDataUI.js * @class : amdaUI.MyDataUI * @extends Ext.container.Container * @brief MyData Module UI definition (View) * @author Elena * @version $Id: MyDataUI.js 2895 2015-05-05 14:38:28Z elena $ */ Ext.define('amdaUI.MyDataUI', { extend: 'Ext.container.Container', alias: 'widget.panelMyData', requires: [ 'amdaUI.TableDefPlugUI' ], object : null, fileObject : null, module : null, fields : [], columns : [], constructor: function(config) { this.module = myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.my_data.id); this.init(config); this.callParent(arguments); this.setObject(this.module.linkedNode.get('object')); }, /* * linked node should be MyDataParamNode */ resetLinkedNode: function() { this.linkedNode = null; this.module.createLinkedNode(); this.module.createObject(); this.module.linkedNode.set('fileObject',this.fileObject); }, getObjectCallback: function(result,remoteEvent) { var t = remoteEvent.getTransaction(); if (result && !result.error) { //this.tmpNode.set('contextNode',mask!!! if exists this.fileObject = Ext.create('amdaModel.FileObject', result); var panelConfig = this.initPanel(); } else { // EXCEPTION : parameter not found ! myDesktopApp.errorMsg(t.action + "." + t.method + " : No parameter '" +this.tmpNode.get('text')+"' found!"); } }, /* * Update info in the form on another parameter selection (cdf, cef formats); */ updateInfo : function(res, e) { if (res.success){ // info panel this.items.getAt(1).update(res.info.name+': '+res.info.type+' '+res.info.size+' '+res.info.n_records); var form = this.items.getAt(0).getForm(); //keep old name and mask if they exist if (this.object.get('format') == 'vot') { if ((res.info.id === this.object.get('realvar'))) { if (this.object.get('realvar') != this.object.get('name')) { res.info.name = this.object.get('name'); } if (res.info.mask != this.object.get('mask')) { res.info.mask = this.object.get('mask'); } } } else { if ((res.info.name === this.object.get('realvar'))) { if (this.object.get('realvar') != this.object.get('name')) { res.info.name = this.object.get('name'); } if (res.info.mask != this.object.get('mask')) { res.info.mask = this.object.get('mask'); } } } form.setValues(res.info); } else { myDesktopApp.errorMsg("System Error
Error at AMDA Server"); } }, /* * Check if changes were made before closing window * @return false */ fclose : function() { return false; }, /** * set object into form */ setObject : function (object) { // edit in module from FileUpload Module and ExplorerModule (edit param) if (this.module.linkedNode) { if (this.module.linkedNode.get('fileObject')) { this.fileObject = this.module.linkedNode.get('fileObject'); } // edit in module from Explorer Module (edit file) else if (this.module.linkedNode.get('object')) { this.fileObject = this.module.linkedNode.get('object'); this.resetLinkedNode(); } else { myDesktopApp.errorMsg("System Error
No FileObject and Object"); } } else { myDesktopApp.errorMsg("System Error
No Linked Node"); } var form = this.down('form'); form.getForm().reset(); // remove and DESTROY right panel if it exists if (form.items.length == 2) form.remove(form.items.getAt(1),true); // create right panel depending on file var rightPanel = this.initPanel(); form.add(rightPanel); this.object = this.module.linkedNode.get('object'); // load object into form if (object.$className == 'amdaModel.FileObject' || !this.object.get('name')) form.getForm().loadRecord(this.fileObject); else form.getForm().loadRecord(this.object); // if it is not newly created empty myParamData node if (this.object.get('name')) { // file panel work around if (this.fileObject.get('format') == 'txt') { form.getForm().findField('start').setValue(this.object.get('realvar')); } else if (this.object.get('format') == 'vot') { var radio = this.down('radiogroup'); radio.setValue({'votvar' : this.object.get('realvar')}); } else { // cdf, cef, nc // select parameter var radio = this.down('radiogroup'); radio.setValue({'cdfvar' : this.object.get('realvar')}); } } //Set table definition if (object.get('tableDef')) this.getPlugin('tabledef').setTableDefinition(object.get('tableDef')); }, /* * highlight selected columns in case of param (ASCII) edit */ updateSelection: function() { var start = parseInt(this.object.get('realvar')); var size = parseInt(this.object.get('size')); if (start && size) { var columns = this.down('gridpanel').columns; for (var i = start; i < start+size; i++) { var selected = Ext.select(columns[i].getCellSelector(i)); selected.addCls('meow'); columns[i].selected = true; } } }, /* * update this.object from form */ updateObject : function(nameField) { // get the basic form var basicForm = this.down('form').getForm(); var updateStatus = true; var fieldsWithoutName = basicForm.getFields().items; Ext.Array.each(fieldsWithoutName, function(item, index,allItems){ if(item !== nameField) { if (!item.isValid()) { // set update isn't allowed updateStatus = false; } } }, this); // if the update is allowed if (updateStatus) { // real object update // updateobject with the content of form var values = basicForm.getValues(); basicForm.updateRecord(this.object); this.object.set('file',this.fileObject.get('fileName')); this.object.set('format', this.fileObject.get('format')); if (this.object.get('format') == 'cdf' || this.object.get('format') == 'cef' || this.object.get('format') == 'nc') this.object.set('realvar',values.cdfvar); if (this.object.get('format') == 'vot') this.object.set('realvar',values.votvar); if (this.object.get('format') == 'txt') this.object.set('realvar',values.start); this.object.set('tableDef', this.getPlugin('tabledef').getTableDefinitionObject()); } // return the update status return updateStatus; }, /** * Check mask - length, existed.... * @return true/false */ validateMask : function(value) { // length if (value.length < 6) return 'mask length is too small (< 6)'; // first * if (value.indexOf('*') === 0) return '"*" could not be the first letter in mask'; // several * if (value.indexOf('*') !== value.lastIndexOf('*')) return 'several "*" are not allowed in mask'; // less common var paramModule = myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.my_data.id); var oldmask = paramModule.linkedNode.get('object').get('mask'); // no old mask if (oldmask.length === 0) return true; if (value.length > oldmask.length) return 'new mask is less common than old one'; return true; }, /* * */ saveProcess : function(toRename) { var values = this.down('form').getForm().getValues(); // Parameter Module var paramModule = myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.my_data.id); // if the name has been modified this is a creation if (this.object.isModified('name')){ var contextNode = paramModule.linkedNode.parentNode; // if object already has an id : it's a 'rename' of an existing if (this.object.get('id')){ // get file object of the first node linked this file var fileObject = paramModule.linkedNode.get('fileObject'); paramModule.createLinkedNode(); // create a new object linked var paramobj = Ext.create(paramModule.linkedNode.get('objectDataModel'), values); paramobj.set('format', this.fileObject.get('format')); if (paramobj.get('format') == 'cdf' || paramobj.get('format') == 'cef' || paramobj.get('format') == 'nc') paramobj.set('realvar',values.cdfvar); if (paramobj.get('format') == 'vot') paramobj.set('realvar',values.votvar); if (paramobj.get('format') == 'txt') paramobj.set('realvar',values.start); paramobj.set('file', this.fileObject.get('fileName')); paramobj.set('tableDef', this.getPlugin('tabledef').getTableDefinitionObject()); paramModule.linkedNode.set('object',paramobj); //synchronize objects this.object = paramobj; paramModule.linkedNode.set('fileObject',fileObject); if (toRename) paramModule.linkedNode.toRename = true; } paramModule.linkedNode.set('contextNode',contextNode); paramModule.linkedNode.create(); paramModule.linkedNode.set('isParameter', true); if (values.size == 1) { paramModule.linkedNode.set('iconCls', 'icon-scalar'); paramModule.linkedNode.set('isSpectra', false); } else { if (values.plottype == 'Spectra') { paramModule.linkedNode.set('isSpectra', true); paramModule.linkedNode.set('iconCls', 'icon-spectra'); } else { paramModule.linkedNode.set('iconCls', 'icon-unknowntype'); paramModule.linkedNode.set('isSpectra', false); } } } else { paramModule.linkedNode.set('contextNode',paramModule.contextNode); paramModule.linkedNode.update(); } }, /* * overwrite method called by Save button */ overwriteProcess : function(btn){ if (btn == 'cancel') return; var basicForm = this.down('form').getForm(); basicForm.clearInvalid(); this.saveProcess(true); }, updateForm : function() { var basicForm = this.down('form').getForm(); var columns = this.down('gridpanel').columns; var start; var size = 0; Ext.Array.each(columns, function(column,index){ if (!start && column.selected) start = index; if (column.selected) size += 1; }); basicForm.setValues({start: start, size : size}); }, /* * Configurations * */ initPanel : function() { var format = this.fileObject.get('format'); if (format == 'cdf' || format == 'cef' || format == 'nc') return this.cdfPanel(format); if (format == 'txt') return this.txtPanel(); if (format == 'vot') return this.votPanel(); }, txtPanel: function() { var fileName = this.fileObject.get('fileName'); //FOR INFO // Null out built in convert functions for performance *because the raw data is known to be valid* // Specifying defaultValue as undefined will also save code. // As long as there will always be values in the data, or the app tolerates undefined field values* // Dynamically created fields and columns var n_col = this.fileObject.get('vars'); // reset this.fields = []; this.columns = []; for (var i = 0; i < n_col; i++){ var name = i === 0 ? 'Time' : 'n'+i; //TODO width dependent on data? var width = i === 0 ? 120 : 75; this.fields[i] = { name: name }; this.columns[i] = { text: name, sortable : false, dataIndex: name, width : width, menuDisabled: true, selected : false, listeners: { scope : this, headerclick: function(ct, column){ if (column.text != 'Time') { var selected = Ext.select(column.getCellSelector(1)); if (column.selected) { selected.removeCls('meow'); column.selected = false; } else { selected.addCls('meow'); column.selected = true; } this.updateForm(); } } } }; } // Dynamically created model Ext.define('myData', { extend: 'Ext.data.Model', fields: this.fields, idProperty: 'Time' }); var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.ArrayStore', { model: 'myData', autoLoad: true, proxy: { type: 'direct', directFn: AmdaAction.getAsciiFile }, listeners: { scope: this, beforeload: function(store){ store.proxy.extraParams = { fileName: this.fileObject.get('fileName') }; }, load: function(store, records, successful, eOpts) { this.updateSelection(); } } }); // Dynamically created columns dependent of myData model var panelConfig = { xtype : 'gridpanel', store : store, title : fileName, height: '100%', flex : 2, columnLines: true, columns: this.columns, listeners: { scope : this, cellclick: function(view,td,cellIndex,record,tr,rowIndex,e){ var column = view.getGridColumns()[cellIndex]; if (cellIndex > 0) { var selected = Ext.select(column.getCellSelector(cellIndex)); if (column.selected) { selected.removeCls('meow'); column.selected = false; } else { selected.addCls('meow'); column.selected = true; } this.updateForm(); } }, select: function(selmodel, record, index, e) { selmodel.deselectAll(); } } }; return panelConfig; }, cdfPanel : function(format) { var vars = this.fileObject.get('vars'); var fileName = this.fileObject.get('fileName'); var items = []; Ext.Array.each(vars, function(name, index) { if (name) { items[index] = { boxLabel: name, name: 'cdfvar', inputValue: name, listeners: { scope: this, change: function (cb, nv, ov) { if (nv) { AmdaAction.getMyParamInfo({format: format, file : fileName, varName : cb.inputValue}, this.updateInfo, this); } } } } } }, this); var panelConfig = { xtype : 'fieldset', bodyStyle: { background : '#dfe8f6'}, flex : 2, autoScroll : true, height : '100%', title: fileName, items : [{ xtype: 'radiogroup', cls: 'x-check-group-alt', columns: 2, vertical: true, items: items }] }; return panelConfig; }, votPanel : function() { var vars = this.fileObject.get('vars'); var fileName = this.fileObject.get('fileName'); var items = []; if (this.fileObject.get('foundTime')) { Ext.Array.each(vars, function(obj, index) { items[index] = { boxLabel: obj.name, name: 'votvar', inputValue: obj.id, listeners: { scope: this, change: function (cb, nv, ov) { if (nv) { AmdaAction.getMyParamInfo({format: 'vot', file : fileName, varName : cb.inputValue}, this.updateInfo, this); } } } }; }, this); } else myDesktopApp.errorMsg("Cannot find a valid time field!"); var panelConfig = { xtype : 'fieldset', bodyStyle: { background : '#dfe8f6'}, flex : 2, autoScroll : true, height : '100%', title: fileName, items : [{ xtype: 'radiogroup', cls: 'x-check-group-alt', columns: 2, vertical: true, items: items }] }; return panelConfig; }, init : function(config) { var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { fields: ['value', 'name'], data : [ {"value": "FLOAT", "name":"FLOAT"}, {"value": "INTEGER", "name":"INTEGER"}, {"value": "DOUBLE", "name":"DOUBLE"}, {"value": "SHORT", "name":"SHORT"} ] }); var combo = { xtype: 'combo', fieldLabel: 'Parameter Data Type', store: store, queryMode: 'local', displayField: 'name', valueField: 'value', name: 'type', editable: false, value: 'FLOAT' }; var store1 = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { fields: ['value', 'name'], data : [ {"value": "TimeSerie", "name":"Time Serie"}, {"value": "Spectra", "name":"Spectra"} ] }); var comboPlotType = { xtype: 'combo', fieldLabel: 'Display Type', store: store1, queryMode: 'local', displayField: 'name', valueField: 'value', name: 'plottype', editable: false, value: 'Time Series' }; var notTxt = false; //this.fileObject.get('format') !== 'txt'; // var maxSize = notTxt? 100 : this.columns.length - 1; // Parameter Form var panelLeft = { bodyStyle: { background : '#dfe8f6'}, flex : 1, defaults: { xtype:'textfield', validateOnChange: false, validateOnBlur: false, padding : '0 10 0 5', inputWidth : 80 }, items: [ { id: 'mydataName', fieldLabel: 'Parameter Name', labelAlign: 'top', name: 'name', allowBlank : false, stripCharsRe: /(^\s+|\s+$)/g, validFlag: false, validator : function() { return this.validFlag; }, inputWidth : 180 }, { fieldLabel: 'File Name/Mask ', { scope : this, text: 'Save', handler: function() { var form = this.down('form').getForm(); // check if variable was selected // cdf,... var radio = this.down('radiogroup'); if (radio && radio.getChecked().length == 0) { myDesktopApp.warningMsg('Select variable from the file, please'); return; } // ascii if (!radio && this.columns.length > 0) { if (!form.findField('start').getValue() || !form.findField('size').getValue()) { myDesktopApp.warningMsg('Select column[s] from the file, please'); return; } } var nameField = form.findField('mydataName'); if (this.updateObject(nameField)) { var myDataModule = myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.my_data.id); if (!myDataModule) return; var me = this; myDataModule.linkedNode.isValidName(nameField.getValue(), function (res) { if (!res) { nameField.validFlag = 'Error during object validation'; myDesktopApp.errorMsg(nameField.validFlag); nameField.validate(); return; } if (!res.valid) { if (res.error) { if (res.error.search('subtree') != -1) { Ext.MessageBox.show({title:'Warning', msg: res.error+'
Do you want to overwrite it?', width: 300, buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OKCANCEL, fn : me.overwriteProcess, icon: Ext.MessageBox.WARNING, scope : me }); nameField.validFlag = true; } else nameField.validFlag = res.error; } else { nameField.validFlag = 'Invalid object name'; myDesktopApp.errorMsg(nameField.validFlag); } nameField.validate(); return; } nameField.validFlag = true; nameField.validate(); me.saveProcess(); }); } } },{ scope : this, text: 'Reset', handler: function(){ this.down('form').getForm().reset(); } }] },{ xtype: 'panel', region: 'south', title: 'Information', collapsible: true, collapseMode: 'header', height: 100, autoHide: false, iconCls: 'icon-information', bodyStyle: 'padding:5px', loader: { autoLoad: true, url: helpDir+'myDataHOWTO' } } ], plugins: [ {ptype: 'tabledef', pluginId: 'tabledef'} ] }; Ext.apply (this, Ext.apply(arguments, myConf)); }, getParameterSize : function() { var form = this.down('form').getForm(); return form.findField('size').getValue(); } });