<?php /** * @class UserWsTransfer * @version $Id: UserWsTransfer.php 1718 2013-08-28 15:52:38Z myriam $ * */ class UserWsTransfer { private $ws, $Mgr; private $wsDir; private $ws_deleted; function __construct($user) { define('OLDUSERPATH', ROOT_PATH.'USERS/'); define('TRANSFERUSER', $user); define('CONVERSIONDIR', BASE_PATH.'utils/conversion/'); $this->ws = new DomDocument("1.0"); $this->wsDir = OLDUSERPATH.TRANSFERUSER.'/WS/'; $this->ws_deleted = array(); } public function checkWS() { // old ws if (!is_dir(OLDUSERPATH.TRANSFERUSER)) { error_log('no '.TRANSFERUSER.' at old AMDA',1,email); return array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Sorry, it seems you have no account at old AMDA'); } if (!file_exists($this->wsDir.'ws.xml')) { error_log('no ws.xml for '.TRANSFERUSER,1,email); return array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Sorry, we failed to find your workspace at old AMDA'); } if (!$this->ws->load($this->wsDir.'ws.xml')) { error_log('cannot load ws.xml for '.TRANSFERUSER,1,email); return array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Sorry, we failed to access your workspace at old AMDA'); } return array('success' => true); } public function hasAlias($expression) { return (strpos($expression, "#") !== false); } public function replaceAliases($expression){ $aliasXML = new DomDocument("1.0"); $aliasXML->load($this->wsDir.'alias.xml'); $aliases_ = $aliasXML->getElementsByTagName('alias'); if ($aliases_->length == 0) return $expression; $aliases = array(); foreach ($aliases_ as $alias) { $aliases["#".$alias->getAttribute("name")] = $alias->nodeValue; } // sort in desc order by key (alias itself) krsort($aliases, SORT_NATURAL); foreach ($aliases as $alias => $param) { if (!$this->hasAlias($expression)) break; if (strpos($expression, $alias) !== false) { $newExp = str_replace($alias, $param, $expression); $expression = $newExp; } } return $expression; } //duplication of FilesMgr method public function getSampling($fileName, $format) { if ($format === 'cdf') { copy($fileName, "temp.cdf"); exec('cdfsamplingfromdata ', $result); unlink("temp.cdf"); $minSamp = $result[count($result)-1]; } else if ($format === 'cef') { exec('cefsampling '.$fileName, $result); $minSamp = $result[count($result)-1]; } else $minSamp = null; //TODO if min & max return $minSamp; } public function deleteParam($exp, $isPlot) { $deletedXML = new DomDocument("1.0"); if ($isPlot) $deletedXML->load(CONVERSIONDIR.'Plot_Deleted.xml'); else $deletedXML->load(CONVERSIONDIR.'Deleted.xml'); $deletedNodes = $deletedXML->getElementsByTagName('deleted'); $toDelete = false; if (strpos($exp, "CDAWEB") !== false) return true; foreach ($deletedNodes as $item) { if (strpos($exp, $item->getAttribute('xml:id')) !== false) { $toDelete = true; break; } } return $toDelete; } public function updateParams($expression, $isPlot){ $convertXML = new DomDocument("1.0"); if ($isPlot) $fileNames = glob(CONVERSIONDIR.'*_convertPlot.xml'); else $fileNames = glob(CONVERSIONDIR.'*_convert.xml'); foreach ($fileNames as $file) { if (!$convertXML->load($file)) error_log('ERROR loading '.$file,1,email); $convertedNodes = $convertXML->getElementsByTagName('param_convert'); foreach ($convertedNodes as $item) { $pairs[$item->getAttribute('oldid')] = $item->getAttribute('xml:id'); } krsort($pairs, SORT_NATURAL); $newExp = strtr($expression, $pairs); $expression = $newExp; } return $expression; } public function convertArgs($parId, $args){ //TODO arguments.php via Ext.Direct call $cmd = 'php '.BASE_PATH.'php/arguments.php "'.$parId.'"'; $arguments = explode(",", $args); $newArgs = array(); $res = exec($cmd); //TODO just main arguments.... foreach ($arguments as $item) { if (strpos($item, "/") !== false) $arg = substr($item,1,strlen($item)); switch ($arg) { case "black" : case "blue" : case "green" : case "red" : $newArgs[] = "Color=".$arg; break; case "gsm" : case "sm" : if (strpos($res, $arg) !== false) $newArgs[] = "RefFrame=".strtoupper($arg); break; case "log" : case "lin" : if (strpos($res, $arg) !== false) $newArgs[] = "Scale=".$arg; break; case "cyl" : $newArgs[] = "OrbitPresentation=".strtoupper($arg); break; default : } } if (count($arguments) === 0) return "select..."; if (count($arguments) > 1) return implode("&",$newArgs); return $newArgs; } public function createFolders($listName, $nodeType){ // create folders $folders = $this->ws->getElementsByTagName($listName)->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('level1'); $obj = new stdClass(); foreach ($folders as $folder) { $obj->leaf = false; $obj->old_name = "new Folder"; $obj->name = $folder->getAttribute('name'); $obj->parent = $nodeType."-treeRootNode"; $obj->nodeType = $nodeType; $this->Mgr->renameObject($obj); } } public function transferDerived() { $msg = '<b>WS (Derived) Params:</b><br/>'; // derived parameters $this->Mgr = new DerivedParamMgr('derivedParam'); $this->createFolders('paramList','derivedParam'); // get old params $wsParams = $this->ws->getElementsByTagName('param'); if ($wsParams->length == 0) { return array('success' => true, 'msg' => 'No parameters'); } $obj = new stdClass(); foreach ($wsParams as $param) { $obj->name = $param->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->nodeValue; $expression = $param->getElementsByTagName('buildchain')->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($this->hasAlias($expression)) { $newExp = $this->replaceAliases($expression); $expression = $newExp; } if ($this->deleteParam($expression)) { $msg .= 'deleted name:<b>'.$obj->name.'</b>; expression: '.$expression.'<br/>'; // error_log( 'For INFO : DELETED '.$expression,1,email); $this->ws_deleted[] = $obj->name; continue; } $obj->buildchain = $this->updateParams($expression); $obj->timestep = $param->getElementsByTagName('timestep')->item(0)->nodeValue; $obj->units = $param->getElementsByTagName('units')->item(0)->nodeValue; $obj->description = $param->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->nodeValue; $obj->ytitle = ""; $obj->nodeType = "derivedParam"; $obj->leaf = true; $this->Mgr->objectDom = new DomDocument("1.0"); if ($param->parentNode->tagName === 'level1') { $folder_id = $param->parentNode->getAttribute('id'); $this->Mgr->createObject($obj, $folder_id); } else { $this->Mgr->createObject($obj); } } $msg .= ' ok<br/>'; return array('success' => true, 'msg' => $msg); } public function transferTimeTables() { $msg = '<b>Time Tables:</b><br/>'; // time tables $this->Mgr = new TimeTableMgr(); $this->createFolders('timetabList','timeTable'); $TTdir = OLDUSERPATH.TRANSFERUSER."/TT/"; // get old time tabs $timeTabs = $this->ws->getElementsByTagName('timetab'); if ($timeTabs->length == 0) { return array('success' => true, 'msg' => 'No time tables'); } $obj = new stdClass(); $ttXML = new DomDocument("1.0"); foreach ($timeTabs as $item) { $obj->name = $item->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->nodeValue; $obj->created = $item->getElementsByTagName('created')->item(0)->nodeValue; $obj->description = $item->getElementsByTagName('condition')->item(0)->nodeValue; $obj->history = 'From old AMDA'; $obj->nodeType = "timeTable"; $obj->leaf = true; // intervals if (!$ttXML->load($TTdir.$obj->name.".xml")) { $msg .= 'failed to copy '.$obj->name.'<br/>'; continue; } $intervals = $ttXML->getElementsByTagName("Interval"); $ints = array(); foreach ($intervals as $interval){ $int = new stdClass(); $int->start = $interval->getElementsByTagName("Start")->item(0)->nodeValue; $int->stop = $interval->getElementsByTagName("Stop")->item(0)->nodeValue; $ints[] = $int; } $obj->nbIntervals = $intervals->length; $this->Mgr->objectDom = new DomDocument("1.0"); if ($item->parentNode->tagName === 'level1') { $folder_id = $item->parentNode->getAttribute('id'); $res = $this->Mgr->createObject($obj, $folder_id); } else { $res = $this->Mgr->createObject($obj); } if ($res['id']) { $res = $this->Mgr->saveIntervals($res['id'],$ints,'create'); if (!$res['success']) $msg .= 'failed copy Time Table '. $obj->name.'<br/>'; } else { $msg .= 'failed copy Time Table '. $obj->name.'<br/>'; } } $msg .= ' ok<br/>'; return array('success' => true, 'msg' => $msg); } public function transferConditions() { $msg = '<b>Conditions:</b><br/>'; // conditons $this->Mgr = new RequestMgr('condition'); $condDir = OLDUSERPATH.TRANSFERUSER."/REQ/"; // get old conditions $conditions = glob($condDir."*.cond"); if (count($conditions) == 0) { return array('success' => true, 'msg' => 'No conditions'); } $obj = new stdClass(); foreach ($conditions as $item) { $cond = file($item, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); $obj->name = substr(basename($item), 0, -5); $expression = $cond[0]; if ($this->hasAlias($expression)) { $newExp = $this->replaceAliases($expression); $expression = $newExp; } if ($this->deleteParam($expression)) { $msg .= 'deleted name:<b>'.$obj->name.'</b>; expression:'.$expression.'<br/>'; continue; } $obj->expression = $this->updateParams($expression); $obj->sampling = $cond[1]; $obj->gap = $cond[2]; $obj->description = "From old AMDA"; $obj->timesrc = "Interval"; if ($cond[3]) { $obj->startDate = str_replace(":", "-", substr($cond[3],0,10))."T".substr($cond[3],11,8); $obj->durationDay = "0".substr($cond[4],0,3); $obj->durationHour = substr($cond[4],4,2); $obj->durationMin = substr($cond[4],7,2); $obj->durationSec = substr($cond[4],10,2); } else { $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d")-1, date("Y")); $obj->startDate = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s',$timestamp); $obj->durationDay = "0001"; $obj->durationHour = "00"; $obj->durationMin = "00"; $obj->durationSec = "00"; } $obj->nodeType = "condition"; $obj->leaf = true; $this->Mgr->createObject($obj); } $msg .= ' ok<br/>'; return array('success' => true, 'msg' => $msg); } public function transferRequests() { $msg = '<b>Requests:</b><br/>'; // requests $this->Mgr = new RequestMgr('request'); $reqDir = OLDUSERPATH.TRANSFERUSER."/REQ/"; // get old requests $requests = glob($reqDir."*.xml"); if (count($requests) == 0) { return array('success' => true, 'msg' => 'No requests'); } $reqXML = new DomDocument("1.0"); $obj = new stdClass(); foreach ($requests as $item) { if (!$reqXML->load($item)) { $msg .= 'failed to copy '.substr(basename($item), 0, -4).'<br/>'; } $obj->name = substr(basename($item), 0, -4); $obj->tabId = 1; $obj->outputName = ''; $obj->orientation = strtoupper($reqXML->getElementsByTagName('orientation')->item(0)->nodeValue); $obj->format = 'PNG'; $obj->title = ''; $obj->description = 'From old AMDA'; $obj->charSize = 1.3; $obj->thickness = 1; $obj->ppp = 3000; $obj->forcedLayout = false; $obj->forcedMulti = false; $obj->timesrc = 'Interval'; $start = $reqXML->getElementsByTagName('StartTime')->item(0)->nodeValue; $obj->startDate = str_replace(":", "-", substr($start,0,10))."T".substr($start,11,8); $tint = $reqXML->getElementsByTagName('TimeInt')->item(0)->nodeValue; $obj->durationDay = "0".substr($tint,0,3); $obj->durationHour = substr($tint,4,2); $obj->durationMin = substr($tint,7,2); $obj->durationSec = substr($tint,10,2); // Panels $obj->children = array(); $panels = array(); $params = $reqXML->getElementsByTagName('param'); foreach ($params as $param) { $parId = $param->getAttribute('xml:id'); //check deleted ws_ if ($this->ws_deleted && strtolower(substr($parId,0,3) == "ws_")) { foreach ($this->ws_deleted as $item) { if ($item === $parId) { $msg .= 'ws param deleted '.$parId.'<br/>'; continue 2; } } } if (substr($parId,0,3) == "WS_") $parId = strtolower($parId); if ($this->deleteParam($parId, true)) { $msg .= 'param deleted '.$parId.'<br/>'; continue; } $newParId = $this->updateParams($parId, true); $panelNumber = $param->getAttribute('panel'); //print_r($obj->name." ".$panelNumber.PHP_EOL); // no such panel -> create if (!$panels[$panelNumber]) { $aPanel = new stdClass(); $aPanel->name = 'Panel '.$panelNumber; $aPanel->leaf = false; $aPanel->text = 'Panel '.$panelNumber; $aPanel->width = $param->getAttribute('width'); $aPanel->height = $param->getAttribute('height'); $aPanel->xTitle = ""; $aPanel->xRangeMin = $param->getAttribute('xmin'); $aPanel->xRangeMax = $param->getAttribute('xmax'); $aPanel->y1Title = ""; $aPanel->y1RangeMin = $param->getAttribute('ymin'); $aPanel->y1RangeMax = $param->getAttribute('ymax'); $aPanel->y2Title = ""; $aPanel->y2RangeMin = 0; $aPanel->y2RangeMax = 0; $aPanel->plotType = "TIME"; $panels[$panelNumber] = $aPanel; $panels[$panelNumber]->children = array(); } // add parameter to the panel $aParameter = new stdClass(); $aParameter->name = $newParId; $aParameter->text = $newParId; $aParameter->leaf = true; $aParameter->yaxe = false; //TODO if we need to check this reallY??? $aParameter->isScatter = false; $aParameter->needsArgs = false; if ($param->getAttribute('args') === "") $aParameter->paramArgs = "select..."; else $aParameter->paramArgs = $this->convertArgs($newParId, $param->getAttribute('args')); $panels[$panelNumber]->children[] = $aParameter; } // if there are unordered keys json_encode interprate array as object.... $obj->children = array_values($panels); $obj->nodeType = "request"; $obj->leaf = true; $this->Mgr->createObject($obj).PHP_EOL; } $msg .= ' ok<br/>'; return array('success' => true, 'msg' => $msg); } public function transferMyData() { $msg = '<b>My Data:</b><br/>'; // start with copying DATA dir as it is foreach (glob(OLDUSERPATH.TRANSFERUSER.'/DATA/*') as $item) { if (!copy($item, USERDATADIR.basename($item))) { error_log('can\'t copy '.$item,1,email); $msg .= 'failed copy file '.basename($item).'<br/>'; } } $filesXml = new DomDocument("1.0"); if (!$filesXml->load($this->wsDir.'files.xml')) $msg .= 'no files.xml <br/>'; else { $fileMgr = new FilesMgr(); $filesXmlNew = new DomDocument("1.0"); $root = $filesXmlNew->createElement('ws'); $filesXmlNew->appendChild($root); $list = $filesXmlNew->createElement("fileList"); $list->setAttribute("xml:id", "myData-treeRootNode"); $root->appendChild($list); $files = $filesXml->getElementsByTagName("file"); $folders = $filesXml->getElementsByTagName("level1"); if ($folders->length > 0) foreach ($folders as $folder) { $newFolder = $filesXmlNew->createElement("folder"); $newFolder->setAttribute("xml:id", $folder->getAttribute("id")); $newFolder->setAttribute("name", $folder->getAttribute("id")); $list->appendChild($newFolder); } foreach ($files as $file) { $newFile = $filesXmlNew->createElement("file", $file->getAttribute("title")); $newFile->setAttribute("xml:id", $file->getAttribute("id")); $newFile->setAttribute("name", $file->getAttribute("id")); $format = $file->getElementsByTagName("format")->item(0)->nodeValue; $newFile->setAttribute("format", $format); $newFile->setAttribute("uploaded", $file->getElementsByTagName("uploaded")->item(0)->nodeValue); $newFile->setAttribute("start", $file->getAttribute("start")); $newFile->setAttribute("stop", $file->getAttribute("stop")); // no sampling for cdf in old amda $minSampling = $file->getAttribute("sampling"); $maxSampling = $file->getAttribute("maxsampling"); if (!$minSampling) { $minSampling = $this->getSampling(USERDATADIR.$file->getAttribute("id"), $format); $maxSampling = $minSampling; } $newFile->setAttribute("minsampling", $minSampling); $newFile->setAttribute("maxsampling", $maxSampling); //TODO check mask $newFile->setAttribute("mask", $file->getAttribute("id")); if ($file->parentNode->tagName == 'level1') $filesXmlNew->getElementById($file->parentNode->getAttribute("id"))->appendChild($newFile); else $list->appendChild($newFile); } $filesXmlNew->save(USERWSDIR."Files.xml"); } // mydata parameters $this->Mgr = new DerivedParamMgr('mydataParam'); $this->createFolders('mydataList','mydataParam'); //TODO folders are they OK? // get old params $wsdParams = $this->ws->getElementsByTagName('mydata'); //TODO vi ?? // $obj = new stdClass(); foreach ($wsdParams as $item) { $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->name = $item->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->nodeValue; $obj->nodeType = "myDataParam"; $obj->leaf = true; $obj->desc = $item->getAttribute('desc'); $obj->file = $item->getAttribute('fileOrig'); $obj->mask = $item->getAttribute('fileMask'); $obj->fillvalue = $item->getAttribute('dataFillValue'); $obj->minsampling = $item->getAttribute('dataSampling'); $obj->maxsampling = $item->getAttribute('maxSampling'); $obj->format = $item->getAttribute('fileFormat'); $obj->type = $item->getAttribute('dataType'); $obj->size = $item->getAttribute('dataSize'); $obj->ytitle = $item->getAttribute('yTitle'); $obj->realvar = $item->getAttribute('realName'); $obj->units = $item->getAttribute('dataUnits'); $obj->legend = $item->getAttribute('dataLegend'); $this->Mgr->objectDom = new DomDocument("1.0"); if ($item->parentNode->tagName === 'level1') { $folder_id = $item->parentNode->getAttribute('id'); $this->Mgr->createObject($obj, $folder_id); } else { $this->Mgr->createObject($obj); } } $msg .= ' ok<br/>'; return array('success' => true, 'msg' => $msg); } } ?>