Plot Manager : Simplified View

Plot request form is organised as multi-level tree. By default the main plot elements only (Simplified View) are shown. Drag-drop any parameter from Workspace Explorer Parameters tree onto the empty Plot request form. You'll see panel and parameter elements.

Default plot type for panel is Time Plot. Default drawing type for parameter is Serie attached to Y left axe. You see these (current) settings next to the plot element.

To modify an element settings just click it and all available options are shown on the right panel.

Note that at any moment you can modify any option for any element.
We consider here the main options of panel and parameter elements. For more detals visit Plot In Details section.

1. Panel Element and Its Main Settings

1.1. Plot type defines panel type.
Time Plot and Scatter Plot types are the mostly used. Fine plot type selection is being done with parameter Drawing Type option.
Panel can be defined to be Isotropic (the same 'unit' length in X and Y) for Scatter Plot.

1.2. Preferred Dimensions (panel dimensions) can vary between 0 and 1

1.3. Title defines panel title. Font settings in Title fieldset affects panel Title itself only.

1.4. Font settings are applied to all panel legends, titles, tickmars etc, except panel Title.

2. Parameter Element and Its Main Settings

2.1. Arguments depend on parameter type. For vector parameter, for example, it is vector components.

2.2. Drawing Type depends on selected panel Plot type. Namely with Time Plot panel setting you may select Serie, or Spectro, or StatusBar Drawing Type.
Note that on one Time Plot panel you may plot several parameters with different drawing types (Serie, TickBar, StatusBar...).

2.3. Y axis - left or right.

2.4. Min/Max thresholds. Values out of Min/Max thresholds are not shown on the plot. To modify X/Y range you have to uncheck Simplified View and read Plot In Details / Axis section

2.5. Colored Parameter. You may colorize plotted parameter with the value of another parameter by its drag/drop onto this field.

2.6-2.7. Lines-Symbols. Self-explanatory.

3.0 Parameter Element : Additional "Scatter" Settings

In case of Scatter Plot panel type you have to define for parameter element :

3.1. Parameter to be used as X values
3.2. X range ( optional )
3.3. Reference parameter for resampling ( in case if "X" parameter and "Y" parameter originate from different datasets)