/** * Project : AMDA-NG4 * Name : ResourcesMgrModule.js * @class amdaDesktop.ResourcesMgrModule * @extends amdaDesktop.AmdaModule * @brief Resources Manager Module controller definition * This Module allow user to manage resources of his workspace * @author CDA * @version $Id: $ * @todo Do we need real Module ??? ******************************************************************************* * FT Id : Date : Name - Description ******************************************************************************* * : :07/02/2011: CDA - File creation */ Ext.define('amdaDesktop.ResourcesMgrModule', { extend: 'amdaDesktop.AmdaModule', requires: [ 'amdaUI.ResourcesMgrUI' ], contentId : 'resrcMgrUI', createWindow : function(src){ var desktop = this.app.getDesktop(); var win = desktop.getWindow(this.id); if(!win){ win = desktop.createWindow({ id: this.id, title:this.title, width:550, height:370, iconCls : this.icon, border : false, constrainHeader : true, animCollapse: false, tools: [{ type: 'help', qtip: this.helpTitle, handler: function(event, toolEl, panel){ //TODO: help logic } }], layout: 'fit', items: [ {xtype: 'panelResrcMgr'} ] }); } win.show(); return win; } });