getRootDirPath())) { mkdir($this->getRootDirPath()); chgrp($this->getRootDirPath(), APACHE_USER); chmod($this->getRootDirPath(), 0775); } } abstract protected function getDataInfo($object_id); abstract protected function addData($src_object_path, $dst_data_path, $newId, $newName, $newDescription); public function getDescription($folder_name, $object_id) { $result = array(); $headerFilePath = $this->getHeaderFilePath($folder_name, $object_id); $headerFile = new SharedObjectHeaderFile($headerFilePath); //Get info contained in data file $result = $this->getDataInfo($object_id); //Get info contained in header file $header_info = $headerFile->getInfo(); foreach ($header_info as $key => $value) { //if (!array_key_exists($key, $result) && empty($value)) // continue; $result[$key] = $value; } return $result; } public function add($object_name, $folder_name, $src_object_path, $description, $sharedBy, $newId) { $dst_folder_path = $this->getFolderDirPath($folder_name); if (!is_dir($dst_folder_path)) return array('success' => false, 'message' => 'Cannot get folder path'); $dst_header_path = $this->getHeaderDirPath($folder_name); if (!is_dir($dst_header_path)) { mkdir($dst_header_path); chgrp($dst_header_path, APACHE_USER); chmod($dst_header_path, 0775); } $dst_data_path = $this->getDataDirPath($folder_name); if (!is_dir($dst_data_path)) { mkdir($dst_data_path); chgrp($dst_data_path, APACHE_USER); chmod($dst_data_path, 0775); } $headerFilePath = $this->getHeaderFilePath($folder_name, $newId); $headerFile = new SharedObjectHeaderFile($headerFilePath); $headerFile->setName($object_name); $headerFile->setDescription($description); $headerFile->setSharedBy($sharedBy); date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); $headerFile->setSharedDate(date("c")); $result = $this->addData($src_object_path, $dst_data_path, $newId, $object_name, $description); if (!$result['success']) return $result; return array('success' => TRUE, 'object_id' => $newId); } public function getRootDirPath() { return SHAREDPATH . "/" . $this->rootdirname; } public function getFolderDirPath($folder_name) { return $this->getRootDirPath() . "/" . $folder_name; } public function getHeaderDirPath($folder_name) { return $this->getFolderDirPath($folder_name) . "/" . self::$headerdirname; } public function getDataDirPath($folder_name) { return $this->getFolderDirPath($folder_name) . "/" . self::$datadirname; } public function getHeaderFilePath($folder_name, $object_id) { return $this->getHeaderDirPath($folder_name) . "/" . $object_id . ".xml"; } public function getDataFilePath($folder_name, $object_id) { return $this->getDataDirPath($folder_name) . "/" . $object_id . ".xml"; } public function scanObjects() { $root_dir = $this->getRootDirPath(); $folders = $this->scanDir($root_dir, TRUE, FALSE); $result = array(); foreach ($folders as $folder_name) { $header_path = $this->getHeaderDirPath($folder_name); if (!is_dir($header_path)) { mkdir($header_path); chgrp($header_path, APACHE_USER); chmod($header_path, 0775); } $header_files = $this->scanDir($header_path, FALSE, TRUE); $data_path = $this->getDataDirPath($folder_name); if (!is_dir($data_path)) { mkdir($data_path); chgrp($data_path, APACHE_USER); chmod($data_path, 0775); } $data_files = $this->scanDir($data_path, FALSE, TRUE); foreach ($header_files as $header_file) { //Check if we have header and data files if (!in_array($header_file, $data_files)) continue; if (!array_key_exists($folder_name, $result)) $result[$folder_name] = array(); $result[$folder_name][] = basename($header_file, ".xml");; } //Add empty folders if (!array_key_exists($folder_name, $result)) $result[$folder_name] = array(); } return $result; } private function scanDir($dir, $getDirs, $getFiles) { $dirs = array_diff(scandir($dir), Array( ".", ".." )); $result = array(); foreach($dirs as $d){ if($getDirs && is_dir($dir."/".$d)) $result[] = $d; if($getFiles && !is_dir($dir."/".$d)) $result[] = $d; } return $result; } } ?>