Panel Settings

Panel location on the page is specified by its order in the form (Panel 1 on the top of the page), its width and height. Panel height and width are defined in relative PlotRegion units raging from 0 to 1. All panels with the 'TIME' plot type have the same unmodifiable width = 1.

Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax define data X-Y range. If these fields have zero values AMDA scales axis itself basing on real data. In order to set your own range fill these fields in the form. In case of 'TIME' plot type Xmin and Xmax are always automatically set to Start Time and Stop Time of the requested time interval and cannot be modified.

Plot Type.

There are two plot types Time: Y=function(Time) and Scatter Y=function(X). To change Plot Type from 'Time' to 'Scatter' left click the 'TIME' field:

After selection of 'Scatter' plot type drag and drop a parameter you wish to use as argument onto Select parameter.... Note that Scatter plot type could be applied to the scalars only.

Panel Additional Arguments.

In the current release only Y title for both plot types and X title for Scatter can be modified. Don't forget to press Apply button to register your modifs.