AMDA-NG (svn) my_config.php - CONFIG AmdaUpdate.php [install] AmdaClient.php | THEMIS/ wsdl.location generic_data/LocalData g+w generic_data/RemoteData g+w AMDA (cvs) DDService DDServerWeb_ini.php (no DDServerWeb_ini.ryba!!!) - CONFIG dd.wsdl (no wsdl.ryba!!!) - CONFIG DDServerWeb.php Makefile MANAGER => depotManager (separetly!!!) mgr_ini.php (no mgr_ini.ryba !!!) - CONFIG DataCenterMgr.php Makefile THEMIS/makeProxyTHEMIS.php INFO/THEMIS/base.xml: base.xml.old & : keep old for old AMDA INFO/Bases.xml SPASE/xsl/spase2amdaBase.xsl CDAWEB/makeProxyCDAWEB.php while installation of AMDA-NG: php AmdaUpdate.php install !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT: generic_data/RemoteData: => owner: apache ; grp : apache !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to update Start - Stop and check connection: php AmdaUpdate.php