 * @class BestRunsMgr
 * @version $Id: BestRunsMgr.php $

  class BestRunsMgr {
  protected $runs;
  protected $domRemoteData, $domTemplate;
  protected $xpRemoteData, $xpTemplate;
  protected $runsTemplate;
  protected $json;
  protected $factors;

      function __construct() {	
       $this->factors = array("SW_Density"=>1e6,
*                           PUBLIC FUNCTIONS

      public function init() {
    // DOM of SIMU RUNs chablon
      $this->domTemplate = new DomDocument();
      if (!$this->domTemplate->load( tmplGUMICS )) 
           return false;
      $this->xpTemplate = new domxpath($this->domTemplate); 
      $this->runTemplate = $this->xpTemplate->query("//runID")->item(0);
    // DOM of user RemoteParams
      $this->domRemoteData = new DomDocument();
      if (!$this->domRemoteData->load( USERWSDIR.'RemoteParams.xml' )) 
            return false;
      $this->xpRemoteData = new domxpath($this->domRemoteData); 
      $this->json = file_get_contents(USERWSDIR.'runs.json');

      // $obj ={"Object":"Earth","RunCount":"2",
// "SW_Density_value":"10","SW_Density_weight":"1","SW_Density_scale":"7","SW_Temperature_value":"100", ....}
        public function getRun($obj)

	  $params = $this->makeParams($obj);
	    try { 
		$client = new SoapClient(wsdl_FMI,
				  'wsdl_cache' => 0,
				  'trace' => 1,
				  'exceptions' => 0,
	    catch  (SoapFault $exception) {
		      error_log("Problem with WSDL".PHP_EOL.$exception->getMessage().PHP_EOL.$exception->getTraceAsString().PHP_EOL."File =  ".$exception->getFile(),1,email);
		      $res =  array('success' => false,'error' => $exception->getMessage());
            try {
		$data_json = $client->getMostRelevantRun($params);
		$result = json_decode($data_json,true);

		if (count($result["runs"]) > 0) {
 		    $result = $this->changeJson($result);
		    $res =  array('success' => true,'runs' => $result["runs"]);
	      catch (Exception $e) {
		error_log ($e->getMessage(),1,email);
		$res =  array('success' => false,'error' => $e->getMessage());
        return  $res; 

      public function addRuns($obj){
	if (!$obj) return false;
	else {
	  $this->runsId = (array)$obj;
	  $object = json_decode($this->json,true);
	  $simuRegion =  $this->domRemoteData->getElementById('FMI_GUMICS_Earth_Magnetosphere');
	  foreach ( $this->runsId as $runId){
	    if ($this->domRemoteData->getElementById($runId) == null){
	    $newRun = $this->domRemoteData->importNode($this->runTemplate, true);
	    foreach ($object['runs'] as $r){
	      if ($r['ResourceID'] == $runId) $run=$r;
	    $newRun->setAttribute('xml:id', $run['ResourceID']);
	    $newRun->setAttribute('name', $run['ResourceName']);
	    $desc = $this->runTemplate->getAttribute('start_desc'). "<b>Param_values: </b><br/>";
	    foreach ($run['Param_values'] as $key => $value) {
		$desc = $desc."<u>".$key." </u>".$value."<br/>";
	     $newRun->setAttribute('desc', $desc);
	     $datasets = $newRun->getElementsByTagName('dataset');
	      foreach ($datasets as $dataset){
		  $name = $dataset->getAttribute('name');
		  $datasetId = str_replace('SimulationRun','NumericalOutput',$run['ResourceID'].'/'.$name);
		  $dataset->setAttribute('xml:id', $datasetId); 
		  $params = $dataset->getElementsByTagName('parameter');
		  foreach($params as $param){
		    $paramName = $param->getAttribute('name');
// 		    $datasetId = str_replace('SimulationRun','NumericalOutput',$datasetId);
		     switch ($paramName) {
			  case "H+ number density" : $paramName = "Density"; break;
			  case "H+ velocity" : $paramName = "Ux,Uy,Uz"; break;
			  case "H+ total velocity" : $paramName = "Utot"; break;
			  case "H+ thermal pressure" : $paramName = "Pressure"; break;
			  case "H+ temperature" : $paramName = "Temperature"; break;

		    $paramId = $this->param2ddSimu($datasetId.'/'.$paramName);
		    $param->setAttribute('xml:id', str_replace('_EARTH___n_T_Vx_Bx_By_Bz','',str_replace('earth_synth_stationary_','',$paramId))); 
		    if ($param->hasChildNodes()) {
		      $components = $param->getElementsByTagName('component');
		      foreach ($components as $component){
			$compName = $component->getAttribute('name');
			$component->setAttribute('xml:id', str_replace('_EARTH___n_T_Vx_Bx_By_Bz','',str_replace('earth_synth_stationary_','',$paramId.'_'.$compName))); 
              protected function makeParams($json)
	  $obj = (array)$json;
	      $SW_parameters = array();
	      foreach ($obj as $k => $v) {
		    if (empty($v))
	      foreach ($obj as $k => $v) {
		if (strpos($k,'_value') !== FALSE ) {
		    $sw= str_replace ('_value', '', $k);
		    $SW_val = array();
		    $SW_val['value'] = $obj[$sw.'_value'] * $this->factors[$sw];
		    if ($obj[$sw.'_weight'] != '') $SW_val['weight'] = $obj[$sw.'_weight'];
		    if ($obj[$sw.'_scale'] != '') $SW_val['scale'] = $obj[$sw.'_scale']* $this->factors[$sw];
		      $SW_parameters[$sw] = $SW_val;
	      $params = array (
		'Object'    => 'Earth',	// Mandatory
		'RunCount'  => $obj['RunCount'],	// Number of runs returned. Optional, default = 1
		'SW_parameters' => $SW_parameters);
		return $params;

        protected function changeJson($object){
	  foreach ($object['runs'] as $run){
	      $run['S_diff'] = round($run['S_diff'],3);

	      foreach ($run['S_diff_n'] as $k => $v){
		$v = round($v,3);
		$run['S_diff_n'][$k] = $v;
	      foreach ($run['Param_values'] as $k => $v){
	      if ($this->factors[$k]){
		$newValue = round($v / $this->factors[$k], 3);
		$run['Param_values'][$k] = $newValue;
	    $object['runs'][$i] = $run;
	  return $object;
      protected function param2ddSimu($paramID) {
	  $pairs = array(" " => "_","-" => "_","/" => "_","%" => "_","\\" => "_","$" => "_",":" => "_","+" =>"_","#" => "_","@" => "_","." => "_", ">" => "_", "<" => "_", "," => "_");    
	  return strtr($paramID,$pairs); 
