<?php /** * Project : AMDA-NG * Name : HstMgr.php * @author Richard Hitier ***************************************************************************** * FT Id : Date : Name - Description ****************************************************************************** * :14/05/2012: BRE - file creation and modifications for AMDA-NG project */ class HstMgr { private $hst_votable; function __construct( $base_file = null ) { $this->hst_votable = Array( "saturn"=>Hst."hstVOtable-saturn.xml", "jupiter"=>Hst."hstVOtable-jupiter.xml", "uranus"=>Hst."hstVOtable-uranus.xml"); } /** * Return a Votable containing items between given dates. * Beware, input DOM's TR elements should already be date sorted. * * BTW, Group one TableData by day * * @param startTime * @param stopTime * @param stopTime * @return dom */ function getImagesUrl( $startTime, $stopTime, $planet="saturn"){ $startTime = $this->formatDate($startTime); $stopTime = $this->formatDate($stopTime); $imagesUrlList = array(); // fetch whole data base $domOrig = $this->getHstBase($planet); // copy dom except tabledata children $domRes = new Domdocument("1.0"); $domRes->appendChild( $domRes->importNode( $domOrig->documentElement, true)); // remove uniq TABLEDATA node $oldTableDataNode = $domRes->getElementsByTagName("TABLEDATA")->item(0); $oldTableDataNode->parentNode->removeChild( $oldTableDataNode ); $dataNode = $domRes->getElementsByTagName("DATA")->item(0); // filter all rows (TR tags) // create one TABLEDATA per day // set xml result $oldDayString = "none"; $trList = $domOrig->getElementsByTagName("TR"); for( $i=0; $i < $trList->length ; $i++){ $currItem = $trList->item($i); $currDateString = $this->formatDate( $currItem->getElementsByTagName("TD")->item(5)->nodeValue ); $currDayString = substr( $currDateString, 0, 11); // not found already ? skip if( $currDateString < $startTime ) continue; // to late ? quit loop if( $currDateString > $stopTime) break; // Create new TABLEDATA node if day changed // and immediatly insert in dom if( $currDayString != $oldDayString ){ $oldDayString = $currDayString; $tableDataNode = $domRes->createElement("TABLEDATA"); $tableDataNode->setAttribute( "name", $currDayString); $dataNode->appendChild( $tableDataNode ); } //then append current element to node $tableDataNode->appendChild( $domRes->importNode( $currItem , true) ); } //BRE result is now given as an array $res = array(); $tableDataNodes = $domRes->getElementsByTagName("TABLEDATA"); foreach($tableDataNodes as $tableDataNode) { $data = $this->tableDataNode2Array($tableDataNode); $data["images"] = array(); foreach($tableDataNode->childNodes as $child) array_push($data["images"], $this->tableDataNode2Array($child)); array_push($res,$data); } return $res; } function tableDataNode2Array($node) { $tds = $node->getElementsByTagName("TD"); $data = array("name" => $tds->item(0)->nodeValue, "target" => $tds->item(1)->nodeValue, "ra" => $tds->item(2)->nodeValue, "dec" => $tds->item(3)->nodeValue, "ref" => $tds->item(4)->nodeValue, "start" => $tds->item(5)->nodeValue, "stop" => $tds->item(6)->nodeValue, "exposure" => $tds->item(7)->nodeValue, "instrument" => $tds->item(8)->nodeValue); return $data; } /** * Standardize output dates * @param dateString inputdate * @return formated date */ function formatDate($dateString){ $arr = date_parse( $dateString); $format = "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n"; return sprintf($format, $arr['year'], $arr['month'],$arr['day'], $arr['hour'], $arr['minute'], $arr['second']); } /** * Get the xml vot for given planet * * @param $planet string, either saturn or jupiter * @return dom votable */ function getHstBase($planet="saturn") { $dom = new Domdocument("1.0"); $dom->load($this->hst_votable[$planet]); return $dom; } } ?>