... just drag the Parameter from the WorkSpace Explorer Tree
and drop onto the opened module window.
To open module window click one of the icons in the bottom right.
Parameters are displayed as circles of different colors
with gray for scalars,
green for vectors, and
orange for spectra.
Define time interval in panel if you are plotting / downloading / dataminining.
B. How to Work with Time Tables / Catalogs
... you may use Time Table / Catalog as input times in AMDA modules. Switch
time selector to TimeTable or Catalog mode by clicking corresponding tab
and drag-and-drop TimeTable / Catalog from the WorkSpace Explorer Tree on the time selection panel.
... to edit Time Table / Catalog double click its name in the WorkSpace Explorer Tree.
C. Context Menu
... AMDA module window can be opened by using the context menu
( right click on any of the WorkSpace Explorer Tree nodes ).
An example of the context menus for TimeTable nodes of different levels: