Rosetta Ephemeris
Rosetta Ephemeris data are calculated using SPICE kernels taken from the
Coordinates :
- GSE : Geocentric Solar Ecliptic -
This system has its X axis towards the Sun and its Z axis
perpendicular to the plane of the Earth's orbit around the
Sun (positive North). Y completes the right-handed system.
- GSM : Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric -
This system has its X axis towards the Sun and its Z axis
is the projection of the Earth's magnetic dipole axis
(positive North) on to the plane perpendicular to the X
axis. Y completes the right-handed system.
- MSO : Mars-centric Solar Orbital -
the +X-axis points toward the Sun,
+Z points northward perpendicular to Mars's orbit plane, and
Y completes the right hand system nominally directed opposite Mars's orbital velocity around the Sun.
- HCI: Heliocentric Inertial Frame -
All vectors are geometric: no aberration corrections are used.
The solar rotation axis is the primary vector: the Z axis points
in the solar north direction.
The solar ascending node on the ecliptic of J2000 forms the X axis.
The Y axis is Z cross X, completing the right-handed reference frame.
- HEE : Heliocentric Earth Ecliptic Frame -
All vectors are geometric: no aberration corrections are used.
The position of the Earth relative to the Sun is the primary vector:
the X axis points from the Sun to the Earth.
The northern surface normal to the mean ecliptic of date is the
secondary vector: the Z axis is the component of this vector
orthogonal to the X axis.
The Y axis is Z cross X, completing the right-handed reference frame.
- HEEQ : Heliocentric Earth Equatorial Frame -
All vectors are geometric: no aberration corrections are used.
The solar rotation axis is the primary vector: the Z axis points
in the solar north direction.
The position of the Sun relative to the Earth is the secondary
vector: the X axis is the component of this position vector
orthogonal to the Z axis.
The Y axis is Z cross X, completing the right-handed reference frame.
- CSO The body-Centered Solar Orbital frames for the Rosetta primary
target comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, incidental target comet
45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakowa (Rosetta passed through its ion tail in
July 2006), and secondary targets asteroids 2867/STEINS and
21/LUTETIA are named '67P/C-G_CSO', '45P/H-M-P_CSO',
'2867/STEINS_CSO', and '21/LUTETIA_CSO'.
These frames are defined as
a two-vector style dynamic frames as follows:
- The position of the sun relative to the body is the primary
vector: the X axis points from the body to the sun.
- The inertially referenced velocity of the sun relative to the
body is the secondary vector: the Y axis is the component of
this velocity vector orthogonal to the X axis.
- The Z axis is X cross Y, completing the right-handed reference
- All vectors are geometric: no aberration corrections are used.
- CSEQ The body-Centered Solar EQuatorial frames for the Rosetta
primary target comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and secondary target
asteroid 21/LUTETIA are named '67P/C-G_CSEQ' and '21/LUTETIA_CSEQ'.
These frames are defined as a two-vector style dynamic frames as
- +X axis is the position of the Sun relative to the body; it's
the primary vector and points from the body to the Sun;
- +Z axis is the component of the Sun's north pole of date
orthogonal to the +X axis;
- +Y axis completes the right-handed reference frame;
- the origin of this frame is the body's center of mass.
All the vectors are geometric: no aberration corrections are used.