<h2><img src="js/resources/images/16x16/mydata.png" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;"/>Uploading Time Table</h2> <img align="left" src="help/images/uploadtt_1.png" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;"/> <p> <b>1 :</b> Select time table source - <b><i>Local</i></b> or <b><i>Remote (URL)</i></b>. </p> <p> <b>2 :</b> In the case of <b><i>URL</i></b> you may specify the URL of the site (<b><i>FTP</i></b> access only for the moment!) and select the file by browsing the remote files. </p> <p> <b>3 :</b> Or put the full file URL (http or ftp) directly into the form. </p> <p> <img align="left" src="help/images/uploadTT_2.png" style="margin: 0px 18px 10px 12px;"/> <b>4 :</b> Time table format is detected automatically. </p> <p><b><i>VOTable</i></b> format uses ISO time definition. </p> <p> <b><i>ASCII</i></b> format allows different time definitions: <br/><br/> <i>Year Month Day Hour Minute Second</i> => with different separators ("-", ":", "/", " ") used in a standard way. <br/><i>Milliseconds</i> are not taken in to account. <br/><br/> <i>Year Day-Of-Year Hour Minute Second</i> => with different separators ("-", ":", "/", " "). <i>Day-Of-Year</i> (three letters !!!) starts from 0, i.e. the 1st of January is 0. <br/><br/> </p><p> Valid time range: <b><i>1970-01-01 - 2038-01-19</i></b>. </p> <p> <b>5 : </b> Don't forget to click the <b><i>Upload</i></b> button. </p> <p> <b>6 : </b>The uploaded time table is shown in the <b><i>TimeTable Manager</i></b> <img src="js/resources/images/16x16/timeTable.png" style="margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;"/> window and user has to <b><i>save</i></b> it in order to store in the WorkSpace. </p> <p> <b>Warning</b> : File size is limited to 30MB </p>