/** * Project : AMDA-NG4 * Name : LocalParamNode.js * @class amdaModel.LocalParamNode * @extends amdaModel.InteractiveNode * @brief Basic Model of Node corresponding to a amda parameter * @author * @version $Id: LocalParamNode.js 2800 2015-02-27 16:23:06Z elena $ */ Ext.define('amdaModel.LocalParamNode', { extend: 'amdaModel.InteractiveNode', statics: { nodeType: 'localParam' }, fields: [ {name: 'alias', type:'string', persist: false}, {name: 'isParameter', type: 'boolean', persist: false}, {name: 'notyet', type: 'boolean', defaultValue: false, persist: false}, {name: 'isSpectra', type: 'boolean', defaultValue: false, persist: false}, {name: 'isStack', type: 'boolean', defaultValue: true, persist: false}, {name: 'globalStart', type: 'string', persist: false}, {name: 'globalStop', type: 'string', persist: false}, {name: 'timeRestriction', type: 'boolean', persist: false}, {name: 'rank', type: 'integer', persist: false, defaultValue: null} ], icons : {'1' : 'icon-mercury','2' : 'icon-venus','3' : 'icon-sw','4' : 'icon-sw','5' : 'icon-earth','6' : 'icon-earth', '7' : 'icon-mars','8' : 'icon-jupiter','9' : 'icon-saturn','10' : 'icon-uranus','11' : 'icon-neptune', '93' :'icon-comet', '99' :'icon-solarsystem', '999' :'icon-solarsystem' }, constructor : function(config) { this.callParent(arguments); this.set('allowDrop', true); this.set('moduleId',myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.param.id); this.set('objectDataModel',amdaModel.Parameter.$className); // if future missions or 'depending on mission' if (this.get('globalStart')) { var now = Ext.Date.format(new Date(), 'Y/m/d'); if ( this.get('globalStart') > now ) this.set('cls','predicted'); } // // time restriction on parameters // if (this.get('timeRestriction')) { // TBD // } if (this.get('rank')) { var rank = this.get('rank'); this.set('iconCls', this.icons[rank]); } if (this.get('isParameter')) { if (this.get('leaf')) this.set('iconCls', 'icon-scalar'); else this.set('iconCls', 'icon-vector'); if (this.get('isStack') || this.get('isSpectra')) this.set('iconCls', 'icon-spectra'); if (this.get('is2dSpectra')) this.set('iconCls', 'icon-2dspectra'); } }, allMenuItems : function() { var menuItems = [{ fnId : 'root-collapseAll', text : 'Close All', hidden : true }, { fnId : 'dire-collapseAll', text : 'Close All', hidden : true }, { fnId : 'miss-collapseAll', text : 'Close All', hidden : true }, { fnId : 'para-plotParam', text : 'Plot Parameter', hidden : true }, { fnId : 'para-downParam', text : 'Download Parameter', hidden : true },{ fnId : 'para-createDerivedParam', text : 'Create Derived Parameter', hidden : true },{ fnId : 'para-createAlias', text : 'Create/Edit Alias', hidden : true },{ fnId : 'leaf-plotParam', text : 'Plot Parameter', hidden : true }, { fnId : 'leaf-downParam', text : 'Download Parameter', hidden : true },{ fnId : 'leaf-createDerivedParam', text : 'Create Derived Parameter', hidden : true }, { fnId : 'leaf-createAlias', text : 'Create/Edit Alias', hidden : true },{ fnId : 'miss-epnTap', text : 'Display EPN-TAP services', hidden : true }]; return menuItems; }, onMenuItemClick : function(menu,item,event) { switch (item.fnId) { case 'root-collapseAll': case 'dire-collapseAll': case 'miss-collapseAll': if(this && !this.isLeaf()) { this.collapse(true); } break; case 'leaf-plotParam': case 'para-plotParam': this.createPlot(this); break; case 'leaf-downParam': case 'para-downParam': if (!this.get('disable')) { if (this.get('notyet')) { myDesktopApp.warningMsg("Sorry! this parameter is PlotOnly"); } else { this.createDownload(this); } } break; case 'para-createDerivedParam': case 'leaf-createDerivedParam': if (!this.get('disable')) { if (this.get('notyet')) { myDesktopApp.warningMsg("Sorry! this parameter is PlotOnly"); } else { this.createLeaf(this); } } break; case 'para-createAlias': case 'leaf-createAlias': if (!this.get('disable')) { if (this.get('notyet')) { myDesktopApp.warningMsg("Sorry! this parameter is PlotOnly"); } else { this.createAlias(this); } } break; case 'miss-epnTap': this.displayEpnTap(); break; default: break; } }, createLeaf: function(node) { myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.param.id, true, function(module) { if (!myDesktopApp.desktop.getWindow(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.param.id)) { var param = Ext.create(node.get('objectDataModel')); var newNode = Ext.create(amdaModel.DerivedParamNode.$className, {leaf : true, object : param}); // edit newNode into Parameter Module with node as contextNode newNode.editInModule(); } var paramName; var components = null; if (node.get('alias')!= "" ) paramName = "#"+node.get('alias'); else paramName = node.get('id'); module.addParam(paramName,node.get('leaf'),node.get('needsArgs'),components); }); }, createAlias: function(node) { var win = myDesktopApp.desktop.getWindow('alias-win'); if (!node.get('needsArgs')) { if(!win) { var win = myDesktopApp.desktop.createWindow( { border: false, id : 'alias-win', title : 'Create Alias', width : 400, height : 200, layout : 'border', maximizable : false, items : [{ xtype : 'alias', region : 'center', margins : { top: 0, right: 5, bottom: 5, left: 5 }, paramNode : node, id : 'aliasUI' }] }); } else { //Set data into Alias Widget win.items.items[0].paramNode = node; win.items.items[0].setAlias(node); } win.show(); } else { var message = 'Sorry, parameter ' + node.get('id') + ' cannot have alias'; Ext.Msg.alert('Impossible Create Alias', message); if (win) win.close(); } }, isParameter : function() { return this.get('isParameter'); }, displayEpnTap: function () { const missions = { 'Giotto': '1P', 'ICE': '21P', 'Rosetta': '67P', 'Voyager': 'Jupiter, Io, Thébé, Métis Adrastée, Europe, ' + 'Saturn, Atlas, Prométhée, Pandore, Téthys, Japet, Encelade, Uranus, Mirandaneptune, Triton', 'Pioneer': 'Earth, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Callisto, Ganymede, Io, Europa, Amalthea, Saturn, Iapetus, Phoebe, ' + 'Hyperion, Epimetheus, Atlas, Dione, Mimas, Janus, Tethys, Enceladus, Calypso, Rhea, Titan', 'Ulysses': 'Sun', 'Solar_Probe_Plus': 'Sun', 'Solar_Orbiter': 'Sun', 'Ephemerides': 'Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Deimos, Phobos, 67P' } const icons = { 'icon-mercury': 'Mercury', 'icon-venus': 'Venus', 'icon-earth': 'Earth', 'icon-mars': 'Mars', 'icon-jupiter': 'Jupiter', 'icon-saturn': 'Saturn', 'icon-sw': 'Earth, Sun' } const targetName = this.get('id') in missions ? missions[this.get('id')] : this.get('iconCls') in icons ? icons[this.get('iconCls')] : '' const start = this.get('globalStart') ? this.get('globalStart') : '' const stop = this.get('globalStop') ? this.get('globalStop') : '' const filter = {'productType': 'all', 'targetName': targetName, 'start': start, 'stop': stop} myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.interop.id, true, function (module) { module.createWindow({'activeTab': 2, 'epntapFilter': filter}) }) } });