false, 'msg' => 'Unknown action: ' . $action];
echo json_encode($response);
function getParams($paramNames, $default=null) {
$params = [];
foreach($paramNames as $paramName) {
if(array_key_exists($paramName, $_GET)) {
$params[$paramName] = filter_var($_GET[$paramName], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW);
} else {
$params[$paramName] = $default;
return $params;
function resolver() {
$input = filter_var($_GET['input'], FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
$words = preg_split("/ ?[;,] ?+/", $input);
$lastWord = trim(array_pop($words));
$firstsWords = implode(', ', $words);
$resolver_url = "http://voparis-registry.obspm.fr/ssodnet/1/autocomplete?q=%22$lastWord%22";
$response = ['success' => true, 'metaData' => ['root' => 'data', 'messageProperty' => 'msg']];
$content = file_get_contents($resolver_url);
if($content) {
$result = json_decode($content, true);
$targets = array();
foreach($result['hits'] as $e) {
$aliases = '
' . join('', $e['aliases']) . '';
$text = (!empty($firstsWords) ? "$firstsWords, " : "") . $e['name'];
$target = ['text' => $text, 'name' => $e['name'], 'type' => $e['type'], 'parent' => $e['parent'], 'aliases' => $aliases];
array_push($targets, $target);
$response['data'] = $targets;
} else {
$response['success'] = false;
$response['msg'] = "Resolver unreachable on $resolver_url.";
return $response;
function request($access_url, $query) {
# error_log($query);
$votMgr = new VOTableMgr;
$params = 'FORMAT=votable&LANG=ADQL&REQUEST=doQuery';
$url = $access_url . '/sync?' . $params . '&QUERY=' . urlencode(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $query)); // remove also multiple whitespaces
if ($votMgr->load($url)) {
$data = $votMgr->parseStream();
$error = $votMgr->getVotableError();
$response = ['query' => $query, 'metaData' => ['root' => 'data', 'messageProperty' => 'msg']];
if($error) {
$response['success'] = false;
$response['msg'] = $error;
} else {
$response['success'] = true;
$response['data'] = $data;
return $response;
/* Return the list of available services by querying some usual registries. */
function getServices() {
$registriesURL = ["http://registry.euro-vo.org/regtap/tap", "http://dc.zah.uni-heidelberg.de/tap", "http://gavo.aip.de/tap", "http://reg.g-vo.org/tap"];
$columns = ['short_name', 'res_title', 'ivoid', 'access_url', 'table_name', 'content_type', 'creator_seq', 'content_level', 'reference_url', 'created', 'updated'];
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT " . implode(', ', $columns) . " FROM rr.resource
NATURAL JOIN rr.res_schema NATURAL JOIN rr.res_table NATURAL JOIN rr.interface NATURAL JOIN rr.res_detail NATURAL JOIN rr.capability
WHERE standard_id='ivo://ivoa.net/std/tap' AND intf_type='vs:paramhttp' AND detail_xpath='/capability/dataModel/@ivo-id'
AND 1=ivo_nocasematch(detail_value, 'ivo://vopdc.obspm/std/EpnCore%') AND table_name LIKE '%.epn_core' ORDER BY short_name, table_name";
$regNumber = 0;
$r = [];
$lastErrorMessage = null;
for(; $regNumber 1) {
error_log('updateNbResults error: Too many returned rows.');
} else if(!array_key_exists(0, $r['data'])) {
error_log('updateNbResults error: cant find raw item 0');
} else if(is_null($r['data'][0])) {
error_log('updateNbResults error: The returned raw is null.');
} else if(!array_key_exists("nb_res", $r['data'][0])) {
error_log('updateNbResults error: cant find nb_res value in the row: ' . json_encode($r['data'][0]));
} else if(!is_numeric($r['data'][0]['nb_res'])) {
error_log('updateNbResults error: The returned value is not a number.');
} else {
$r['success'] = true;
$r['data'] = [
'nbRes' => (int)($r['data'][0]['nb_res']),
'tMin' => JDToDate($r['data'][0]['time_min']),
'tMax' => JDToDate($r['data'][0]['time_max'])
$r['msg'] = 'The service returned ' . ($r['data']['nbRes'] == 0 ? 'no' : $r['data']['nbRes']) . ' result' . ($r['data']['nbRes'] > 1 ? 's' : '') . ' for the given query.';
return $r;
function getGranules() {
$p = getParams(['url', 'tableName', 'sort', 'dir', 'targetNames', 'productTypes', 'timeMin', 'timeMax', 'start', 'limit', 'nbRes']);
$select = "SELECT TOP " . $p['limit'] . " *";
$from = "FROM " . $p['tableName'];
$where = createFilter($p['targetNames'], $p['productTypes'], $p['timeMin'], $p['timeMax']);
$order = "ORDER BY " . (is_null($p['sort']) ? 'granule_uid ASC' : ($p['sort'] . ' ' . $p['dir']) . " OFFSET " . $p['start']);
$response = request($p['url'], "$select $from $where $order");
if($response['success']) {
$visibleColumns = ['granule_gid', 'obs_id', 'dataproduct_type', 'time_min', 'time_max', 'instrument_name', 'processing_level', 'access_estsize', 'thumbnail_url', 'access_url']; // rest are hidden
$names = ['granule_gid' => 'GID', 'dataproduct_type' => 'Type', 'processing_level' => 'Proc. lvl', 'access_estsize' => 'Size', 'access_url' => 'URL']; // default: pretty printed key name
$renderers = ['dataproduct_type' => 'type', 'time_min' => 'date', 'time_max' => 'date', 'processing_level' => 'proc_lvl',
'access_estsize' => 'size', 'thumbnail_url' => 'img', 'access_url' => 'link', 'access_format' => 'format']; // default: text
$widths = ['obs_id' => 75, 'time_min' => 75, 'time_max' => 75, 'instrument_name' => 75, 'processing_level' => 60]; // default: 50
$fields = array();
$columns = array();
foreach($response['data'][0] as $key => $value) {
$fields[] = ['name' => $key, 'type' => 'string'];
$columns[] = [
'dataIndex' => $key,
'text' => array_key_exists($key, $names) ? $names[$key] : ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $key)),
'width' => array_key_exists($key, $widths) ? $widths[$key] : 50,
'hidden' => !in_array($key, $visibleColumns),
'filterable' => true,
// 'filter' => ['type' => 'list', 'options' => ['Image', 'Map']],
'renderer' => 'granule.' . (array_key_exists($key, $renderers) ? $renderers[$key] : 'text')
$response['total'] = (int)$p['nbRes'];
$response['metaData']['fields'] = $fields;
$response['metaData']['columns'] = $columns;
$response['metaData']['metaHash'] = md5(serialize($response['metaData']));
return $response;
// ----- utils -----
function createFilter($targetNames, $productTypes, $timeMin, $timeMax) {
$filter = array();
if($targetNames) {
array_push($filter, "target_name IN ('" . join("', '", preg_split("/ ?[;,] ?+/", $targetNames)) . "')");
if($productTypes) {
array_push($filter, "dataproduct_type IN ('" . join("', '", explode(';', $productTypes)) . "')");
if($timeMin) {
array_push($filter, "time_max >= " . dateToJD($timeMin));
if($timeMax) {
array_push($filter, "time_min <= " . dateToJD($timeMax));
return (count($filter) > 0 ? 'WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $filter) : '');
/* Generate a unique service identifier from the service ivoid and the table name. */
function generateServiceId($service) {
return str_replace(['ivo://', '.epn_core'], '', $service['ivoid'] . '/' . $service['table_name']);
function dateToJD($gregorian_date) {
list($day, $month, $year, $hours, $minutes, $seconds) = preg_split('/[\s\/:]+/', $gregorian_date);
return GregorianToJD($month, $day, $year) + $hours/24 + $minutes/(24*60) + $seconds/(24*60*60);
function JDToDate($julianDay) {
if(is_numeric($julianDay)) {
$jd = floatval($julianDay);
$t = fmod($jd - floor($jd) + 0.5, 1);
$h = floor($t*24);
$m = floor($t*24*60 - $h*60);
$s = floor($t*24*60*60 - $h*60*60 - $m*60);
$d = explode('/', jdtogregorian(floor($jd)));
$date = sprintf("%02d", $d[1]) . '/' . sprintf("%02d", $d[0]) . '/' . sprintf("%02d", $d[2]);
$time = sprintf("%02d", $h) . ':' . sprintf("%02d", $m) . ':' . sprintf("%02d", $s);
return $date . ' ' . $time;
} else {
return '-';