AmdaObject.js 1.29 KB
 * Project      : AMDA-NG
 * Name         : AmdaObject.js
 * Description  : Base Amda Business Object Definition
 * @class amdaModel.AmdaObject
 * @extends 
 * @author elena
 * @version $Id: AmdaObject.js 966 2012-07-03 14:50:05Z elena $
 *    FT Id     :   Date   : Name - Description
 *	:           :15/12/2010: elena – creation
Ext.define('amdaModel.AmdaObject', {
    extend: '',
    fields : [
	    {name: 'id', type: 'string', defaultValue: null},
	    {name: 'name', type:'string'}	 	    
    constructor: function(configParam){
//TODO we do not need events: CHECK	
            "modify" : false,
            "create" : false,
            "execute" : false	    
     * Set the json values into this object parameter
     * @param values in json format
    setValues: Ext.emptyFn,
     * get parameter values into  object to be sent to Server
     * @return object
    //TODO utf8_encode() and Ext.urlEncode() ???
    getJsonValues :  Ext.emptyFn