Plot Intro (DRAFT)


As a lot of new plot options is added the plot request form has been completely redesigned. It is organised as multi-level tree
To see/redefine the default plot options for an element click it in the tree hierachy on the left panel
Current selection is shown next to the corresponding element.

Note that at any moment you can modify any option at any level.


  1. Page : self-explanatory

    Epoch Superposed Mode : if activated all time intervals (in a case of time table / catalog input) are plotted on the same page
    Font : all axis tickmarks; axis titles; copyright;

    An example of IMF magnitude plot with checked Epoch Superposed Mode and Time Table with 5 intervals as time input.

  2. Layout : position of the panels on the page

    Two generic panel types : 'Time/Epoch' and 'XY (Scatter/Instant)';

      Implemented Layouts
    1. Vertical : vertical stack of panels;
      all time panels are of the same width;
      one XY panel in the line;
      generic panel height (for Time and XY panel)
      and width (for XY panel) can be defined at this level
    2. Auto : automatic layout - if possible combines
      several XY panels at the same level; only panel height can be defined (XY panel is 'square')
    3. Manual : everything is to be defined by user

  3. Panel

    With Prefered Dimensions and Font options you may redefine generic settings for this particular panel.
    Background color TBD to be defined for plot area only

    Plot types: defines plot type associated with the corresponding panel (panel type).
    Note that at the parameter level you specify parameter Drawing Type.
    For example on one Time Plot panel you may plot several parameters with different drawing types (Serie, TickBar, StatusBar) of TimePlot type.
    1. Panel : Time Plot
      allows use/combine different drawing types on the same panel : Serie, Spectro, Tick Bar, Status Bar
      Note that Tick Bar and Status Bar cannot be plotted on the TimePlot panel if alone - you should always plot also another parameter of Serie or Spectro drawing type, otherwise you will get an empty panel.

    2. Panel : Scatter (XY) Plot
      Y = Y(X) plot - allows Serie and Orbit Serie drawing types. A parameter used as x is defined at parameter level by drag/drop from parameter tree.

      Orbit Serie is a special type of XY Plot developed for orbits 2D presentations (XR; YZ ... etc).
    3. Panel : Epoch Plot
      'Epoch'-type panel defines time axe in 'relative' time units using Center Time defined in the input catalog.
      An example of Catalog suitable as input for EpochPlot :
      			<?xml version="1.0"?>
      			<timetable xml:id="cat_0">
      				<description>test catalog</description>
      					<parameter id="center" name="CenterTime" size="1" .../>
      If you use as input catalog the catalog above you should set Epoch Center Time Id = center (parameter id="center")

      and get the following plot (of course if you have selected Epoch Superposed Mode at Page Level):

      To scale time intervals select the Normalized option at Axes/EpochAxis level:

      CU: As for the moment catalog uploading is not implemented (as well as 'dateTime' parameter type in Catalog Editor) we supply CU with special 'Epoch Plot test' catalog (above) with the name epoch_test. You will find this catalog in the Catalogs/My Catalogs section of your WorkSpace Explorer
    4. Panel : Instant Plot
      'instant spectrum' - 1D[2D] cut for 2D[3D] objects;
      TBD : add option for interchange axis : Y => X; X => Y
      Note: instant cut may be get also directly by right mouse click on spectrogram plot
    5. Panel : Status Plot
      permits only one drawing type - Status Bar.
      CU : For the moment Status Bar drawng type is implemented for the STEREO SWEA quality parameters only.
    6. Panel : Tick Plot permits only one drawing type - Tick Bar.
      Outputs parameter as tick values for major time ticks.
      CU : Known bug: for some time intervals NaN is output. Will be fixed.

    Note : you can plot/save Plot Template : plot with empty panels (add and configure panels without parameters).

  4. Axes

    1. Time Axis : self-explanatory
      In order not to plot time axe tickmarks and X-title on the panel uncheck Legend and Show tick marks checkboxes.

    2. Y Left [Right] Axis : self-explanatory
      Y-title is constructed automatically.
      You may define Y-title yourself in the Legend block.
      Selection of Left / Right Y-axe (associated with parameter!!)
      is made at the parameter level.

  5. Parameter : self-explanatory

    1. Note :Some fields in the form of parameter level are 'editable'. Introdicing of math expressions in those fields has no sense. May be later on...
    2. Arguments :
      Two possibilities to select vector components - directly from parameter tree or by Arguments block.
      Direct component selection from the tree doesn't work for the moment

    3. You may colorize plotted parameter with the value of another parameter by using Colored Parameter option (drag/drop parameter)

    4. CU : Sometimes you may get empty panel without any error. Check out please if Symbols selection will plot the parameter. Note such cases.
    5. Interval ticks can be useful when one produces plot for time table input in Epoch Superposed page mode.
    6. Error Bar. To plot error bars you should define one (in case of Delta) or two (in case of Min/Max) parameters used as 'error values'.
      You may create those parameters yourself using for example sqrt of the existing parameter.
    7. Drawing Types are predefined for some parameters - f.i. - vex_xyz, mex_xyz - Orbit Serie; e_mgs_er - Spectro.
      When you drag/drop such a parameter its drawing type is set automatically. Will be extended for all parameters when there is sense.