Histogram.js 1.38 KB
Ext.define('amdaPlotComp.plotFunction.Histogram', {
    extend: 'amdaPlotComp.plotFunction.BaseComponent',
    title: "Histogram Arguments",

    items: [
            xtype: 'numberfield',
            fieldLabel: 'X Min',
            name: 'xMin',
            allowDecimals: true, // This allows decimal numbers
            hideTrigger: true, // Hides the spinner buttons
            keyNavEnabled: false, // Disables keyboard navigation for precision
            xtype: 'numberfield',
            fieldLabel: 'X Max',
            name: 'xMax',
            allowDecimals: true, // This allows decimal numbers
            hideTrigger: true, // Hides the spinner buttons
            keyNavEnabled: false, // Disables keyboard navigation for precision
            xtype: 'numberfield',
            fieldLabel: 'Number of Bins',
            name: 'numBins',
            minValue: 1,
            value: 100,
            allowDecimals: false, // This ensures only integers are allowed
            keyNavEnabled: false, // Disables keyboard navigation for precision
            xtype: 'combo',
            fieldLabel: 'Density Type',
            name: 'densityType',
            store: ['Density', 'Normalized Density'],
            value: 'Density' // Set 'Density' as default

    getValues: function () {
