 * @class FeedbackMgr
 * @version $Id: FeedbackMgr.php 1804 2013-09-23 16:28:52Z elena $

  class FeedbackMgr
  	protected $feedXml, $feedXmlName;
	protected $emails = 'amda@irap.omp.eu';	
  	function __construct()

  	function addFeedback($user, $interface, $subject, $userText, $userAgent, $attach)
		if ($user == null)
			return 'err_user';
		//send feedback to emails list
		$this->sendEmail($user, $interface, $userText, $attach);
		if (!is_dir(DATAPATH.'Feedback'))
		//load feedback file		
// 		if (!file_exists(FeedbackXml))
// 				return 'err_file';
		$this->feedXmlName = FeedbackXml;
		$this->feedXml = new DomDocument("1.0","UTF-8");
		$this->feedXml->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
		$this->feedXml->formatOutput = true;
		if (file_exists($this->feedXmlName)) 
			$rootElement = $this->feedXml->documentElement;
			$rootElement = $this->feedXml->createElement("root");
		if (($this->feedXml == null) or ($rootElement == null))
			return 'err_file';
		//get feed id - ToDo - to improve
		$N = $this->feedXml->getElementsByTagName("issue")->length > 0 ? $this->feedXml->getElementsByTagName("issue")->length : 0;
		$issue = $this->feedXml->createElement("issue", htmlspecialchars($userText));
		$issue->setAttribute("user", $user);
		$issue->setAttribute("userAgent", $userAgent);
		$issue->setAttribute("date", date("Y-m-d"));
		$issue->setAttribute("xml:id", $N);
		$issue->setAttribute("subject", $subject);
		if (isset($attach) && ($attach != ''))

		return 'none';
	protected function sendEmail($user, $interface, $userText, $attach)
		$amda = new AmdaClient();
		$result = $amda->getUserInfo($user);
		if ($result['success'])
			$from = $result['email'];
			$to   = $this->emails.",".$result['email'];
			$from = $user;
			$to   = $this->emails;
		$subject = 'AMDA FEEDBACK from '.gethostname().': '.$interface;
		$message = $userText;
		if (isset($attach) && ($attach != ''))
			$message .= "\r\nAttachment : ".$attach;
		$headers = 'From: '.$from."\r\n".
			'Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8';
		mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);