input averaging time in secs average #sampling_classic input averaging time in secs median average #median input averaging time in secs root mean square #rms input window time in secs min() function #min input window time in secs max() function #max input window time in secs variance() function #var input window time in secs skewness() function #skew input averaging time in secs average #sliding_average input averaging time in secs root mean square #rms_sm input window time in secs min() function #min_sm input window time in secs max() function #max_sm input window time in secs variance() function #var_sm input window time in secs skewness() function #skew_sm input averaging time in secs smooths with a boxcar average #boxcar input window time in secs covariance() function for two params #covariance input window time in secs Pearson coefficient of two parameters #pearson input window time in secs Kendall coefficient of two parameters #kendall input window time in secs Spearman coefficient of two parameters #spearman input time interval T in secs to delay by Shifts parameter by T secs back (T < 0) and forth (T > 0)) #timeShift ,6,100 Remove Spikes ( ! Experimental ! ) : filter(param, factor,nPoints) #filter "",mag Cain model for Mars Magnetic Field #bcain density[cm^⁻3], b_magnitude[nT] Alfven velocity Valfven(density[cm^⁻3], b_magnitude[nT]) alfvenVelocity External field: Compute MLT from geographical spacecraft position (cartesian coordinates and in Earth radius) #maglib_mlt External field: Compute InvLat from geographical spacecraft position (cartesian coordinates and in Earth radius) #maglib_invlat External field: Compute L Param from geographical spacecraft position (cartesian coordinates and in Earth radius) #maglib_lparam Perreault and Akasofu 1978 model u = perreault78(E_mag, B_mag, theta_p) perreault78 NEWELL et al 2007 solar wind-magnetosphere coupling function d_phi/d_t = newell2007(mu, B_mag, theta) newell2007 xyz_sm (Re), dipole tilt angle (deg) ,tilt_angle_60 Distance (Re) from s/c location to Fairfield1970 model neutral sheet position.<br/> dZ = fairfield70(xyz_sm, tilt_angle),<br/> xyz_sm is the s/c SM coordinates (Re) and tilt angle is in degrees.<br/> Valid for y_sm < 15 Re. fairfield70 xyz_sm (Re), dipole tilt angle (deg) ,tilt_angle_60 Distance (Re) from s/c location to Fairfield1980 model neutral sheet position.<br/> dZ = fairfield80(xyz_sm, tilt_angle),<br/> xyz_sm is the s/c SM coordinates (Re) and tilt angle is in degrees.<br/> fairfield80 Kp, MLT (deg), R (Re), dipole tilt angle (deg) omni_kp,,,tilt_angle_60 Magnetic latitude of the neutral sheet (Lopez1990 model) <br/> MLAT = lopez90(Kp, MLT, R, tilt_angle) <br/> Kp is the 3-hour magnetic index, MLT the magnetic local time in degrees (MLT = 0° at midnight) R is the radial distance in RE and dipole tilt angle in degrees lopez90 alt(Km), sza(Radians) Electron Density around Venus <br/> dn = pv_ionos_dn(alt, sza) <br/> alt is the altitude in Km sza is the solat zenith angle in radians dn is the base 10 log of the model electron density in no/cc pv_ionos_dn alt(Km), sza(Radians) Electron temperature around Venus <br/> te = pv_ionos_dn(alt, sza) <br/> alt is the altitude in Km sza is the solat zenith angle in radians te is in log10 deg K pv_ionos_te Input frame: Output frame: The vector represents a position in space Frames transformation #framesTransformation input time interval T in secs to delay by Sampling type: fourier spectrum #spectrum GSE to GSM frame transformation #GSE2GSM GSM to GSE frame transformation #GSM2GSE Angle between two vectors angle Cross product cross Dot product dot Build vector from components vector_ Magnitude magnitude Planarity calculation from tetrahedron planarity Elongation calculation from tetrahedron elongation Characteristic calculation from tetrahedron characteristic Absolute value abs Arc-cosine acos Natural logarithm log Logarithm to the base 10 log10 Arc-sine asin Arc-tangent atan Arc-tangent atan2 Closest integer greater than or equal to its argument Ceil Checks if there is a NaN value IsNaN cosine cos Hyperbolic cosine cosh deriv() function with possibly unequal point spacing #deriv Natural exponential function exp Integer Fix Closest integer less than or equal to its argument Floor Sign Sign Sine sin Hyperbolic sine sinh Tangent tan Hyperbolic tangent tanh Square root sqrt